Immigration Industry - Policy Paper Analysis

Publicado 2019-10-08
The Department of Justice & Equality recently published a progress report on the "Migrant Integration Strategy 2017-2020". I go through that document looking at policy objectives, how much money they're spending and where it's going. This paper demonstrates the existence of an "immigration industry" beyond any doubt.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @TheDaisey68
    The immigrants will flourish while the natives will perish, so sad
  • @maryrosed8475
    Very frightening! Soon we Irish will be second class citizens in our own country. This policy is all against the native Irish.
  • This is a brilliant and balanced video. Should be vital viewing for so many people. Keep up the good work. This is chilling and so insidious.
  • @katelawlor9610
    The term Non Governmental Organisation is the most elaborate 'hidden in plain sight' ruse of our time.
  • @Humans_Eh
    Informative and eye opening video, the redirection of Irish taxpayers own money into the multitude of schemes to eradicate Irishness itself is genuinely infuriating. And won't be forgotten. Keep up the good work, maith an fear.
  • @thenotchosen
    Am i to accept that all my ancestors and my efforts into creating and sustaining a nation ,Is to be sold off to vultures ,Is it time to sack all politicians
  • @davidmorris8630
    THE DIRECT PROVISION SYSTEM SHOULD BE SCRAPPED AND GO WITH THE BRITISH SYSTEM! The Direct Provision system is not fit for purpose and should be scrapped. In Britain there is no direct provision, because there is one straight judgement with no downstream appeals provision. In Ireland because we have an appeals system, one can launch an appeals process (sometimes several), after the initial judgement, which leads to inordinate length of time, costs and distress to the applicant, which then requires Direct Provision Centres etc. and calls to remain simply because they have been here so long! Last year, a reader decided to ask the Department of Social Protection what percentage of rent supplement was paid out to non-Irish EU nationals, and non-EU nationals. As at February of last year, the figure was 35pc. This is a remarkable total. Giving George Soros his two most prized aspirations, Abortion and African migration into Europe (not Israel) . Leo, Harris and Fianna Gael. Fianna Fail, where was the opposition that the Irish citizens are entitled to, and, well paid for? Where are the houses, hospital beds, welfare cheques, school places, Increased Justice costs, translators going to come from? But hey!, I nearly forgot, we have the PAYE workers etc. The Irish landlords will be f@cking delighted with the increased rents, that welfare, but not young Irish working couples can afford. ?immigration The scumbag employers will be ecstatic with people who they can exploit and underpay, and then let Irish workers unemployed! #job_displacement! MOST OF THESE ARE YOUNG MALE ECONOMIC MIGRANTS and not Syrian refugees’ WELCOME TO THE MOST GENEROUS SOCIAL WELFARE SYSTEM FOR IMMIGRANTS IN THE WORLD! Leo, Michael. What obedient servants! #F”CKING_TRAITORS We've Reached Peak Nazi Since when did your 'right' not to be offended, trump my right to free speech?, 17pc of the population is "foreign-getting over-represented in the figures by two to one. 25 November 2018 Opinion David Quinn More recently, Fingal County Council asked by FOI request what percentage of its social housing stock is occupied by non-Irish EU nationals and by non-EU nationals. The total comes to 15pc, but the great majority (86pc) of the 15pc come from outside the EU. A lso asked what percentage of those waiting for social housing fell into these same categories. Some 61pc are Irish citizens (some might be naturalised immigrants), and the rest (39pc) are citizens of other countries, with 16pc from outside the EU. The ERSI report shows that 70pc of non-Irish are in the private rental sector, as distinct from being homeowners etc. That's a lot of people. So, what effect is that having on the cost of rent and the availability of rental property? Between 2012 and 2014, according to the same report, "the proportion of residents born in other EU member states decreased by one percentage point from 11pc to 10pc". But over the same period the proportion of residents from non-EU member states rose from 4pc of the population to 7pc. That is, it almost doubled in just two years. We had no debate about this. Short of leaving the EU, or the EU radically changing its rules (very unlikely), there is nothing we can do about immigration from other EU countries, but we can do more to control immigration from non-EU countries. Why aren't we doing that? Saying it is 'racist' to even ask such a question is patently absurd. If the entire population of Cork was to move to Dublin tomorrow it would be absolutely valid to worry about the pressure this would put on housing, schools, hospitals, jobs and so on in Dublin. It would be totally irresponsible not to allow these concerns to be aired. Ireland does not have the 'guilt' factor that Germany, England, France, Spain, Italy has, as historical invaders and usurpers, We don’t 'owe' any others, anything! FFS we can't even house or give proper medical attention to what we our own! "we can't have Ireland for the Irish" quoted recently by a ‘modern’ Irish politician. Has to be cheaper than bringing in immigrants who will take up scarce jobs and displace Irish workers, load welfare, health and education services and put further pressure on the property market or affordable housing to landlords delight (and stay below the tax radar).
  • @maryrosed8475
    On top of everything we now have Typfoid Fever in Ireland brought in from Pakistan. We have not had Typfoid Fever in Ireland since the early 20th century. Our Health Service cannot cope as it is without long eradicated illness returning!
  • Fr. Seán Healy (or Dr. Seán Healy as he prefers to be called) is director of Social Justice Ireland, they were commissioned by the government to overhaul and restructure the Community & Voluntary Forum (CVF) in 2013, the result of his "consultations" was the Public Participation Network (PPN). The CVF's were disbanded and the PPN's were established by local authority's, which made a bad situation worse; there are now more empty seats on Council Strategic Policy Committee's (SPC) than there were when the CVF was the nominating body. The PPN has been disastrous for community representation and is perfectly structured for manipulation by local authorities to ensure that they 'let the right ones in' to their SPC's. The vast majority of middle-eastern and African immigrants are coming here legally because they are being issued visas; many are British passport holders and they are using Ireland as a back door to bring in their 2nd, 3rd and 4th families, the government are more than aware of this.
  • The 60 month scheme is open to anyone who has been legally resident in the state for 60 months. This applies to Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Brazilian and Africans as well as many others who come here to do crappy non accredited English courses. The English students just renew the visa every year and join another crappy English course. It's a loophole that has been open for years and abused for years.
  • @christendom2774
    Thanks Gearoid for sharing this. Diversity is our weakness.
  • The end game, divide and conquer using migrants as pawns. Great video, cheers.
    Thank you very much for this much needed analysis and clarity,
  • @mrdave9315
    Excellent work.. I appreciate seeing your videos
  • @francesb571
    So if you look sideways at one of them, they can report you. That's basically what their saying.
  • @TheDaisey68
    Immigrants have to be protected at all cost because they are big business 🤑🤮
  • @whoslungshit
    It looks like there has being a decision taken between top eu countries to be lenient on immigration in order to keep the massive african population down by allowing them to be moved to countries around Europe most of them are economic migrants and should be sent back at dublin airport if coming from a safe country if they wish to come here should apply for a visa we are over stretched and as a result our own people are suffering now
  • @martinslennon
    only watched 20 minutes so far and I have the opinion that the Irish department of justice has been subverted ideologically by identity politics. Identity politics is structured similarly to Marxism, proletariat vs borgiousie or oppressor vs oppressed, it is then structured as indigenous vs migrants, white vs black, men vs women, straight vs gay and always the oppressed is the victim or has a special place in the victimhood hierarchy. This is extremely dangerous because the identity politics ideology is opposite to the meritocracy the society of Ireland has been built on.