Why Did You Think This Would Work?

Published 2017-12-21
The world is full of questionable people doing questionable things, and I like to question them. Today's question: "why did you think this would work?" (the title of video lmao)

Here's the thing; not everything is possible, and not everything you read is true. It's just not. That's why it's our job as living, breathing humans to figure out when someone is lying to us. It usually doesn't take much, just a minimal amount of critical thinking. And yet here we are, surrounded by people who seem to think everything they see on the internet is factual; and you better believe they're going to throw a fit when they're proven wrong.

This is a pretty light rant. Just some fun silly goofs because I felt like my last couple videos have been a little too serious. If you subscribed to me to see me laugh at dumb shit on the internet and not to passionately dismantle someone or something I'm mad about, then today is your lucky day. Pointless rants are my specialty.

end music:
   • k  

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personalized video shoutouts: www.bookcameo.com/drewgooden

If you're still reading this, comment "Nice cheese go moo" so I know you're a TRUE little stinker.

All Comments (20)
  • Im pretty sure the Sarah C. and Andrew M. review was a joke. Since the abbreviation of their names is SCAM
  • @pulak725
    I'm ashamed to admit that my 8-year-old self used the love calculator to measure the love between me and my doll.
  • Before iPhones had flashlights, I remember downloading a flashlight app that basically just flash banged you with a totally white screen that could be used as a “flashlight”
  • @climber1017
    I remember being in love with a girl in school even though I was an international war criminal (long story) but we’re married now and pretty happy.
  • @alexflynn5365
    I bet they already have a covid test on the app store
  • @efe_aydal
    I just couldn't make my parents understand that an app cannot possibly check your blood pressure. They kept on telling "but it's showing right results" because it would always show average.
  • @alixiria
    I don't know if I'm dissappointed or relieved that people weren't pissing on their phones to do a pregnancy test
  • @an_annoying_cat
    There was an app that was banned called Send Me to Heaven where the purpose of the app was to see how high you could throw your phone in the air.
  • Honestly I think the funniest thing is that some people wanted to know the temperature of their fingertips
  • @peiran3058
    I literally just went into shock after hearing Drew say "Among us"
  • We used the love calculator online as kids for a laugh, mainly torturing each other putting in names of people we didn't like 😂
  • @fickleburg1524
    Anyone else notice that the pregnancy app is for ages 4+?
  • @formeridiot8641
    I remember downloading a flashlight app and it was just a screen where you could turn on and off a picture of a flashlight
  • @momokitty636
    Drew has exposed me for who I really am.... Someone who typed numbers into a calculator just to see what number I made was the coolest.
  • @chancematters
    Are we not gonna talk about the poor guy who had an actual fever? The one that tried the app and got 126 and then had 102 on a real thermometer? He deserves better
  • @notjamin
    When I was eleven I downloaded an app called "mirror" because I wanted to use my phone as a mirror but it didn't have a front-facing camera. It obviously didn't work, because my phone did not have a front-facing camera.
  • @user-qj5zt4zh5h
    2 years later and he’s STILL the only person on YouTube...
  • @theremix54
    That dumbass joke about "visiting the dollar" deserves more love. That sweating afterwords is funny as hell