TERRORISTENFAHRTEN S1E1 - TF be like.. NURBURGRING NORDSCHLEIFE - READ description before commenting

After numerous comments of people who haven't understood or have no idea of SAFETY here is my point of view:
There is no problem with racing lines or being slowed down. It's TF and its ONLY FUN and I honestly dont care about time or being behind slower drivers, its normal.
What is worrying is the ignorance there is and the lack of learning the basic rules of driving in TF. It is a Motorway with no speed limit and the first basic rule is that you stay on the right. If you can't learn the basic rules before going going on a dangerous public road you are an idiot. Especially if you are so irresponsible to have people in the car with you. At the beginning of the lap you see 2 cars break the law in front me (one overtakes right and the other stays on the left.. even has his left indicator on). I dont break any law, but choose to shout at him... my choice and I will continue doing it.
I DO NOT time laps in TF, it is nonsense with a car as fast as mine. I can only do fast laps on a track day or if I start TF first. I use the Garmin only for video recording purposes in case something happens with all the idiots on track.
Hope that helps!

コメント (16)
  • @pedracca
    I couldn't even watch the full lap... So arrogant and rude. If you are so poor that can't hire and close the track for yourself you better learn to live together. And for those saying you are obliged to give the ideal lines to faster cars and that it is on the rules... what a joke. In TF, it is road traffic rules that apply, so overtake on the left only. You must give space in a safely manner, but that doesn't mean yo must disappear because some a$$hole is timing his lap. BTW, it is timing laps in TF what is forbidden.
  • @ROKI49n1
    Maybe you should try to be more understanding, many drivers are there first time and it is not quite possible to be on the right side all the time. Everyone wants to have fun, not to be honked by some guy who waves hands like disabled.....
  • The amount of idiots that don't get how dangerous it is not to follow the rules isn't really surprising, they're the same people that sit in the middle and outside lane of the motorway and then complain when they get undertaken.
  • I can see it from both perspectives. For safety reasons, the rules are there for a reason, and everyone needs to abide by them. On the other hand, it can be overwhelming on your first time around the ring. Maybe you forget to check your mirror for 5 seconds, or forget which way to indicate. A certain level of understanding needs to be taken for those drivers, but at the same time, those drivers need to understand the danger of breaking those rules.
  • Hello! I am the guy on the blue GT86 in 2:15 You were lightning fast, I am running 9min BTG pace and the way you close the gap... Mind blown
  • Please stay away from german racetracks next time. We do not need people here who did not understand the concept. Either you are good enough for professional racing or you arrange yourself with the other tourists.
  • @staLkerhu
    BTW while I want to go to the ring, this video also makes me feel that I don't really want to go to the ring... 😕 I mean, it is quite sad if I get that treatment if I stay on the left for one second. People tend to say that if you are not that fast or good, then stay on the right. Really? Then what's the point? What is the actual point?! I can drive on the right side on any road anywhere, we have very nice serpentines here too. Any opinions?
  • @NickV1978
    On one hand I agree that it is effectively a public road, with members of the public driving on it BUT, it is also (possibly) the most demanding and dangerous race circuit on the planet and should be shown the necessary respect by those who don't have the practical experience. They should at the very least take some time to go through some basic rules before jumping straight in IMO... I've only done around 30 laps in my 330ci and, well lets say if you F around you will find out very quickly how savage and unforgiving the Nurburgring can be...
  • I understand, you want a clean right lane, but that´s illusion, like it´s illusion on a german autobahn. I am bored of that too! So get used to it, don´t act like a fool, and if you want to have a clean ideal line , rent the track especially for you or build one for only you. BTW it was a good lap! :)
  • @JCviggen1
    You're not wrong but you have to accept that TF is what it is. There are slow tourists who don't know where they are going, and some are idiots (there are faster idiots as well). It was like this 20 years ago already and all the waving and swearing in the world isn't going to change it. If you enter a lap of TF just chill and accept that people are going to drive cluelessly in your way. I didn't see any terrorists here, just your average garden variety tourist drivers.
  • Go to a trackday if you cant handle inexperienced drivers 🤷‍♂️
  • He think he is alone on the track....... Stupid. Everyone want drive the Nürburgring. You have no respect.
  • Attention au audi sur nurburgrig.... Tu ne roule pas seul
  • @alfo40
    Solo madonne in circolazione turistica 🤣