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Yonason Goldson - The Ethics Ninja

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About Yonason Goldson - The Ethics Ninja

Can ancient wisdom overcome the challenges of the modern world? Yes it can. 3000 years of wisdom wait at your fingertips to help you cure conflict, win trust, and make your brand image shine.

That's what it means to become an Ethics Ninja.

The ninja were covert agents in feudal Japan who practiced espionage, deception, and surprise attacks. Doesn't that make Ethics Ninja a contradiction in terms?

Not at all. Just as the master of martial arts turns an opponent’s strength against himself, the Ethics Ninja turns attacks against moral values back against the adversaries of ethics, exposing groupthink and double-standards through rational argument in asymmetrical battle to vanquish the enemies of moral clarity.

Keynotes, trainings, coaching, articles, videos, interviews, and podcasts. They're all yours for the taking.

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