Fact check: Trump’s Arlington Cemetery visit

Publicado 2024-09-04
Former president Donald Trump on Tuesday claimed that there was “no conflict” or “fighting” when he visited Arlington National Cemetery last week, despite multiple reports of an altercation involving Trump campaign staff at the cemetery.

Trump was at the cemetery Aug. 26 to mark the third anniversary of a suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. troops during the evacuation of Afghanistan. Trump and his staff defied requests from cemetery officials to avoid taking photos or videos among the gravestones, with the aim of adhering to a federal law that forbids campaign activities at military cemeteries. A female cemetery worker was “abruptly pushed aside” by male Trump aides as she sought to enforce the guidelines, cemetery officials said.

Caption from an article by Mariana Alfaro.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • How could they say it never happened and also say the employee "initiated the the altercation?"
  • Four other points: 1. The first thing the campaign tried was to not only blame the cemetery staffer for the altercation, but to call it a mental breakdown. Since the staffer is believed to be a woman, that's a twofer illegal and misogyny. 2. Everyone involved was informed of the policy at the time of the visit. But while those families are defending TFG, he is throwing them under the bus, by blaming them for releasing the tictok and other footage. He even claims he knows nothing about any policy, that he did nothing wrong and all they wanted and all he did was give them a picture. 3. The staffer is refusing to press charges, for fear of retaliation. Nuf said. 4. Families of others buried in that part of Section 60 are outraged, and they have also come forward, including family of the soldier buried next to the first family. EDIT: THANK YOU to all who have liked and posted. Great discussion in the comments below. This is the first comment that I have made that had blown up like this, and I am honored.
  • I’m 99% certain those same families would be outraged if a democrat had done these things
  • Getting into an altercation with any cemetery staff anywhere is wild
  • How many times are we just gonna let this dude get away with illegal stuff?
  • My grandfather and father are both buried in the ANC, and it's possible that my father's grave was shown during this campaign ad. I'm not okay with them breaking the law and possibly showing graves of those who did not consent. Edit: My father is in section 12 and my grandfather is in section 66. These are adjacent to session 60 where filming was done. I still believe the graves of these brave veterans and their families were greatly disrespected by this campaign stunt, even though my relatives' graves were probably not filmed.
  • The fact that the families don’t think he did anything wrong is completely irrelevant and is simply propaganda. He broke federal law. Period. End of story.
  • You forgot to mention the U.S. Army confirmed he had his staff SHOVE an employee who was doing her job to enforce the rules. His thumbs up over the grave was so tasteless too.
  • It doesn’t matter if they don’t “think” Trump did anything wrong, he did, and it’s a federal crime, also there are a lot of people who’s loved ones are buried there that are incredibly offended. So we just ignore the people that don’t want their loved ones grave markers in an ad for that idiot?
  • I’m going to use the excuse, “well I was asked to do it” next time I break a law… 🙄
  • So the families say that Trump did nothing wrong but apparently they didn't know the rules at Arlington either.
  • And this is the side stating "facts don't care about your feelings", to which... They got nothing but feelings.
  • While the hatch act has penalties they are mostly minor. It’s the opportunistic nature of what he did that is what makes it disqualifying. Not in a legal sense. In the past this would have cost a candidate an election. His atrocious behavior has been normalized, and that is his real legacy.
  • That draft dodging federal criminal shouldn't be allowed to touch the soil those are buried in. His complete lack of character is astonishing, and I'm surprised so many fools are hoodwinked by him.
  • See, Vance wants to show everyone he's a step ahead of Kamala by preemptively telling her to go to hell.