【精選】6G這塊大餅「美國一定吃不到」蔡正元笑揭原因!華為5G今年已無敵手「習近平將繼續超車全球」!?|#環球大戰線 @Global-vision-talk

(00:00:00) Why does the United States have to destroy Huawei 6G? Expert analysis: Huawei's "these two items" are too low!
(00:19:05) The world’s first “China 6G” technological breakthrough. The US official announced that the “stuck neck” failed? Banning “Huawei” and “German car companies” may damage the mainland market
(00:33:04) Huawei's "small steps and quick steps" 5G breaks through the high wall and reaches Europe. Will the three-fold phone end Samsung's hegemony?
(00:45:18) Version 3.5 of the CCP’s big chip fund is ready to launch. Ji Singer is worried that the blockade will force out China’s technological potential.

20240718, 20240714-P3, 20240216-P3, 20240609-P2

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コメント (21)
  • @hornglyn
    確實, 中國一定贏, 因為「基建」速度, 成本, 人民相對負擔代價, 性價比, 眾數運用的「大數據」運用資料的精益求精的「先驅者」就是實際的領頭羊角色!
  • 支持正義勇於實話實說的蔡委員博士宏觀分析👍👏👏👏❤🙏是長知識的最佳途徑。👍❤
  • @hornglyn
    不久的將來, 頂樓的停機坪, 電梯, 手機整合, 就可以一出門連到達目的地的大樓頂樓的時間都是算好了,去另一大樓 開會實際時間人員到場時間點, 預計時間手機提醒, 「準點」開會會非常「精準」!
  • @jimwei1965
  • @jj541688
    因為老美為了避免民用版GPS被作為軍事用途,所以把民用版GPS精度調差,以至於大家使用Google、Garmin等導航設備,導航地圖與實際地點容易有誤差,感受很差 !
  • 真的!主持真美,談吐好!真讚,蔡委員學識好,口才棒!
  • @peter0329
    4g賺錢才能發展5g, 5g,賺錢才有錢發展6g, 5g最賺錢就華為啦,那還比什麼6g!
  • 很多台湾人和移民忘记了一句话,“天行健,君子以自强不息”,这是中国独有的文化,主流的思想
  • Huawei Harmony Next Operating System will greatly help China to accelerate the 6G application developments. China has complete intellectual rights of Harmony Next OS to adapt to 6G developments. Most critical pieces are in place for China to move to 6G.
  • @hgcv1667
  • 坊間有個說法: 美國負責想象,中國負責實現。