My Coming Out Story

Published 2013-05-23

All Comments (21)
  • @dothedeed
    I just wanna fold stuff and close a few drawers. 
  • @helldudeperwert1
    Sometimes, I go to youtube just to watch people being happy about coming out. In the place I live, people hate homosexuality, using some most atrocious "arguments" against homosexuality. I am in fact one of those 20-30% people, who are not against homosexuality, and one of 1-2% people, who are not against homosexual people wedding or adoption. So I'm glad to see that there are gay-friendly environments. In my country, people actually end up attempting or succeeding suicide just because of their sexual orientation, which makes me mad and scared. I'm glad that not everybody lives on ignorant crappy hell land that I do. 
  • @westtell4
    He got lucky i got kicked out when i came out at 17
  • aw it's so thoughtful of your dad to ask you if you're being bullied or having any hard time at school. I wish my parents asked me that and talked to me more, but I plan on doing that with my kids.
  • @Franchifis
    Am I the only one who really wants to know if they let you go to skateboard camp?
  • @oldfoxbob1
    Bravo for coming out. Brave, smart, and cute. Welcome to the world where there are LOTS just like you. I My self have housed many teens who received the worse side of coming out. That being the parents tossed them out on to the street. I clothed, fed, housed, educated them all for free and no strings attached. Now that I am getting too old to do that I hope there are others out there who will do that. Best wishes to you. And dont let the haters get you down. They will blast you, hate you, etc. But there are Many many more out there just like you. Be well and be healthy.
  • @PanoT
    I never made a blanket statement and said it was a non-issue. I clearly state "I don't know how the people in your life think, but coming out doesn't NECESSARILY have to be a big deal." I never stated that coming out is a non issue for everyone, just that at times, it can be
  • I am a gay identical twin who has a gay identical twin.  We joined the Air Force together and after a couple years, we were discharged with about 40 other guys and girls for "homosexual activity" which the military described as going to a gay bar and associating with other "known" gay people.  We were then forced to come out to our parents.  They took it hard, but after a couple months we all actually grew a lot closer.  My Father died a few years later and I learned more about him in those last few years than I had my whole life.  He accepted our boyfriends like they were his kids as well.  It was very emotional in the beginning and the time it took our parents to come to terms with it was rough.  For my Father, my brother and I were the last men in our family to carry on the family name.  By being gay and not having children, our family line ends with us.  That seemed to be what upset my Father the most.  I applaud you guys for doing this online and sharing with others.  YouTube wasn't around when we came out but watching your video now brings me right back to that day and I was crying with you.  It is hard hearing your parents tell gay jokes and say demeaning things toward gays and then have to turn around and tell them you are what they have spewed jokes and prejudice over for so many years.  They are more worried about what the neighbors will think or how they could hide it from their friends and other family members.  That all worked itself out with time and I believe both of our parents died being proud of who we were as people and not about our sexuality.  btw, I wish I was as cute as you.  I can't imagine anyone not liking you or wanting to be friends. .
  • @herbieenrico
    Pano, you were so cute 10 years ago. And that hasn’t changed since then. You are so confident, humorous and interesting. I’m glad I have come across you and subscribed to your channel. You are amazing and an inspiration. Keep being yourself and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers
  • @AnnTheAnonymous
    I love stories like this, where everyone still cares about you and there's no drama.
  • @s4774688
    I find you like an artist called David Arhculeta
  • @Gfvjsckkfhoggkr
    You and I have a very similar mentality. I knew around 6th grade, and I never really felt the necessity to speak on it because it didn't really matter. It still doesn't.
  • @ventureout001
    I knew I liked boys in a different way other boys liked boys when I was 6 years old, I didn't find out what gay meant till I was 8, when I read what it meant I said to myself that's me. I had to come out to my mom when I was 12 because she found me in bed with my first boyfriend...Naked both of us, talk about scared to death she cried and told me it will be alright, then she told my dad, talk about going ape shit he screamed he pointed his finger at me and said "You Are Not Gay" but I was gay, my dad said to me I never had anyone disappoint me like you have disappointed me, now you have to understand my dad was my hero I wanted to be just like him, when he told me I was his biggest disappointment I went to my room and cried for hours. Later that night my dad came in my room and told me he loved me, but he didn't understand why I was gay, I told him I didn't understand why I was gay. Me and my dad came to a livable agreement with one another remember I was only 12 he even let Denny my boyfriend come over now and then. I do think you are lucky Pano your parents was cool with your coming out, I feel lucky to, I knew my parents loved me, and as for me and my dad, it took some time and we became friends again.
  • @davidalicea966
    Im a straight man i do not care you are gay black or purple you seem like a awesome cool dude to be around
  • @TheAlphaRalph
    I don't understand why some people down here disapprove of you. You are so awesome
  • Pano! This is by far one of my favorite videos that you've ever made. You are so yourself, you're so comfortable, and you're so likable. Thank you SO much for making this video, I was literally shocked when I saw the title because I knew how against it you were at first, but I am seriously SO glad you made it, Pano. I'm glad you had such a good coming out experience.