I Took Psychedelics as a Christian and the unthinkable happened...(Testimony)

Publicado 2022-12-24
I Took Psychedelics as a Christian and the unthinkable happened...(Testimony)

This is the true story of what happened to me when I Took psychedelics as a young christian.

Before saying anything brash, please take the time to listen to the entire testimony because I answer many of the questions I expect will arise IN THE VIDEO like:

Why did I take psychedelics if I was a christian?

How do you know your experience was actually spiritual and not just psychological?

If using hallucinogens and psychedelics as a christian is bad why do so many people have such a good experience?

and most importantly, I tell the incredible true story of where GOD was at in this entire ordeal. In the testimony I share how God manifested supernaturally to try and stop me from going that night to trip, and how God manifested a HEALING, a literal miracle in my heart and mind, and give a mind blowing testimony that essentially PROVES the spiritual nature of using drugs and psychedelics just like the bible talks about, with WITCHCRAFT being the word pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells, magic, sorcery, enchantment.


Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Because of psychedelic 'shrooms I came to know and love God. I was raised in a Christian household but was angry at life, at my parents who created me and remember blaspheming God's Holy name until one of my co-workers gave me some and starting testing my boundaries with the dosages. The trip that stood out was December 8th 2023 when the psychedelic trance wasn't cutting it, vibes were off so after an hour I got up to change the music and checked YouTube for some. A video came up "Who is God?" a twenty-minute video of different pastors/speakers talking about God. After finishing the video I was still stoned and needed to lay back down so I clicked on "Planet Zoo Ambiance" on YouTube and went to bed. Those who use 'shrooms try it out for a trip once. The music is such vibes: the soft melodies with the humming and finger-snapping. Very nice! Every time I listen to that soundtrack I remember of this trip. I don't remember dying or anything but remember blasting off to Heaven from the Bible and seeing all my family and loved ones being in white clothes, smiling and being joyous. I was in bed, completely comfortable, tearing up while envisioning this. I was looking at them with PURE love and happiness. Something I barely feel. Sure. I feel happy but this type of happy was on a insane euphoric feeling. The ugly feelings of whatever we humans have: hatred, lust, greed, sorrow, jealously, so on. didn't exist in my heart nor in that place. At some point I remember seeing Jesus in his form (like from Passion of the Christ) with flowing brown hair and white clothes. I thanked Him for dying for us and thanked God with every other breathe while this was happening. Truly amazing! Perhaps God gave me a glimpse of what Heaven will be like and to try to live a sin-less life. And after that my porn addiction, masturbation, anger and depression seized to exist! Sure I still get annoying or irritated but on a much smaller scale than before. God is good! ✝
  • @F1amisismatt1
    Wow this is a very interesting story. I have one opposite this. I took acid one day and while listening to music I gained the instant knowing that god was talking to me. And told me things will be okay in my life and explained the world and the heavens. I cried like a baby so many times that day as he led me on a journey. But they were happy tears. I’ve never felt anything like it in my life. It was amazing. And now I’ve changed for the better knowing that god watches over me and I carry his love with me everywhere I go
  • @angelinalee3837
    I love this! I’ve had a bad trip and have searched many “bad trip stories” to see if I could find anyone who experienced something similar. The way he explains the feeling was perfect, like you are the only conciseness. It doesn’t sound that scary, but when it’s happening it’s terrifying because you feel like you KNOW it’s the truth and can’t lie to yourself about it. For me, It felt like demons were speaking through my friends I was tripping with and overall felt like how I imagined the absence of god would feel. I was not religious before that but I am afterwards. I’m glad he shared this with everyone.
  • Bless everyone who sees this testimony. Like the video and subscribe to help spread the word ❤ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, before saying anything brash, just listen to the end because the answers to many questions I expect to get regarding this testimony are GIVEN IN THE VIDEO ITSELF. This event marked my life permanently, both the hardship of the experience itself, and the incredible revelation of THE HEART OF GOD and His glorious redemption and healing after it was all said and done. I pray the same healing and love of God is known to every one of you in Jesus name 🙏🏻
  • @jewelp081
    Yes! The feeling of the only consciousness that only exists. I felt like I was in a dream. I had done acid and shrooms before but all of this was happening to me while I was sober. I was lucid dreaming and astral projecting. And I spoke to fallen angels aka demons in my dreams. I was deep into occultism and just believed that like a dream, how everything is everything in a dream and our minds just imagine it all up, life is the same. That a chair in my dream is just really me because it doesn’t actually exist. And so I replaced the real world with the dream world. I was quite literally then being lead by demons in the real world and was communicating with them. I had seen “spirits” at a young age so I thought I finally understood the meaning of life. That everything was everything and we’re all gods. But, then one day I was hanging out with my friends who became Christian and the Holy Spirit literally came and I couldn’t hide or think private thoughts. God knew all my thoughts and would answer them in a minute. I felt like I was going to die. His presence was so heavenly so unearthly. So majestic. Like I immediately knew it was him. It was a very crazy experience realizing that I had a spirit of antichrist and the devil would torment me into believing I could never be forgiven again to the point where I almost killed myself. But I felt the Holy Spirit leading me back to God and he casted the demons out in my sleep. Glory all to YESHUA. GOD IS ALIVE.
