Restoring Gen 1's MissingNo. | KEP Spotlight

Published 2023-10-30

In this video, I talk about the MissingNo. in RBY that I have restored to their former glory, using various official materials and noteworthy speculation from Helix Chamber.

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- Adelaine (Script Review and structural suggestions)
- Molk (Legacy balancing assistance)
- pac (Legacy balancing assistance)
- Shellnuts (Legacy balancing assistance)
- Martha’s Against Humanity (Legacy balancing assistance, new Gorochu sprite at the last second)
- LuciShrimp (Custom music in the video - Area Zero, Emerald Mew theme, Stadium Mewtwo theme)

Helix Chamber sprites: Balumba, Blastyke, Blottle, Buu, Cactormus, Cheep, Coinpur, Croakozuna, Decilla, Fossils, Gaotora, Gavillain (edited by Albatross), Gawarhed, Gorochu (edited by Martha’s Against Humanity), Gorotora, Guardia, Jabetta (edited by Martha’s Against Humanity), Kolta, Kotora, Luxwan, Nidoreign, Omegadge, Orfry, Pendraken, Ramoose, Ribbito, Sharpoon, Totartle, Trampel, Vulpiii, Weirduck

Albatross sprites: Articuno-G, Blissey, Dugtrio-A, Electivire, Electrode-H, Exeggutor-A, Gentlarva, Glaceon, Golem-A, Hitmontop, Iguanarch, Kleavor, Leafeon, Lickilicky, Marowak-A, Melmetal, Meltan, Moltres-G, Mr. Rime, Muk-A, Ninetales-A, Perrserker, Persian-A, Politoed, Porygon-Z, Pupal, Raichu-A, Rapidash-G, Raticate-A, Rhyperior, Sandslash-A, Sandy Shocks, Scizor, Sirfetch’d, Slowbro-G, Slowking-G, Tangrowth, Toedscool, Toedscruel, Weezing-G, Wiglett, Zapdos-G

Martha’s Against Humanity sprites: Bellignan (with help from PvK), Mimmeo, Sylveon (with help from Albatross)

Albatross’ sprites refined by either Martha’s Against Humanity or PvK: Annihilape, Arcanine-H, Bellossom, Carapthor, Kingdra, Magmortar, Magnezone, Ministare, Porygon2, Scream Tail, Squeamata, Tauros-P, Wugtrio

Official sprites: Crobat, Disturban, Espeon (edited by Martha’s Against Humanity), Slowking, Steelix, Tricules (edited by Martha’s Against Humanity), Umbreon (edited by Martha’s Against Humanity)

There are no singular “sources,” but I will note the reference material used for producing the initial draft of KEP’s roster in 2021.émon_by…émon……émon_Red_and_Blueémon_Red_and_Blue/Pokémon_… - some Pokemon have learnsets hereémon_Red_and_Blue/Sprites…émon_Gold_and_Silver/Pokém…

