Watch Ellen Piss Off This Guest...


コメント (21)
  • Ellen really got caught ...
  • I can’t understand why Ellen is so popular. She gives me the creeps.
  • If a guy did that to a girl with the dolls she would have ranted about how sick it was ... Ellen is not a good person despite what her fans say.
  • She is absolutely despicable. I am shocked that it took so long for the world to figure it out and for her show to get cancelled.
  • If Channing Tatum sat on a girls lap taunting her with a doll he’d be canceled.
  • Forcing the doll on the guy was insensitive at the very least. He clearly has a phobia. You don't traumatize people about phobias. I know!
  • She’s always been a bully. I don’t know how people were so blind to it for so long. A friend of mine was a comedy writer for her in about 2012. She said she was horrifically mean & wouldn’t allow anyone to look her in the eyes.
  • There's a big undercurrent of sadism in her so called pranks.
  • “People who brag about being nice are guaranteed not to be nice” -Penguinz0
  • @jan4222
    I know a lot of people like her, but for the life of me I can't figure out why. She loves humiliating people and even gets this look of evil joy when she does it.
  • It has been years since Ellen has been taken off the air, and people still don't miss her.
  • I remember her trying to humiliate a girl in the audience for taking an extra mug for her sister. Hard pass for me on her after that
  • OMG! If I was as rich as Ellen and I promised a guest to pay tuition and then the show was just giving laptop, I would just write a check for her tuition. This is just sad.
  • As a kid, I always thought that something was off about her and that was like 25 years ago, lol!
  • @terry9205
    When Ellen made that mistake on that shutterfly paying for her tuition, she should've said " well I'll pay for it then, my mistake" !!!
  • 3:11 the billionaire Ellen can’t pay the girls tuition? Her tax write off is 10 times the cost of her guests tuition. Despicable.
  • @rikallan5094
    If Ellen had any class she would have paid for Jaimie's tuition.