Ancient 2200 Year Old Scroll Proves Jesus is God Before His Birth!

Published 2024-06-29
Jesus Prophecys:……
In this compelling video, we dive deep into the remarkable discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint, two ancient texts that affirm the divine inspiration and accuracy of the Bible. Uncovered in 1947 near the Dead Sea, these scrolls include some of the oldest known copies of biblical texts, dating back over 2,000 years. Among these is the Isaiah Scroll, written around 200 years before Jesus' birth, offering a direct link to the prophecies about the coming Messiah.

Explore the profound implications of these discoveries as we examine key messianic prophecies from the Old Testament and their detailed fulfillments in the New Testament. Discover how the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures created in the 3rd century BC, aligns perfectly with the Dead Sea Scrolls and the modern Bible, underscoring the meticulous preservation of Scripture over millennia.

We also delve into historical corroborations from non-Christian sources such as Tacitus, Josephus, and Pliny the Younger, which validate the New Testament accounts of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Learn about the unwavering faith of the apostles and early Christians who faced martyrdom rather than renounce their beliefs, providing powerful testimony to the truth of the resurrection.

Finally, we explore key biblical declarations of Jesus' divinity, including His "I AM" statements and other affirmations of His unique identity as the Son of God.

Join us in uncovering the incredible evidence that supports the divinity of Jesus Christ and the authenticity of the Bible. If this message touches your heart, we invite you to pray with us and begin a transformative journey of faith. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more faith-affirming content. Let's continue this journey together, grounded in the truth and love of Jesus Christ.

0:00 Archaeology Findings Dated BC
2:21 Prophecies of The Messiah
9:14 Non-Christian-Sources
12:46 Martyrs Proving Christian Faith
16:51 Jesus Is God In Scripture

All Comments (21)
  • I’m proud ex Muslim and have found my way back to the Lord Jesus and let me grow in my faith 🙏❤️‍🔥✝️👑🕊️
  • I was atheist in heart until I came to the end of myself and then I heard the whispering of Jesus’s call to come to Him and have rest for my soul then I said yes to Him . What a wonderful journey. Everyone who read my comment. Please taste and see how good is the Lord
  • This completely refutes everyone who says that the bible has become corrupted. Any person that comes to you and says the bible has been corrupted is 100% absolutely wrong.
  • @eddie-xr6mn
    Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. Repent and pray. God bless you all.
  • "I choose to believe the Bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses; they report to us supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophesies and claimed that their writings are divine rather than human in origin."
  • @kevf500
  • @mm-qk7rz
    All Christians Around the world Believe that Jesus Christ is GOD.
  • @CivicFD2
    Jesus saved my life, and my soul. When you truly turn from sin, put your faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and repent, woa!!! The Holy Spirit will make things happen that you couldn’t imagine. I give my life to Jesus. He died for me, I live for him.
  • @TheHitman-
    I boldy proclaim that Jesus is God and the king of all. The one true living God and the savior of our souls.
  • Jesus is Lord! I love Him, I worship Him, I thank Him for saving us. One day we will be with Him forever! Amen, Come quickly Lord Jesus!
  • @barberq210
    Jesus is the Father Son and Holy Spirit = one God Jesus
  • The isaiah scriptures are so clear, how can anyone deny that Jesus Yeshua is not God, he is the word, he is with his father at creation
  • Not the gift of Salvation but the gift of Grace. For Grace is given freely to every new believer but Salvation comes at a very high cost. The new Christian is a person who choose to become a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and after he deny himself, take up his own cross and follow the footsteps of the Lord Jesus Christ is he then on his journey to Salvation. Salvation is NOT given freely but Grace. Jesus will come again to JUDGE the living and the dead then only then will we know if we have Salvation - it is NOT automatic.
  • @littleman6379
    Yesterday in my country 120 died in stampede in a rush to meet a godman . People around the world are spiritually hungry, laid in burden hard to carry, looking for relief but unfortunately look in the wrong direction. Even Jesus was moved with compassion when He saw a hugee crowd coming up to Him. A crowd without a shepherd to guide them in the right direction. I wonder how many of the crowd chose the way of the Lord as the Jewish religious authorities misled them . People tend to use God in solving their problems whereas they should yield to God and allow Him to lead them in proper direction. People run to some godmen thinling that he would solve their issues, it does not work and ends in disaster. I am so greatful to God for leading me to Jesus the good shepherd. He cares for me.
  • The first...the last ...the alpha ...the omega....Jesus Christ is God.
  • @WordAbider
    John 17:1-5 NKJV Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, [2] as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. [3] And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. [4] I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. [5] And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
  • I’m asking everybody to pray for me! I think I’m ready to go into the world. Tell people about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I hope that you pray that I represent his word correctly and with love. I know the evil one will be against me the days I do this for prayer and protection as I go into the world and profess Jesus Christ is Lord.
  • @samwheat8348
    Many ancient civilizations were foretelling of a future Messiah that will come to save the children of Israel. In fact they wanted to prevent this from happening. Remember King Herod failed miserably. Every kingdom thought Christ from the tribe of Judah would come in their lifetime and was always on high alert for the rise of a Israelite Messiah.
  • @John2verse5
    "Before Abraham was born, I AM" - YESHUA CRISTO LORD GOD Ave MARÍA🌹🌷🌹(Isaiah 7:14)Mother of thee only King of King's, please pray for us miserable sinners