RacieBeep's MissingNo. Reconstructions:…
RacieBeep's SW97 Reconstructions:…

All Comments (21)
  • @PlaguevonKarma
    points at screen MINOR EDITING MISTAKE!!! Gavillain's stats are meant to be 80/80/75/90/95 Aaaand the Pendraken section has an early bg cut, oooops Sorry about that!!
  • @borby4584
    The Blastoise one might be a controversial choice, but overall I think I’m okay with it. It’s an interesting choice, and it’s clearly not a “different for the sake of it” decision. Plus I remember seeing people talk about liking Wartortle’s vibes with the tails and such more than Blastoise, and wishing that that stayed, so I know that there’s at least someone who will like it
  • @porygonlover322
    my pet theory on "Nidoreign" is that the backsprite might not have actually had anything to do with the Nido line. i see some sort of upright fairy rabbit with small, transparent wings! still, the Nido interpretation is popular for a reason, and it looks like you did something cool with it.
  • @egon3705
    something really funny about iguanarch is that you can literally just use it as jolteon (the only reason you can't use jolteon as jolteon is that zapdos has been mostly dethroned by sandy shocks, who absorbs twave and threatens earthquake) it's actually REALLY bulky, dropping surf for rest is worth it a lot of the time
  • @imaginaryboy2000
    I've always loved Raichu, and while I don't think he needs to change, I don't think anyone can deny Gorochu is awesome, easily the coolest cut pokemon imo
  • @EinDose
    OBJECTION! Trampel can't be the Indian elephant in a weird amount of Pokedex entries, because it's Ground-type, making it immune to Raichu's electricity said to be strong enough to faint one!
  • @shovanrahman1111
    You know, I'm just glad in general these scrapped pokemon are getting a chance to come back in this rom hack, as I am looking forward in seeing the team variety the npc trainers, gym leaders, and E4 members are gonna have, now that there are more Pokémon to choose from to use on their teams. Can't wait for the release, keep it up! 😁
  • @tingle3494
    Love the gorochu sprite, it would also have been great to include the betas pokemon from the korean leak such as the fire tanuki or the ninja flying squirrel
  • @goncaloferrao412
    God i can't wait to play this when it comes out... this will be the definite way to play the OLD gen 1 games i just know it
  • @ceulgai2817
    "We made this a Steel type for type diversity" is hilarious when you remember this is generation 1. Also, I don't think you need much to justify Poliwrath's Fighting type beyond the fact its a boxer. The coloring in this video is sick tho
  • @RascatoNantako
    very cool to see these abandoned mons getting their spotlight! by any chance, will there be an opportunity to hear their cries?
  • @MarthaVsHumanity
    E 💖 Feels super weird seeing my name shown in a video, but I’m really happy to have helped with the Gorochu sprite for this!
  • @lucishrimp
    In the name of our Emperor, the Holy Kotora: E
  • @toadftm
    Can't wait to play this, kudos to all the hard work you've put in and hope you have a great time at Uni 😁
  • @EmbodimentOfEvil
    Omegadge is still my favorite. But Gawarhed and Guardia are awesome as well. KEP is going to be legendary when it's out. Good luck with uni!
  • @lexpinkmoon
    oh man december can't come soon enough!!! so excited to play this. also congrats on getting into uni and best of luck with your studies!!!
  • As someone who adores Gen I's style of monster designs, it's wonderful to see these beta Pokémon get so much attention from the fandom. (The sprite work here is so good btw.) And as someone who thinks way too much about the... aesthetics of base stats (no, I'm serious): From a metagame perspective I can definitely follow the logic behind your decisions on their typings, stats & movepools, and I imagine it must have been a lot of fun utilizing your incredible knowledge of RBY into balancing and niche-finding for a whole roster of new Pokémon. In combination with Fairy & beta!Dark+Steel, that's a lot of new factors to account for, so it must have been quite a lot of work. I hope the mod gets a lot of attention, I'd love to see how such a metagame develops. From an in-game perspective I kinda disagreed with some of the decisions at first, but in the end, I think the stats(etc.) are sensible in that regard as well. Some of the typings (like Normal/Ground... or any Dragon at all) don't really "feel" like Gen I, but in context (ie a mod where there are already some later-gen Pokémon+forms imported) they do make sense. And I initially found the stats too "good" overall - e.g. Jabetta seems way too good for what appears to be a "filler" Pokémon. But Kingler, a canon "filler" Pokémon, had a BST equal to Blastoise before GSC split the Special stat - mediocre stats are far more of a Gen II thing. I think there's a good variety of stars & underdogs here. (Most importantly, looking at Buu's stat spread is like having someone fix a table leg that's been uneven for 30 years. Its BST is 395, its stats match those of the other punchers! Love it!)
  • @egon3705
    in lieu of a dedicated video, i'll recap the other beta pokemon myself: tricules is a pinsir evolution with better physical coverage (smart strike, earthquake), acting as a counterpart to scizor. it was originally more or less a direct upgrade to it, but a correction to its stats dropped its speed tier to a pathetic 45. this, combined with a lack of iron head, makes it incapable of being a proper "bully" pokemon, making it play VERY differently from pinsir. it's commonly assumed to have been replaced with heracross, but they actually coexisted; more likely, it was retooled into forretress for the sake of variety, as it struggled to find a place over scizor once they became steel type and consequently had their speed cut. bellignan is an alternate evolution of weepinbell with higher attack and lower special. a weaker razor leaf makes it overall worse as a wrapper, but the higher attack makes it better at swords dance + hyper beam, a role that victreebel has often struggled to fill. venusaur is also competing for the "grass-type swords dancer" slot, but bellignan has a decent niche over it due to stun spore and more immediate power. this pokemon was likely intended to serve as the final boss of sprout tower, as it was supposedly built out of a "100-foot tall bellsprout." luxwan is a rather straightforward farfetch'd evolution, with the strongest unboosted no-drawbacks physical attack in the game in STAB slash and decent coverage with drill peck and thunderbolt. it is a fair bit slower than persian, however, and like sirfetch'd it doesn't get hyper beam; additionally, it lacks even bubblebeam to hit rhyperior. this makes it a somewhat linear pokemon, almost bringing to mind the role farfetch'd has in vanilla 7U. mimmeo is a steel-type ditto evolution. unlike the three spaceworld 1997 pokemon i've talked about, which were practically finished before they were cut, mimmeo was cut before being given stats. it's also a pure normal type in the demo, though this may be a placeholder, as it evolves by metal coat. its stats and move"pool" are built to take full advantage of transform, with the best speed tier in the game, all three "screen-like" moves, and a competent HP stat, mimmeo is the best possible version of RBY ditto; however, calling that damning with faint praise would be a massive understatement. disturban was added a fair bit later than the other gold and silver beta pokemon, as it actually lacks evolution data in spaceworld '97; in KEP, it's an alternate shellder evolution, basically being retconned into "shellder's" role in the slowpoke family. it has significantly better attack and HP than cloyster with physical coverage to match, but this comes at the cost of its speed, special, and cloyster's almost entirely beneficial ice typing, making it a far worse clamp user. interestingly, in the sister showdown mod JEP, these traits (alongside slightly better special defense) lead to it actually being better than cloyster. carapthor is an old design for beedrill, made into its own line so that it can act as a third early-game bug. with a slow, powerful stat spread, a fighting type, and the best bug STAB kanto has to offer in pin missile, carapthor acts as a very flavorful playthrough pokemon that predictably does next to nothing in competitive. still a really good answer to brock's onix, learning the new early-game fighting move uppercut upon evolution! gorillaimo is an extremely old pokemon found in concept art of an early battle system, fighting an older design for gawarhed. in KEP it's a normal/fighting type, with high HP, amnesia, karate chop, and great special coverage (typical of both earlier designs and the normal type)... but it has a pathetic 40 base special and has to rely on submission for fighting STAB. it was added to the hack to fill a slot intended for "blood moon kleavor" when that leak turned out fake.