inventor of traffic light

Published 2021-10-31
inventor of traffic light.
The first Traffic light was invented by
British engineer John Peake Knight from Nottingham, England.
In 1866, over one thousand people a year
were being killed and over thirteen hundred injured on the roads in London.
Mr Knight designed a traffic signaling arrangement system to control
the horse drawn traffic and diminish the number of road accidents.
The world's first traffic light was installed on 9 December
1868 in London near Westminster Bridge, at the intersection of
Great George Street and Bridge Street, London .

A plaque can be seen at 12 Bridge Street, Westminster
near to where the
the first traffic light in the world were seen.
This invention later paved the way for the
electric traffic light by the american ,Lester Wire in 1912.

Eight years after the modern evolved Traffic light invention of Lester wire,
a detective in 1920 by the name of
William Potts introduced the amber light with a sequence of electronic controls
that would form and evolve the automatic traffic light.

Early traffic light signals were constructed for the railways
with the railways and trains invented in Britain.

They were gas powered and were red and green.
Red means risk or danger in many cultures. This makes sense
as this colour has the greatest length on the color spectrum.This
means it can be see from a longer viewing area than other colours.
Traffic light technology by the 1960s had evolved in to the computerized
era,which could now change using the process of automation with
computer software.…

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