Why You've Been Lied to About Where to Put Your Time, Energy, & Focus | Seth Godin on Impact Theory

Published 2020-12-01
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Thumbnail Photo Credit - Brian Bloom

Are you struggling to accomplish your goals because you’re so focused on the outcome? If something “fails” or isn’t a “success,” do you let that eat away at your motivation and define who you are? It’s time for you to throw away everything you’ve learned about success and begin to shift your mindset to focus on your effort in everything you do, rather than the outcome. On this episode of Impact Theory, Tom Bilyeu is joined by author, entrepreneur, and teacher Seth Godin to discuss such matters and more as they explore why you need to stop focusing on outcomes and begin focusing on your efforts. They discuss why we’re all brainwashed from an early age, the power of streaks, feedback, and criticism, how to move through life with intention, why you have to put your work ‘on the hook,’ how to act with generosity, why making new mistakes is moves you closer to your goal, how to overcome imposter syndrome, and the power of having a group around you to provide constructive criticism.

Order Seth’s new book, “The Practice: Shipping Creative Work”: geni.us/kD6UWdp


Outcome vs Effort | Seth discusses his book and "showing your bad.” [1:01]
Brainwashed | Seth shares how we’ve become brainwashed without knowing it. [2:15]
Changing Lives | Seth discusses his new book and the time taken to write it. [3:35]
Streaks | Seth shares the power of getting feedback and criticism on your work. [5:53]
Intention | Seth discusses how to move towards goals with intention. [7:35]
On the Hook | Seth shares why you should put your work ‘on the hook.’ [9:21]
Generosity | Seth tells a fishing story and the purpose of being connected to your work. [11:10]
Real Life | Seth discusses how to practically build your ‘art’ into a way of income. [14:00]
Self | Seth discusses why you need to trust yourself. [17:58]
Behavior | Seth discusses why changing your behavior changes your identity. [19:59]
Passion | Seth shares why passion is a choice and how to choose it. [21:24]
Better | Seth discusses the power of ‘seeing’ and developing ‘good taste.’ [25:32 ]
New Mistakes | Seth shares how to move closer and closer to your goals. [28:12]
Imposter Syndrome | Seth discusses the power of verbalizing. [33:08]
Dangers | Seth discusses why always being authentic has its downfalls. [38:14]
Feeling Alive | Seth discusses the purpose of our lives that gives us meaning and joy. [42:46]
Feedback | Seth shares how to let your guard down so that you can take criticism. [40:39]
Build Your Group | Seth discusses the people who’s feedback you should be listening to. [44:14]
Bitterness | Miles Davis and the rabbit hole he got stuck in that turned him bitter. [47:43]
Mindset | Seth shares how he approaches people, life, and our abilities. [51:25]
Takeaway | Seth shares what he hopes you takeaway from today’s discussion. [55:17]
Connect | Seth shares ways you can continue to follow his work and to stay connected. [56:10]


"The practice is not the means to the output. The practice is the output, because the practice is all we can control.” [6:42]

“Doing the work changes our story about the work and I think it’s so much more reliable, and so much easier, to love what you do than it is to do what you love.” [21:48]

“Consistency is part of being peculiar. Consistently generous, consistently showing up, rhyming with yourself in a way that you’re proud of but no, not authentic. You’re not entitled.” [38:44]


Blog: seths.blog/
Podcast: www.akimbo.link/
Twitter: twitter.com/ThisIsSethsBlog
Facebook: facebook.com/sethgodin/
Instagram: instagram.com/sethgodin

All Comments (21)
  • @RosieOs101
    Not everyone wants to forget 2020. This has been the best year of my life! So much spiritual growth and inner peace.
  • @LulaS
    "The practice is not the means to the output, the practice IS the output, because the practice is all we can control." Seth Godin 👏👏👏👏👏
  • @InnerResearcher
    "When you see someone who is angry, look for the fear." wow. Powerful!
  • "It would be horrible if you died with whatever you have inside still inside of you" That hits home and was my personal most profound takeaway especially after how he laid down a good foundation for trying to understand the world as it is. Thank you.
  • @JayNealTheReal
    Once you take the focus off of the result and just show up to add value consistently, then you can make things better
  • @Italiana72787
    I have been stuck for a while attached to the outcome instead of enjoying the process and seeing what it's actually leading to. THANK YOU
  • @NoMe-Arts
    Love Seth, he's a true genius; so gracious & empathetic. These are the kind of teachers/leaders the world needs right now!
  • @AskAW
    I didn't keep making the same mistakes, I started making new mistakes. ~ Seth Godin
  • @MIHMediaInc
    What I took from this video: Love what you do and not to do what you love. Thank you Seth Godin 🙏
  • I just like Seth's voice...it's so optimistic and i generally feel so much better after listening anything from him.
  • Fall in love with the process. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. Two wisdom I'm practicing in my own life. Great interview. Thank you
  • I purchased Seth's course for freelancers while I was still employed FT. Fast forward to COVID, I'm unemployed and wondering what to do so I pulled out the course and created an LLC. I landed 2 clients and doubled my normal hourly FT employee rate. Nothing will accelerate you confidence like earning independent income. I'm happy to answer any questions if I can help you and your situation.
  • @YonasonGoldson
    Media manipulation is so deeply woven into our behavior and at the root of so many of our problems. We have to make the commitment and exert the discipline to reject it's influence on our lives and choices.
  • @ismetgokce1552
    It was nice to hear the theory of putting bread on the hook. I'm Turkish and I'm glad to hear my country is now known for its hospitality and helpfulness. Btw, Tom I've been following your content for looong years and actually see the improvement in my life! I even made it to the USA for the 2019 summer and worked for 3 months! Anyways, we call this theory 'Askıda Ekmek' and it actually helps people in need a lot. Highly suggested. My friends in the USA, you can implement this in the drive-through coffee places for the next customer. Love ya Tom, hope to meet you someday!
  • @cutestpunk4648
    Tom, this show and your channel are absolutely incredible. Each episode can transform a person's life. Wishing you and all of your wonderful guests the best of health and happiness.
  • @cherylevans1339
    👏👏👏👏👏👏 I’m a stroke survivor because I always believed in my own greatness
  • 2016 to 2019 I went from suicidal to loving myself more than ever and my relationships and quality of life has turned into sheer bliss. 2020 was a joke for me. I breezed through 2020 and had the most successful financial year in 2020. P.S. I turned off the TV back in 2010 , cut out the noise and go after what ever the fuck you want. #nocomplaining #noexcuses #livingthedream #peaceofmind
  • "To be able to finally SEE-> DECODE-> Then, VERBALIZE (unique insights) though, NOT... as your AUTHENTIC SELF, but as the version of you needing to show up for ur AUDIENCE ...(at the median, of what you BOTH want) is key. This was jam packed GOLDEN! What an extraordinary interview (as always), in that, both of these gracious men are so extremely ...tactical, and strategically insightful about the way they BOTH... conduct as well as welcome\acquiesce, in behalf of ea. actually, re: ALL their interviews. ...'Graetful! Thank you.
  • I'm am utterly captivated by this incredible man. Truly inspiring. Thank you