Who are the Worst Tourists??

Publicado 2023-04-25
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • To be specific, the worst kind of tourists are the loud tourists, no matter the nationality.
  • Chinese guy here, I can confirm we're one of, if not the worst group of tourists out there. Some of us try to stand out of the way, but most of us will not give a single shit how much we're inconveniencing literally everyone around us
  • @Shantosh9550
    American, British, Australian and French Tourists: We are the worst tourists Chinese Tourists: Allow us to introduce ourselves.
  • @pauguerrero7827
    IBIZA MENTIONED. I work as a receptionist in a hotel and the British moms are one of the worst clients we have. They complain about everything all the time even when the thing they are complaining is the standard. And then you have the french that don't even try to communicate with you in an other language that is not french even when they are in another country where almost no one speaks french.
  • @nibblitman
    The only tourist I ever found taking a dump on the stairs to my office were Chinese so there’s that. And it didn’t happen once.
  • @GameCyborgCh
    Trash Taste: Who are the Worst Tourists?? Germans: on their way to the beach with socks and sandal to reserve a spot with their towel for the next 8 hours
  • @raiken123456
    From my personal experience, Australian tourists are pretty chill and friendly. They're really curious too, and are open to learn more about my country. Brits are pretty nice, they're respectful and tend to mince their words especially when talking about things they don't understand about my country. Americans.. are friendly, but they tend to be loud. There was a time when I was riding a bus and it was dead silent except for a family of American tourists. At first I thought that they were being purposely rude, but the more I listened the more I thought that they just don't have an inside voice..
  • @ligmafigma9631
    Out of all the tourist groups I've ever passed, either through traveling myself or just seeing them in my daily life, the Chinese are the only group to have publicly defecated. Multiple times...
  • I was solo travelling in Japan in 2019 and, as an Italian, I'm naturally quite loud when I talk and yes, also hands. I did my absolute best to tone down my voice every time I was around, and was very careful not to inconvenience people in the metro. During my last days in Tokyo, I was riding next to an American couple who needed to get off at least three metro stops earlier. How did I know? They were talking SO LOUD about their business everyone was just aggressively staring at them, and in 5 minutes I learned half of what they were planning to do. The couple realised I was the only Western-looking person in the car and approached me to help them out in English, which I was very happy to do...except when they yelled "I'M SORRY YOU'RE SPEAKING SO SOFTLY I CAN'T HEAR YOU?" when I was explaining. I swear I saw at least six people breaking their frown into a smile witnessing me experience second-hand embarassment in a culture that isn't even mine...
  • @stuntmonkey00
    Despite their reputation, the American tourists that we get here during cruise ship season are absolutely lovely. They overwhelmingly polite and cheerful, if a bit naive. If anything, it's a bit of a culture shock/letdown for them when they experience how Vancouver doesn't live up to the "nice" stereotype sometimes. But yes, the worst by far are the ones that come from that big place across the ocean where all the container ships come from....
  • @Candy-8448
    Went on a school trip to france recently and was at the saturday market. We bought some posters and the guy at the stall was trying to ask us if we wanted it wrapped. It took us a while of decifering until someone finally remembered that the word he was saying had something to do with gifts. But bro, the french people were so nice, they were trying so hard to help us understand and trying to speak to us in english where they could and it was honestly so nice. It wasnt like we were anywhere big, we were in Dieppe at the very edge of the country
  • @lookitskazzy
    Don't shoot the messenger, but when it comes to Japan, my Japanese and expat Japanese resident friends tell me Australians and Mainland Chinese are the worst. As a American resident in a city that is full of tourists... The tourists are fine! I don't have any complaints.
  • @lickumdry6016
    Worst tourists usually comes down to where/why they are there and those reasons are more common from certain areas, rather than a certain area producing the worst tourists universally.
  • @Eli_VIII
    I know Japanese are considered polite, but once back in the 70s, a full bussload of japanese tourists chased my mum with cameras. They saw a 7yo with white-blond hair and Swedish folkwear and lost their minds
  • As an Spanish person who is from the Canary Islands, people here are just tired of all tourists. Our economy depends on then but at the same time this business model is making our lives miserable. As far as Mallorca and Ibiza people from there are just disgusted at this point. There’s a thing we call balconing, where for some fucking reason drunk brits throw themselves from high balconies into the pools, and sometimes they hit the floor around it instead. Why do I say this? Because some people there say that the summer season starts when the moment someone looses their lives over this each year. (No joke, it’s weirdly common)
  • @rassyk9838
    I just checked a poll about this. Apparently the worst Tourists in Europe are the British and Russians, and the worst tourists in Asia are Chinese. Obviously, Japanese tourists are some of the best, and Australians are pretty popular too.
  • @Mamasparky86
    When I was talking to our Airbnb hosts in Japan during our trip in April 2019, they told us that the ones that they don’t like were Chinese or Koreans. In Osaka, we were exploring the Osaka Museum that is by Osaka Castle. Anyways, as we are walking around, there is a group of school kids, roughly junior high, ahead of us. Now I assumed at first that there were Japanese, but as we paid more attention to them, they seemed very rowdy, were very loud, touching everything and as we got closer to them I realized that they weren’t speaking Japanese. Also, we took note that a security guard was also kind of trailing us; which I assumed he thought maybe we were Americans (Canadians actually) and didn’t want us damaging anything. But as we are going, we start to realize he’s more so following the students. As we get near the end, I leaned over to my husband and said softly “I think those students are Korean. Or at least that’s what it sounds like they are speaking” Before my husband can respond, the security guard, who I had not realized was really close to us, said in an annoyed tone “yes they are Korean. I’ve been following to make sure they behave and not break anything” We were shocked how good his English was, and he even asked us where we were from in Canada; we had luggage tags with the Canadian flags on our back packs in case we ever misplaced them. But he also said that when Chinese and a Korean students visit they usually have him watch over them. And finally the second thing, was I walked into a bathroom at a train station in Osaka, and the one stall is covered in shit. It was as if someone took a poop, purposefully missed the squat toilet and then finger painted it all over the stall. A Japanese woman then walked in and I pointed at the messy stall and said “don’t use, very gross”. She looks confused, pokes the door open and steps back aghast. Before I can even say anything else, she says in perfect English “Fucking Chinese people!” Then she turns around and walks out.
  • @Schrulle2011
    Also a good advice: learn phrases that people might say back to you in their language. It doesn't help if you can ask for something and don't understand them. Also even if you cannot speak the language, just be calm and polite.
  • @yiluis1316
    There is a generational gap in those chinese tourist. A lot of them are grandmas/pas from the old/poor generation when they had a very harss environment. The retirement age in China is 60 for males and 55 for females, so a lot of them make big groups and just travel around the world after the economic boom that the country has experienced in the recent 20 years. A lot of those tourist are basically villager folks who don't know that much about outside customs and just go around with their own way. If you meet youngster from the 90s (even from the 80s), I bet you they would behave much more restraint or "polite" than those people from the old generation. So just expect that the manners of that group of people to improve in the coming years.
  • @annafirnen4815
    I can tell you, drunk Brits became part of the landscape of Kraków, Poland at this point. I recently even watched British guy's vlog from here and he stumbled upon a group his drunk countrymen and they were yelling and singing and one dude took off his pants and showed his ass to the camera 😂 The vlogger was horrified.