🪷 Calming Music With Singing Bowls

Immerse yourself in a transcendent sound bath experience with our mesmerizing video featuring enchanting quartz crystal singing bowls tuned to the healing frequency of 432 Hz. Let the harmonious vibrations wash over you, inducing a deep state of relaxation and inner peace. As the resonant tones blend harmoniously, they work to realign your energy, promoting healing and stress relief. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow the soothing melodies to guide you on a journey of profound tranquility and rejuvenation. Whether you seek solace from the daily hustle or desire to elevate your meditation practice, this ethereal sound bath will leave you refreshed, renewed, and connected to the essence of the universe. Embrace the power of sound therapy and immerse yourself in the healing frequencies of 432 Hz with our captivating quartz crystal singing bowl session.

コメント (21)
  • @takurolin
  • To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
  • たまたまオススメに出てきたのですが、落ち着く音色で素敵です😭😭 二日後に大学受験で、精神的にツラいのですが落ち着くことができそうです……!! 明日も聞きます!!
  • Спасибо! Словно массаж мозга...очень приятные ощущения!
  • シンギングボウルの擦れるザリザリした音がしないので、 非常に耳馴染みがよく心地よく聴いていられます。 こういう落ち着ける音を探しておりました。
  • I have to put this comment everywhere these guys are because of great insight a kind person made all this higher-mind music available to us blessing our existence. I experience such difficult anxiety, when my spiritual ears caught wind of this insightful music, I could not believe the profound nature of some of this advanced singing bowl work. Thank you so much for your true inner wisdom behind all of your wonderful and profound truly soulful creativity. Thank you for your kind, giving, soul. Everyone that can, please generously donate to this great and generous person on the "Thanks" icon above <3. I have noticed he puts hours and hours and hours of personal time into this music for us.
  • Спасибо огромное, за прекрасную музыку, за возможность услышать звучание кварцевых чаш.. Это приводит меня в умиротворенное состояние. Музыка вечности.
  • @rainycat3496
    I was having trouble staying awake, got some coffee, and it wasn't helping. But when I heard this music, I felt capable of sitting quietly and focusing on my history. Right now I'm eating, and this is helping me feel less anxious, like I have enough time to eat, do my schoolwork, and listen out for my disabled father in case he needs something, without feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated. For someone with ADHD, clinical depression, and severe anxiety, this moment of serenity is truly a gift. Thank you.
    The sound of these bowls is amazing. I've had a good sleep with them❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @reg8885
    Je remercie la personne qui fait cette vidéo surprenante de part cette richesse et générosité ❤bravo pour ce cadeau c cool je n avais jamais entendu ...
  • Принимала сеанс кварщевых чаш в помещении звук заполняет все. Через интернет не так передается. Но все равно благодарю автора за посыл этих прекрасных звуков гармонии
  • Wonderful vibes ✨️. Love it. Thank you so much for the great job and the given high vibes energy ❤. Bless you 🙏
  • @marakami999
    ❗ Это круто 🌿 Благодарю ❤, кто создал эти волшебные 🪄 звуки исцеляющие 🙌 ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 Для медитации прекрасное думаю.
  • Ваша музыка-мощный щит !слышу звон и вижу Вечность.Все суета! Спасибо ❤❤❤!!!!!
  • @MMMin4ik
    Ого! Это что-то новое! Космос!!!🌌🌌🌌 Тащу себе в колыбельные!! 🌜✨
  • @KIKA20220911