The Missing Link That Wasn’t

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The myth of the Missing Link--the idea that there must be a specimen that partly resembles an ape but also partly resembles a modern human--is persistent. But the reality is that there is no missing link in our lineage, because that’s not how evolution works.

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Lovejoy, A.O. 1936. The Great Chain of Being: A Study of the History of an Idea, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press
Ackermann, R.R., Rogers, J., Cheverud, J.M. 2006. Identifying the morphological signatures of hybridization in primate and human evolution. Journal of Human Evolution 51 (6): 632-645.
Theunissen, L.T. 2012. Eugène Dubois and the Ape-Man from Java: The History of the First ‘Missing Link’ and Its Discoverer. Springer Science & Business Media, Berlin, Germany.
Berger, L.R, De Ruiter, J., Churchill, S.E., Schmid, P., Carlson, K.J., Dirks, P.H.G.M., Kibii, J. 2010. Australopithecus sediba: A New Species of Homo-Like Australopith from South Africa. Science, 328: 195-204.
Warren, K.A., Ritzman, T.B., Humphreys, R.A., Percival, C.J., Hallgrímsson, B. and Rogers Ackermann, R. 2018. Craniomandibular form and body size variation of first-generation mouse hybrids: A model for hominin hybridization. Journal of Human Evolution, 116: 57-74
Hawks, J., & Cochran, G. 2006. Dynamics of adaptive introgression from archaic to modern humans. PaleoAnthropology, 101-115.
Gould, S.J. 1980. The Piltdown conspiracy. Natural History 89:8-28.
Balter, M. , 2010 . Candidate human ancestor from South Africa sparks praise and debate. Science 327, 154-155.
Dirks, P.G. H .M, Kibii, J.M., Kuhn, B. F. et al. 2010. Geological setting and age of Australopithecus sediba from Southern Africa. Science 328, 205-208
McHenry, H. 1998. Body proportions in Australopithecus afarensis and A. africanus and the origin of the genus Homo, Journal of Human Evolution, 32 1-22.
Lewin, R. 1987. Bones of Contention: Controversies in the Search for Human Origins, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, ISBN 978-0-226-47651-3.
D’Costa, K. 2014. The Missing Link that Wasn’t. Scientific American, available at:…

#MissingLink #HumanEvolution #PBSEons

コメント (21)
  • "Exchanging genetic material" Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
  • @Sup3rlum
    3:26 Java man was at an evolutionary disadvantage because he couldn't C#
  • "It's called the braided stream" she says, wearing a thematically appropriate hairstyle
  • Finally, approproate information to destroy the "where is the missing link" argument
  • @phoule76
    if someone steals your sausage, it's a case of a missing link
  • It's kinda funny how we had to stop using the tree model because it didn't account for combining/hybridizing branches, but real-life trees will absolutely fuze branches together on a whim.
  • The problem is education often lags behind scientific progress.
  • 22nd century: people realize that evolution isnt linear, nor is it a braided stream, but actually a 3d matrix
  • Well this video made more sense as it continued 😂 school got this so wrong. We definitely learned the progress of man missing link, and i graduated in 2014.
  • The evolution of evolutionary thinking is.... Revolutionary? Great episode!
  • I remember the Piltdown man , I had no idea it wasn't real though. This braided chain theory is pretty amazing stuff
  • @JR-gp2zk
    Reminds me of dogs, wolves and coyotes. They are all different yet they are similar enough to interbred. Homo sapiens are basically a coywolf dog hybrid.
  • @dg_96_7
    This makes so much sense. I used to be extremely skeptical about the missing link theory & the search for a fossil resembling both ape & man. The braided stream makes much more sense.
  • Recently new subscriber here. These PBS Eons episodes, especially those on human evolution, are becoming invaluable to an anthropology major who was last hitting the books on human evolution two decades ago and who wants to catch up on the most recent story. The Braided Stream model is fascinating. Thanks for all these concise synopses on these topics, not to mention the included references! Keep them coming!
  • And some people still ask the stupid question, "If we evolved from apes, why are apes still around?"
  • Can you guys please make a video on the discovery of the hobbit species (Flores man). Would love to know more about it, thanks!
  • @EChacon
    Hope you do one on Titanoboa and the animals from Cerrejón. 🐍🐊🐢
  • I actually had the privilege of handling the Taung Child once when I was younger. I’ll never forget that
  • It's 1912 and I am viewing this with astonishment on some sort of portable motion picture playing device that projects light and is impossibly thin.