Published 2012-05-31
No profit viral commercial to make people aware of the fight against cancer.
Mauro Basso,the Norma hairdressers team from Bolzano and the director Claudio Zagarini, personally involved in the initiative, decided to create a viral spot for all those women that due to chemotherapy lose their hair or decide to shave them before they become bald, to avoid the feeling of losing their beauty and femininity. The spot has the goal of communicating that real beauty is life! YOUR LIFE IS YOUR BEAUTY

Spot virale no profit per sensibilizzare il tema della lotta contro i tumori,
Mauro Basso insieme al team Norma Parrucchieri di Bolzano e al regista Claudio Zagarini, sensibili al tema della malattia, ha pensato di creare un video virale per tutte quelle donne che a causa della chemioterapia perdono i capelli o decidono prima della caduta di rasarli completamente intaccando il loro stato psicologico nella paura di perdere anche la loro bellezza, lo spot vuole far rendere conto che la vera bellezza è la vita!

Claudio Zagarini

Mauro Basso

Manuel Latino

Joanna Bernasinska

Make Up
Silvia Crivaro

Visual Fx
Luca Della Grotta

All Comments (9)
  • @ytb40
    This is so horrible. The poor woman! Not enough to be confronted with cancer, she also loses her gorgeous, so well-cared and certainly dearly loved long hair ...:(
  • @MaKu765
    w tych czerwonych tez wyglądasz git :)
  • @LeeColes100
    I truly doubt the sincerity of this video and those who made it. As an RN, I know what these women and their families go through. I ahve seen how the treatments and the uncertainty affect them. Their beauty is clearly not their hair, but it is certainly not a bunch of make-up either. The model is way too young, as most women diagnosed with cancer are in their 40's or older. I really don't think you ahve a clue about what you are taliing about:(.