Final Fantasy | Where to Start? - Austin Eruption

Published 2019-12-19
Austin is bringing you the ultimate Beginner and Starter's Guide to Final Fantasy. Which is best? Which is Worst? Since almost all of these are on the Nintendo Switch you should be able to make a decision REAL EASY.

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Footage and Editing assistance -


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All Comments (21)
  • @austineruption
    Go to ( to get my NEW OFFICIAL SHIRTS, then enter the Nintendo Switch Giveaway over at The Pixel Empire! Make sure to use the discount code ERUPTION for 10% off the store! And there we have it, the last video of Square-Enix Double and a Half month. Whoops. Sorry it went on for big long, life happens sometimes! AND YES I KNOW, some of the footage for this video is out of focus. It ain't gonna happen again, I can promise ya that. See y'all in a few days with another video! Happy Holidays! <3
  • How DARE you sir! You slander the good name of Locke by calling him a thief! He is a Treasure Hunter! Get it right!
  • @dididada375
    My introduction to Final Fantasy was Kingdom Hearts.
  • @gamenerd4444
    Thank you for talking about Final Fantasy V. Just in general.
  • @gtabro1337
    Crisis Core: FF7 was my starting point. No regrets. Only good memories. And tears.
  • @darkknightnate
    I'd love to see a video like this about Dragon Quest as well.
  • @ShadetheMystic
    "Don't start with VI, it'll make all the earliers games suck by comparison." Yeah, can confirm. Started with VI, can barely play the earlier ones. VI spoiled me.
  • @oromain
    tl;dw: start with mystic quest because you're an alpha
  • @jrpggolf
    FFX is the best place to start. It is incredibly accessible and delivers the standard FF experience. If you like it go on to IX, VII, VI, and IV (in any order). Then go on to the others.
  • @alidoucious
    When we will get a FF6 remake. Damn i wanna see kefka’s evil deeds in full HD
  • @praetorxyn
    IV is the best starting point to this day IMO. Every character has a "role," and a purpose. Story is pretty good. In the later games, you can pretty much make anyone anything, everybody can use magic, etc. I enjoyed IV because not everybody can be OP badasses like my girl Rydia.
  • @MageLufaine
    "Don't start with X-2 it's a sequel." Young me is sweating profusely right now (Okay to be fair I didn't understand that the -2 was a sequel numbering and just liked the pretty ladies as well as thinking it was FF12 I was a dumb child).
  • @Ravenlion13
    Lol ff8 was my introduction to the series when i was 10 years old. Yeah junction back then gave me a hard time back then. When i replayed it when i was older and actually knew what i was doing i realized how broken that system was lol
  • @double2254
    FFIX is my first Final Fantasy... and my absolute favorite game... ever It will always be perfect, replaying it time and time again just cements how much it means to me. Incredible characters, beautiful atmosphere, great plot, a villain you love to hate and empathize with at the end, an open ended ending that caps off the characters struggles while leaving room to continue, and easily the best soundtrack in a game ever (battle 1 is so hype, boss theme makes you know your in danger, Over Those Hills is relaxing and perfect for getting in the mood to explore, Kuja’s theme is the best villain theme ever made in a game, and You’re not Alone tears your heart out just to name a few). Yes it’s a bit slow for a game if battle was sped up a bit between waits it would be better maybe (although there is an option in the setting to speed up atb)... but since you are already dead set on playing a JRPG which are notorious for being slow, you know what you got yourself into. It’s a shame it’s overshadowed by 7 and 10 cause no one talks about 9 ever... 10 is great and all and 7 is a mess, but 9 is never given a chance. 9 was made as a celebration of the series and the definitive, truest version of the series... and Uematsu’s final time composing so he went out with a bang. I personally would always recommend 9 (in its entirety) and 10 (skipping the celestial weapons) as a starting place for newcomers... how much I would give for a sequel or remaster for 9, Dormamu I’ve come to bargain!
  • @SuperDargs
    My intro to Final Fantasy was Kingdom Hearts...
  • @CrimsonMoonM
    I'd say IV is a good starting point for those who're new to RPGs in general. You get to try out a bunch of different jobs and party setups without having to worry about choosing the right party for tough encounters since your party is tied to story progression. That said, if you've played other RPGs and want gameplay customizability and a satisfying difficulty curve that'll hook you, V is your game, tough as it may be. It works especially well for first timers since the game doesn't punish you for experimenting with classes (say, if you've no idea what a dancer is supposed to do, only to ditch it hours later because it didn't strike your fancy) thanks to the way your stats shuffle around to match your current occupation the moment you equip it. You also don't need to grind to beat the game as long as you're willing to experiment with your party setup whenever you hit a wall since the jobs come with their most essential skills and stats right off the bat, which is always a plus if you prefer to keep moving forward.
  • @setteplays
    I started my journey last year. I started chronologically with I and just finished III. I'm super hyped about the next games and I'm glad I went through the first ones... first. The first one I played 2 times in a row using every job. The second one was very intriguing and had some moments that were burned in my brain, so generally I liked. It's my favorite cast of characters including NPCs and villains from the first 3. And the third one was a total blast. It was only hold back by the last dungeon (bullshit tower and dipshit world) and the times it kinda forced you to use specific jobs or fricking MINI every damn time. But it was a nice game. If I have to pick a favorite, it's the first one. It's not as rich and fun as 3 (sometimes), but it's more well rounded and very good and fun from start to finish. Oh and I didn't grind. The only moment I felt it was necessary and did it a LITTLE was in the dark world, last dungeon of III. Maybe one magic or two from II. But that was it. And I'm really excited to start playing IV.
  • @strain42
    Maybe I'm biased because 9 is my favorite (okay well actually, Tactics is my favorite, but 9 is my favorite numbered title) but I actually think that's a great place to start (also biased because it's where I started) but since the entire point of 9 was for each character to represent one of the classic jobs that stemmed from Final Fantasy in the first place and be sort of a soft reboot, I think it's a great place to jump in.