The Doctor Reunites with Wilf | Wild Blue Yonder | Doctor Who

The Doctor and Donna arrive back on Earth, where an old friend is awaiting their return - and a new problem is arising!
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コメント (21)
  • @casper182003
    Everyone has their favorite Doctor and their favorite companion but I'm pretty sure most Whovians can agree that Wilf is a real treasure.
  • @Todd21212
    it’s great how they managed to film this before bernard died ❤
  • @azapro911
    It's now clear that Bernard Cribbins became very ill during filming, yet he still managed to bring all that Wilf energy to this scene. A pro to the last.
  • This might be the best accidental final tribute to an actor, and character ever, after grieving the grand daughter he lost to the memory wipe, "she was better with you" he finally gets to see that Donna found herself again and the incredible joy at seeing her and the doctor reunited is, so, so lovely, and the doctor gets to see that his tenth life wasn't wasted as, even as humanity falls to it's the impulses the old soldier guards resolute and despite his fragility, will lay his life on the line out of pure kindness and optimism. Wilfred mot is everything that the doctor wants humanity to be and single handedly, undoubtedly, refutes the no-things view of life in the universe, if there was ever a doctor who character that was a true paragon it's Wilf, we all aspire to embody the doctor's ideals, but the doctor aspires to live up to wilf's example, the soldier who never killed a man.
  • @darthharry
    this was such a heartwarming scene, Bernard Cribbins was a brilliant actor
    The best part about this scene is that it happens at the end of 'Wild Blue Yonder', of all stories. About deceptive faces and the not-things representing hate ("love letters don't travel very far"). For Wilf to see the same face that gave his 10th life for him means the world. And the Doctor who he sees isn't a horrible doppelganger. The 14th Doctor is the real deal, because he can love ("I loved that man") and while the Not-Things want to wage war on the Universe, Wilf is the old soldier who never killed anyone ("Don't say that like it's shameful!"). Probably a massive coincidence, that this scene happened at the end of 'Wild Blue Yonder' but if so, it was a very happy accident. R.I.P. Bernard Cribbins.
  • @hillsjason1
    In 60 years of show, Wilf is easily one of the most beloved characters ❤
  • @dasnurk
    Seeing Bernard Cribbins act the absolute hell out of Wilfred Mott, one last time, is a balm on the soul. Rest well, you old soldier.
  • RIP Bernard Cribbins - he brought such soul to the role of Wilf and his relationship with The Doctor!
  • So often, beloved actors die and leave their characters with sad cliffhangers. I'm glad Wilfred isn't one of them. He got his reunion hug from his weird alien grandson, and will live on happily with his family in canon. Thank you, Mr. Cribbins, and rest in peace. 🥲
  • @Blitzo8390
    Seeing him again made me cheer Wilf so loud that I thought my sister and her boyfriend might have heard me
  • @TheClayton827
    When I first saw this, I felt EXACTLY the same way 14 did when we got to see Wilfred one last time. "Now I feel better! Now nothing is wrong, nothing in the whole wide world!"
  • @scsutton1
    Their reactions to seeing each other are exactly what I expected them to be. RIP Bernard. And thanks for this one last scene.
  • @finito1989
    There’s characters we love and characters we hate. Some we love to hate and hate to love. But Wilf is the one character that never shows up on bad lists. No matter what. Every whovian loves that sweet old man.
  • @Scarlet_Soul
    Truly brilliant seeing Bernard Cribbins one last time before his passing. Rest in peace you brilliant man
  • 0:12 David plays this so well, even though it's been years and we've grown to cherish other faces of the doctor; the stare he gives here really makes you believe he was also there with us this whole time
  • @1withthelion
    I find it really that Bernard’s reaction to seeing the Doctor was real emotion but it just played well enough into his acting, the reason being is because that’s one of the last times he’ll see David’s face, the last times he’ll see his Doctor. He knew his time was coming
  • What really sells this is that Wilfred Mott doesn't have a Zeedex. He is affected by the Giggle, convinced he is right, except his right is quite simply: "The Doctor will come, and he will fix it. Donna will come, and she will fix it." And so Wilfred Mott, the man the Doctor would be proud to have as a father... waits. He tells his family to hide, parks himself in his wheelchair, and... waits. For the Doctor to come, and set things right. And for him to not just come, but to look like he did when they last saw each other, and bring Donna back properly, memories and all... Wilfred Mott knew he was right, but for a few precious moments, to him, all was right in the world now.
  • I really love that they didn’t cut this out or kill him off just to align with reality. I feel so much happier knowing Wilf still lives in the Whoniverse. I’m just said we didn’t get another: “It’s dem aliens again.”