Publicado 2019-10-10
After many months of hard work, it's finally here!

The enormous SOLIDARITY MAP!

It is a collaborative project based around my song Solidarity, made in celebration of the pony fandom with contributions from over 100 animators!

We've put a lot of effort to show how much this community means to us. We're grateful for 9 wonderful years spent here and we hope that we'll spend so much more time like this in future with new friends and adventures. We'll continue to push forwards, as a herd, as a family, because if this project has thought us anything, is it that... we're all in this together!!

Looks like we're just in time! Happy Birthday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!! And fare thee well.

Links to all animators!!…

Get the song/album!!
YT Music:    • Solidarity (In This Together)  


ALL my love ❤

#MLP #Animation #Brony


Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @princewhateverer
    [Prev pin was lost since the channel hack, BUT WE BACK!!] Everyone who took part in this in whatever role was amazing and I'm so honored that my song was used! But all the credit goes to the animators and organisers who made it happen!! PLEASE check them out below!!! 🙏🙏…
  • @TurboGamer981
    I'm glad to have been apart of this fandom. "I'll die with the herd" is right, because I'm not leaving this fandom.
  • @Alumx
    every single one of you is precious please never let that fire in your hearts die off 💕
  • @magic_pink_horse
    Coming back here every once in a while for my dose of pure pony patriotism.
  • @pvtread5207
    Laughter Kindness Generosity Loyalty Honesty Traits the world still can use, we truly impacted a generation over 9 years. The show may be over but the MAGIC CONTINUES! This fandom is still going strong and will for years. Brony since 2011 and still proud. /)**(\
  • @draco12999
    Who's going to get out and help me push, THE RIDE NEVER ENDS
  • @mediocrity9879
    I love that there are so many talented people in this fandom it makes me feel happy to be part of this fandom /)
  • A year late but screw it. THIS is why this fandom is special. Because the fire the burns inside those who hold this show, the lessons it taught. The friends it has brought together, the amazing, inspiring, and truly massive labor of love. Bronies won't disappear, because as long as we still have each other, the magic of friendship will live on. Long live the herd, long live the blessing that this fandom is.
  • @Kmn483
    9 years of mlp. All the characters, the people, the memories... And we still have so far left to go still. Thank you friends. Thank you everypony.
  • @thecrapnest6346
    The end of an era is upon Let’s make this one count every pony FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC
  • @pibby_drawz17
    For real after all these years I’ve come back. I am so happy to see Bros still here keeping this place alive. This is my childhood.
  • @Rapid_Idea
    edit 2 actually: okay, wow, uh.. top comment XD but really, I have to say this fandom might have helped me land an awesome internship at a company where a friend of mine that I met at an mlp con works! If anyone says that this fandom is dead, I'd like to prove them wrong with this fact and of course the organizers of Ciderfest and WinnyCity who have been working so hard to make the former happen in 2021! So I'm not often compelled to comment on things on the internet, but this struck me. I've been in this fandom since I was 12 or 13, I'm honestly not sure. That's 7-8 years. And while I wasn't a participant due to age and lack of access to the internet really until 2014 and haven't even been watching the show in the past two years due to college and a general lack of interest in all media, this show not only shaped the better part of a decade for me, but it has defined nearly half my life thus far. Watching this, seeing references and artists, animators and community figures all in this project that I know and recognize, and have even idolized at some points, it made me feel so happy and, most impressively, it made me tear up. When I say I stopped watching the show, I dont mean I stopped interacting with the fandom. In fact, you can still find me every year at milwaukee Ponyville Ciderfest, usually with some cosplay or other memorable shenanigans, being loud, talking pony, and creating memories and friendships. So the line about seeing friends at the con, that struck me. That's what I've been doing the past two years. It's what I hope keeps happening. Ciderfest will make it to year 10, and I will be there for my friends AND TO COLLECT THAT TEN YEAR PIN! The fandom doesn't end with the show. The fandom will only end with the creators, the people who love it. And if a busy college student who by all means as part of the original intended demographic, a young girl around 10 when FIM first started airing, who statistically would have grown out of this show in this time, and in some ways even did, is still here, still active even just within the small bubble of friends I have is still here, a decade later, then it'll take more than an apacalypse to get rid of this fandom! And I've gotten too much from this fandom to just leave. I developed my art for this fandom, I learned to write, how to put together cosplay, got to go to my first con, even got hit on for the first time (same guy now tutors me for some of my college classes), and have met some incredible people and made some incredible connections! For me, it's not the show that keeps me coming back. It's not the characters or the merchandise. It's the community. The people who have shaped me through art, fanfic, music, and just being there. That's why I stay, and that's why this piece has struck me so hard. I really do love this fandom. Edit: Its been a year since I commented and I still sometimes get notifications of replies. XD only this comment.
  • @ForestRainMedia
    Aggh, I was doing so good until I saw Snowdrop, then I burst into tears. ;_; I'm really glad I was able to play even the smallest part in this. This is one of those videos (and songs) that's going to go down in history for this fandom. <3
  • I won't lie this song really got me. This whole thing. I genuinely miss all the content creators this fandom had, and I feel like a dumbass for ignoring the fandom as a while for so long. I'm glad I'm still in this fandom surrounded by such wholesomeness. I love it. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels the same way this song makes me feel. Thank you for making this and believing in this fandom still. ❤️
  • @delinka4695
    Still here. Still crying. Still didn't accept that it's the end.
  • @PollexTheCat
    I was the BF of Cobalt Flash before he died. It means a lot to have him in here, thank you so much <3
  • @SilverScroll
    So THIS is where all the animators were hiding recently! ...they did a great thing!~
  • @PikaPetey
    ah... i just found out about this.