Mischa Maisky plays Bach Cello Suite No.1 in G (full)

Published 2011-10-15
1. Prelude - 0:00
2. Allermande - 2:45
3. Courante - 7:09
4. Sarabande - 9:47
5. Menuet I / II - 13:41
6. Gigue - 17:38

Unitel 1993

All Comments (21)
  • @renehenson523
    Not a single ad to interrupt this absolute masterpiece
  • “Do not cry for me, for where I go music is born” -Bach, to his wife, on his deathbed
  • @AvioInsane
    The Cello you see here is over 300 years old. It was built in 1720 by famed Violoncello builder Domenico Montagnana in Venice, Italy. The anonymous previous owner was a fellow Cellist and admirer of Misha. On his deathbed at 94 years of age, he offered it to Mischa for a low symbolic price after being moved to tears by his music. This was in 1973, when Misha was only 25. Since then, he has mainly played this Cello, for 50 years now. Its value is estimated at around 5 million Dollars.
  • @andrewhirst8403
    For me, this is STILL the best version. Nuance, style, pace -all just right. That first movement is utterly sublime. Some ‘accomplished’ performers just seem to be in a rush to get to the end.
  • @gxp3621
    Imagine playing cello for 20 minutes straight without making any mistakes
  • @Stallionsound
    15 years ago, I asked an older gentleman at church if he was a musician (takes one to know one) Found out he played cello, had a double major at Juilliard, and spent his career playing in the NY Symphony Ballet Orchestra (I verified it...wow) Then learned he was basically homeless, bi-polar, & 1000 miles from home We became friends and we did what we could for him To show his gratitude, he borrowed a cello from a local music store and walked miles with it to my house He said he wanted to play for us while we had dinner... THIS is the song he played I still can't listen to it or tell the story without at least a few tears Bless your beautiful soul Daven Jenkins, wherever you are my friend
  • @chitray
    My 4 year old daughter LOVES to listen to the prelude before going to bed. Its amazing watching her so enamored with with such a sophisticated piece of classical music thats so, so much older than her.
  • @reekreeks
    I come here almost daily. Mischa's interpretation of Bach is full of emotion and I just cant find another version I like after hearing his. Thanks for devoting your life to becoming a true Master of this instrument good sir.
  • @kermit64
    We should all thank bach for that masterpiece
  • Absolutely without doubt one of the best cellists in the entire world. I've seen so many people, highly esteemed cellist's, play Bachs Suite No 1 and absolutely nobody has come even close to Mischa. This man and his Cello are one!
  • I wonder if Bach could have known that almost three centuries later his music would be filling the hearts and souls of people today. Intellectually I can grasp he has been gone for hundreds of years, but I feel I know him as if he lived next door.
  • @davidhertzberg
    This is the sort of priceless footage that makes YouTube truly great.
  • @chrisb2541
    My beloved 98 year old grandmother passed away to this beautiful music this evening. She drew her final breath at the same time as the final note
  • Although the prelude to this piece is know as "that cello song", this entire performance by Mischa remains one of my favourite string pieces of music. The artist beautifully blends such grace, elegance and power in the same motions and one must respect the years of practice and devotion that have gone into this level of mastery.
  • @RickeyKetchmore
    My God I am from North Philadelphia ... a very hard neighborhood, when I was a kid I would go to work with my mom who cleaned for a wealthy white Family...I remember the day a friend of their family was playing this... immediately I stop what I was doin to follow this sound ... ever since. I have grew up in the arts threw Theater, Dance and classical piano..... the inspiration of music... even in the wind this song gracefully peeks in the ghetto...
  • Someone finally frees this music from the burden of time. Thank you.
  • 懐かしい。。、 貴方が日本に来てくださっていた頃、私は母の介護を長くしていました。 心も身体も疲れた私を貴方のチェロが癒してくれました。 貴方の優しい音楽を聴きながら沢山涙を流しました。 その母も天国に行きました。 今 貴方のチェロを聴いて また涙が溢れます。 ありがとう マイスキー。感謝しています。