6 Things to NEVER say to Christians

Publicado 2014-04-19
6 Things to NEVER say to Christians

Hemant Mehta (www.friendlyatheist.com/, www.patreon.com/Hemant)

1) Don't make up simplistic reasons for why they believe
2) Don't dismiss religion so casually
3) Don't assume there's one correct form of Christianity
4) Don't say religious people are stupid.
5) Don't say religion is a virus or mental illness.
6) Don't say Tax the Churches.

Atheists, Please Stop Saying These Things
by Ed Brayton

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @TheBibleReloaded
    One problem I see from both Christians and Atheists is that instead of having a genuine discussion we both have a habit of falling into the same talking points, that's where many of these communication problems come in.  Instead of reading off a script in our heads lets all try to have productive back and forth discussion with Theists.
  • @rogerleblanc2833
    I am an 80 yr old atheist. Your logical conclusions are a great education for me. Thank you. Roger from Las Vegas.
  • @PhilipHo986a
    Even though as a Christian I have a different world view than you, I really appreciate your respect to the religious community! I wish there were more people who had the same insight and understand as you.
  • @LipSyncLover
    Not atheist personally but man i have mad respect for you.  i have encountered a handful of atheists but none so respectful and others-minded as you. thank you dude :)
  • @jamessarvan7692
    I disagree somewhat with you on the "religion is a choice" bit. I understand your point, but I do think that in most cases it isn't really a choice. I mean, if you are raised in a religious family, and a religious society, when did you actually get to make that choice? I know I never felt like I did, it was more something that I just new I was because that's how my culture was, I never really chose it. But you are right in that I did choose to leave it though.
  • @joeyrocks7916
    I am Catholic. I respect everyone's choice to believe what they want. As long as they are friendly!
  • @t.wood01
    More Atheists needs to watch this video, while more Christians needs to watch his other video regarding what Christians shouldn't say to Atheists. I am loving some of your videos. Keep it up.
  • @Rationalific
    I disagree with quite a few things on this list.  To name one, I will talk about how you said that churches should not be taxed.  With that, you assume that the main point of a church is charity.  That is usually not the case.  So, I believe that churches should be taxed.  Then, if a church wants to set up a particular charity that it is affiliated with, then that specific charity would not be taxed.  It's like if I have a job and I donate 10% of that to charity, does that mean that my entire income should not be taxed?...or does it mean that only my donation should give me a tax exemption?  For anyone who believes in taxes at all, I believe they would say that the person/church should be taxed, and only its donations to charity should not be taxed.
  • @thetngon3285
    I am buddhism. :-) Sorry my english is bad First time I knew about Christian religious was a few papers at the front door of our house. It was about the birth of Jesus, how he saved the ill people and revive the death one. Ok I read it but I am still a buddhism. Second time was in my first year of university. Two girls came to me and my friend( whose family is christian but she is atheist) and asked 'can we have a few minute.' We don't know them and what they want. But we said 'ok'. Then it happened. They asked our religion.I knew what they want to talk to us at that moment. I proudly answered my religion and my friend lied them & said she is buddhism too because she don't wanna listen about it. Those two girls didn't care about our religion and didn't have respect. They continued to talk about Jesus and their religion and tried to convince us. I really dislike that manner. I though 'why do Christian promote and convince their religion so much? This is 21th.(don't mean to be rude). The third time was in my third year. It was an exam day and I was stting on a platform and doing revision for exam. A girl came to me and asked 'do you have an exam?. She clearly saw that I am studying with that stressful look. I answered Yes and she asked 'can I speak to you for a few minutes.' I couldn't believe she said that. I was really upset and said 'hell no'. Do I look like someone that they can convince easily or something??? I have many Christian friends. I don't dislike Christian. But I dislike that promoting and convincing other who believe other religions. Look I am a Buddhism and I love & believe my religion so much. Don't try to convince me anymore.
  • @stephdevorah3267
    Not even Christian, but I am religious. Thank you so much for this video. Very respectful!
  • @aaronsansevero9175
    I'm a christian, and I must say that I'm very glad to meet an atheist online that at least shows respect to the religious. Even though I believe in god and you don't, I can still respect you for not being rude like Cult of Dusty. If only ALL atheists showed this kind of respect. Then probably people would listen to them.
  • @nathanbond9117
    A well done commentary, thank you.  As a Christian I also truly appreciated your video, "15 things to NEVER say to an atheist."
  • @alexmsevans
    Hey, sorry man, but I'm an atheist and I don't really give a damn what other people are. If you're a Christian, good for you, if you're an atheist, good for you, if you're Jewish, good for you. I don't think people should try to force other people to share the same beliefs whether that's an atheist trying to make a Christian atheist or a Christian trying to make an atheist Christian it's all the same whether one side ios right or not because it's that persons opinion and none of your business. Sure if someone is interested in why I am what I am I'll tell them but if not, keep your shiz to yourself.
  • @TruePieGod
    I may not be religious but I try to respect people and their beliefs. The exception being when they attack someone because of their religion. Besides that though... No harm in believing that there is something more.  I guess I feel that way because my whole family is catholic though. ... Shhhh don't tell them.
  • @GodWorksOut
    If you believe in something ridiculous, then your belief deserves to be ridiculed. You have no right to a protected belief, especially if your belief goes against reason, logic, and evidence.
  • @cobinizer
    There are rules churches must follow to retain their tax-exempt status. I simply want those rules enforced.
  • @RevSharonDee
    I love this! I am so past the "angry atheist" phase and just want to get along. These are great things that needed to be said.
  • @GalaxyGal-
    I feel like this was an eye-opener to me. Thanks for the tips.