  • @forhisglory517
    I got saved 8-15-15 while rolling on ecstasy on the beach by myself. Such a crazy day. Woke up born again, new creation and devoured the word and was on fire for evangelism overnight. I have many failures still in life but God has been so faithful and His goodness still leads me to repentance.
  • @kj1678
    WOW I’ve never heard a testimony so similar to my experience!! I took acid with friends 5 years ago before I was a believer and the torment, confusion, and darkness it encompassed made me scared to death!! It really felt like a sadistic test I was being dragged into. So thankful for the healing that Jesus has given me and the peace He brings in my life now!!
  • @breadcereal5769
    Psychedelics was actually the first step to my Christianity testimony.
  • @jeffnoble4181
    How ironic. I used psychedelics and found the Lord. I've never been happier .He spoke to me and I am a devoted and committed follower. I'm glad you're doing well.
  • Before watching this video, I want to say: I've taken LSD before and it was by far the most terrifying, traumatic experience in my entire 24 years. It was around 2 years ago I did this, and I think I was tormented by evil entities who tried convincing me that this is hell. But I know that our loving and merciful Father was there with me. And that's how I became a believer. He took the most evil ever done to me, where the enemy tried convincing me that I'm actually dead and in hell. And he saved me and brought me back to reality, but again these attacks are happening again to me, when I am of sober mind. So I definitely think I have some form of PTSD from that. But, he saved me from people who I thought were my friends who were doing evil witchcraft to me, forcing me to believe all of their lies. Even to this day do I suffer PTSD from that event, and have been going through immense spiritual warfare from that day. It puts me in such fear where I can't even sit in a chair without feeling like I'll get transported back to the evil being done to me. But I know that I am being healed, and recuperating once more from it. Please pray for me, sometimes I feel this burning on my forehead and get really afraid.
  • @ginanelms72
    God bless you brother and thank you for your testimony. I experienced psychedelics as I young person. I’m also a born again believer. I had some of the most difficult times which I’ve not shared with anyone. A spirit of doubt which made me feel as I could have literally lost my mind. I continued to be in church as much as possible and by God’s grace and mercy I recovered without anyone ever knowing what I was experiencing. I thank the Lord each and every day as I continue with daily struggles. There’s no other peace which can be found like the peace of God. The spirit world is real.. we’re spirit beings. The darkness and evil of the devil, will do everything possible to destroy a believer’s life. The strength we have through the Lord Jesus Christ is above all and He will keep us from evil and torment. God bless you and thank you again for your testimony.🙏🏼
  • @user-us5xz9zf8f
    Something like this has happened to me. Around 15 years ago I had a bad trip and the feeling of loneliness was overwhelming. Thank you Lord for saving me. If you need Him he’s there ✝️
  • @therealai777
    I have never done psychedelics because I have had spiritual attacks during highs from much “tamer” drugs. Hearing stories like this I don’t even want to imagine what I could experience. I’ve had countless existential crisis’ but the one I remember most happened when I was in university. I was alone because my roommate had gone home for the weekend so I decided to get drunk (I was heavily in addiction during my university years). Some girls from down the hall came and asked me if I wanted to smoke with them outside and I agreed to. Bad friggin decision. I had never mixed weed with alcohol and didn’t know that you’re not supposed to do that. I instantly felt extremely uncomfortable and judged by the girls I was with, like I was a joke to them. It was like 11 at night so I made my way back to my room as fast as I could and the moment I shut my door I was FLOODED with hateful voices coming at me. The voices told me how worthless I was, how God didn’t even care enough to notice me, that I was utterly alone and that I didn’t even exist in other peoples thoughts because I was that much of a nobody. I also was heavily convicted of everything I have ever done. I was flooded with the realization that I am utterly sinful and there is basically nothing good about me. The room also began to shrink and I was very claustrophobic. I was panicking and even though I was making no sound I felt like the whole dorm floor could hear the screaming in my mind it was that real to me. The only thing that I kept thinking during this was “what am I going to do? what am I going do??” I was desperate to be reconciled with God but the demons putting thoughts into my mind were making me believe that it was all hopeless. I finally was panicking to the point where it was debilitating and I could only lie down on my bed. I was sobbing and tried to listen to music to change my thoughts but all I could notice was how vile the lyrics were and how hedonistic 99% of music is. And that I played that crap into my mind. I finally went to youtube and put on 8 hours of God’s promises in scripture being read out. The moment I started to listen to the scriptures I was FLOODED with love. Every word filled my heart and as I listened to God’s promises to me and what He did for me I was overwhelmed to the point of tears. It was in that moment where I felt a hand being placed on my forehead, and the moment it touched me every ounce of anxiety and worry left my mind. I was instantly filled with peace, and I eventually fell asleep with the scriptures playing in the background. Sometimes I am tempted to get high again just to be put on that “edge” because once I get sober I feel on fire for God and I feel spiritually refreshed. I know that is totally moronic though, and I am ashamed that I feel the need to do that to experience that kind of love for God. I really want to feel that passion for God without needing anything to push me to that point. (also - I’m now fully sober and no longer use substances of any kind!)
