The Top 10 Inconvenient Facts About Climate Change

Published 2024-07-29
In this "Fact Check" video from the Climate Discussion Nexus, Dr. John Robson examines 10 crucial facts about climate change, from the Earth being in an Ice Age right now to the lack of evidence of a crisis to computer models not working, that activists, politicians and journalists wouldn't like to talk about even if they knew about them.

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All Comments (21)
  • @gusmc2220
    Generations from now (assuming humans can keep from destroying themselves in the mean time) people will look back at the 'global warming alarmist' with pity and disdain for how much resources they wasted trying to stop something they could never have controlled to begin with and for how much they stopped human progress due to irrational fear
  • @ArchibaldCoke
    How can something that's not even noticeable be a crisis?
  • @johnlacek1597
    I'd like to know where all the billions of dollars went.
  • @federalist46
    It's all about money and control....Always has been.
  • @rosa9079
    Australia. They’ve homogenised all past temperatures to make it hotter than ever before .
  • @DarthChrisB
    You forgot to include the fact that climate models don't model the climate. They don't even include cloud coverage.
  • @davidstokes8441
    This video should be mandatory viewing for all media journalists and politicians from local councilors to parliamentarians and all primary and secondary students at least once a year. Sadly the Tertiary students have already locked in to their psyches to make any difference to their thinking.
  • @mdturnerinoz
    Fear: fear causes a call to action; a call to action calls for a government grant; the government grant funds the fear-monger(s); the cycle repeats.
  • @cisnerosigonda
    12. Logarithmic decline in CO2 warming 13. CO2 sequestration being the prevailing geological trend due to pesky animals and vegetation forming sedimentation. 14. Plants and animals are happy to move to, and become, greener pastures. Seasons and draughts have been lessons learned by all biota that are perfectly adaptable to changing climate conditions. 15. CO2 bellow 150 ppm is death for life.
  • @tyrport
    Like the old George Carlin joke: Here’s the temperature at the airport. Which is kinda weird because I don’t know anyone who lives at the airport. The Hippe Dippee Weather Man
  • @trojanthedog
    Only 10. I would expect the field to be very crowded indeed. Those 10 must have been tough to pick.
  • @bessarion1771
    In addition, the "97%" result is only achieved after manipulation data not allowed by current statical science. When the acceptable statistics were applied to the data, the "consensus " was more like 50-50 or 55% to 45%.
  • @raincoast9010
    Don't present too many facts you will get a strike against the channel.
  • @xyzct
    "The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible." ~UN IPCC
  • @mysterion4301
    I'm in California's South San Joaquin Valley and we've been cooking lately with temps hitting 114°F. This would worry me, but I'm 70 years old and have seen it here a couple of times before. Keep up the good work
  • @timw7946
    These videos are logical, backed by real data and analyzed to see what comes of it, rather than forcing an outcome. A truly refreshing discussion.
  • @lancebarnes3970
    I just wish more people would understand this type of information, so then they might make better informed decisions. I'm glad I've been financially supportive of this channel for over a year now. Good work, CDN. Glad you are out there.
  • Thanks John and the CDN - I'm scientifically qualified myself, and it always smelled a bit funky when I was listening to the latest "Climate Crisis!" report on TV - thanks to you, I can see that a lot of journalists (and therefore politicians) are chasing headlines, not facts, cheers for the grounding!