Accepted into Vet Med! | non-traditional path to veterinary medicine, from RN to vet, don't give up!

Publicado 2023-06-26
My first video related to Vet Med... telling my story of how I got here, with 2 degrees and many years later. If I could tell anyone who's worried about going back to school later in life one thing - just do it! Don't give up on what you can't go a day without thinking about. Veterinary medicine has been my dream since I was a kid and I can't wait to be able to share it with you!

Todos los comentarios (13)
  • @laritza8284
    Hey girl! I'm so happy I found you! I'm 26 right now and will apply for vet school at 29, same as you! I've been trying to find pre vet students that I can relate to with changing careers. You should be so proud that you followed your calling, change is scary but look at you now! Congrats at getting accepted and brb while I go binge watch your videos haha.
  • @simplyre7425
    I really appreciate you sharing your journey. I'm 35 and being a Veterinarian has literally been my only dream I feel a huge void in my current career. I've been watching countless videos trying to find the courage to just do it so thank you
  • @Tori13may
    I'm a nurse and a mom, my grades in some college classes weren't great, but I am going back for my bachelors now to finish up pre reqs and your video is the first video I've found that resonates with me as a non traditional student. Thank you!!!!
  • @RichardRunnar
    I'm in Vet Tech school... RVT, this will be a process.
  • @jackaboyx3
    I'm currently in x-ray school to become a rad tech because I knew I wanted to do something more but I wasn't sure where to start. As I started going up to the OR, I realized more and more that I wanted to be that person operating, but I'd be too scared to operate on humans. Lately, I realized that vet school is something I'm extremely passionate about. I've been listening to so many other people who are vets/ in vet school but you are the first whose story is so close to mine. Congratulations on being accepted, by the time I start interviewing for school, you'll be a fresh vet. Cant wait to see the journey :)
  • @SharonTarrab
    Hey 😊 Thanks for that video. I will be 35 in August. Just had my application registered for Vet School after 3 years of animal science degree. Also had a failed attempt to become a Mechanical Engineer…was studying it for 2.5 years and never finished. Will love to follow your process becoming a Vet. Good luck
  • @destinyrusher5757
    I love this ! Thank you so much for sharing I’ve been back and forth with this I was gonna go into nursing but my dream career is to be a vet and I believe you just showed me that if I’m gonna go to school flit do what I really want 💜
  • I’m so glad you made this. You are right, no one else has documented their non-traditional journey this way. I’m 28, married, mother to 3, and I just registered for pre-reqs yesterday. God put the thought of vet school on my heart twice in the last 6 months, and I’m Jumping on it. I have a BS in Ag Business, so I need 9 courses to fulfill pre-reqs. I think I need to document my journey too. Can’t wait to follow yours! Keep it coming and good luck! 💪🏻👏🏻
  • @michelebundy8663
    Girl I'm also a nontraditional pre vet student. Applying next cycle 😳 keeping making videos girl love them and can't wait to see how your journey progresses 😊
  • How many years of vet schooling will you need with your degrees you already have? Will most of your science classes transfer? Will school be shorter in length with your degrees you already completed?
  • Hi! Im just wondering what you application looked like the 2nd time around. What did u have to do to get accepted? Did you have to retake any classes?
  • @duchuynh222
    Where are you live , How old are you Great Video