  • @cadenorris4009
    Thank you. Thank you so much. You don't know what you just saved me from. I've been seeing demons, seraphim, etc and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. I kept asking God to grant me a vision of him to strengthen my faith. He hasn't given me one that I can think of yet. I've been seeing all of these other people who have tripped and experienced God, and I wanted a mystical experience for myself. I was planning on going on a trip against the advice of my peers, who I just arrogantly assumed were ignorant of the REAL spiritual world and living as lukewarm Christians. God, even just writing this makes me sad. These are my friends. Just because I've gone through more than them, doesn't mean what they say is stupid or ignorant. Just because I think I'm more committed than them doesn't really matter. Yes, I'm giving this Christian walk my all. I'm ALL in. But who am I to judge them? They're kind, and they believe in Christ like me. These are my family. I guess it's not really a wonder that I feel alone and isolated. I never let anyone see a version of myself that ISN'T perfect, and powerful. I never get vulnerable with them. I'm too scared to. I'm too scared of feeling judged by them. So I only share my darkest secrets on the internet, where I'm (for the most part) anonymous and can project an image of myself that I want to see, and if anyone disagrees with me, I just dismiss them as being sheep. I'm too scared to mess up in front of anyone because my entire life any mess-ups have been held over me, so I better make them think I'm perfect. This mindset has caused me so much pain and suffering because it means I can't have an actual connection with anyone. I realized I didn't even have a connection with my girlfriend. I mean, I did, but I wasn't ever TRULY vulnerable or emotionally intimate with her. She left because she was scared of a relationship, so now I don't have a chance to fix it, but wow. I was writing this thinking I was just thanking you for saving me from more trauma, but then during it I received the spiritual revelation that explains everything. I know God is calling me to redeem my family, emotionally distant as they are, and separated as we may be. But I got so obsessed with being a "chosen one" above everyone else that I was really just locking myself off from any future connections all for the chasing of glorification. All I really need is to be fully known and to know others, including God and myself. Will I be glorified? Yes, and it will be beyond anything I can comprehend. I was praying for a breakthrough for so long. I had no idea that it was going to be internal, but I guess I should have received the hint from when Jesus said the kingdom of God is inside us.
  • Thank you for your testimony. I'm personally on methadone and have been off and on it for about 35yrs. I love God and have renewed my commitment with him. I hope to be off the methadone asap but carefully is best way to go pray for me, thanks. PRAISE JESUS!!!!
  • @Cinnjerm24
    The night I got saved was a really similar experience for me. Long story short, a friend talked me into doing shrooms. One night I decide to take them and once they started kicking in, I immediately have the distinct sensation like their was something evil trying to take control of my body. I tried fighting it for a while, it felt like everything that is "me" was being pushed out of my body to make room for whatever this other thing was (which of course was a demon(s)), but eventually I realized I wasn't going to be able to win. Then I felt something (or in this case someone) speaking to my heart saying "you have to choose...you have to choose!!!". And then I said out loud "I choose Jesus!!!" Then this demon felt like it was pulling me down and I screamed "JESUS...JESUS...JESUS!!!" Louder and louder, until finally I felt the demon let me go, I fell to the floor, and I felt the most overwhelming sense of love, piece, relief, and hope I've ever felt in my life. I suddenly knew that Jesus/YHWH were real, that heaven was a real place as well as my real home, and that "Child of God" was my true identity. Never really see the world the same way after that moment. The other thing that's worth mentioning is that that was the first time ever in my life that actually perceived fate in real time. Like, somehow I felt it in my spirit that right before Holy Spirit spoke to my heart telling me to "choose", I knew that that night was the most important night of my life and that every step (as well as mistep) I made was all leading me to that point and even though every step was made by my own free will, I was always going to end up in that situation no matter what.
  • I had an experience similar to this a few years ago... I let my brother talk me into using psychedelic cannabis from a dispensary. At first everything was ok but then after about 15 mins it was late so I went upstairs to go to bed. For the next 8 or 9 hours I was laying in bed with the lights completely off and there was a voice telling me that I was dead and that I would never get out of here. I couldn't move my arms and legs and I was convinced I was in a coffin struggling to get out and could barely breathe because I was hyperventilating. Days after this I still kept hearing that voice telling me that everything going back to normal was all just a trick and that I was still really dead in that coffin, that the joke would soon be revealed that I was still dead and that I'd go back to the coffin. Praying to Jesus and pleading for him to save me was the only thing that got me through that night as I had never felt terror and hopelessness like that ever before.
  • @LoveJesus36670
    Great testimony! This generation needs to hear this!! God Bless you. Continue to speak Gods word! We are listening!
  • @Adventure-stuff
    Very powerful testimony Jonathon, reminds me of the serious nature involved in parties and drug use. Stay sober and vigilant for the adversary is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour as it is written.