Hello, I have death anxiety | Death Land #3

Published 2019-11-21
A lot of people are scared of death. But some people, including Leah, think about it an unhealthy amount. Thanatophobia is an irrational fear of death or the dying process. When we asked for your views, a lot of you said suffer from this too. So this week's episode of Death Land is dedicated to an open conversation about the issue
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#DeathLand #Thanatophobia #FearOfDeath #DeathAnxiety

All Comments (21)
  • @alicexma
    what scares me the most is that it’s permanent, after you die it’s over forever and i can’t get over that
  • My concern is that one day I'll die and all my memories would fade to oblivion. It gives me crippling anxiety. I cry. Get panic attacks. I don't want to stop existing!
  • @kendalh871
    Every time I deeply think about death, I cry. Talking about it upsets me and recently something has triggered my thoughts and I stay up late at night crying and almost being haunted by these thoughts. Everyday. All day. I want to stop worrying but so many different scenarios go through my head and I cant imagine. I dont want to imagine
  • @erincurry7812
    I have total death anxiety. I worry about my own death and the death of my loved ones. I am a total hypochondriac. I worry about gong for tests, being sick, the moment of death itself and what happens after you die. I also have a phobia of car accidents and earthquakes. All of this worrying takes away from my enjoyment of life and I know this but still can’t stop the worrying/obsessing.
  • @ExlposiveToast
    I too have this anxiety, and it is a large change from a few years ago when I was so depressed I did not want to live. All of a sudden now living is everything and my anxiety is triple what it used to be.
  • @arii4169
    I want to thank everyone in the comments, I always felt alone in my anxiety for death. i'm not sure what triggered it but for as long as i can remember its been a fear of mine.
  • @dixienormus7145
    It’s not death itself, it’s the permanency of it all I guess. Death anxiety has caused me to research endlessly to figure out answers that no one truly knows. Ever since I had my first anxiety attack, it comes in waves. I worry about my health consistently and I know that doesn’t help. It’s horrible to deal with because I spend a lot of time worried about the what ifs instead of just enjoying life. Whoever is here, you’re not alone. I hope you live a long and prosperous life.
  • @misstweeter314
    I don't fear death happening all the time, but I fear the looming presence of death. I fear the knowledge that we only have a set amount of time. I fear running out of time I guess. The idea of death itself isn't exactly scary, but being away from all that I know and love is. The idea that I don't know for certain if I will ever feel their love again is terrifying. I don't see death everywhere, I just know it's coming at some point and I am scared I won't be ready when it does.
  • @adam-obaseball
    I'm not a psychiatrist, so take this as you will. My personal belief is that the fear of death is caused by the fear of the unknown. No fear greater than unknowing the inevitable. Thoughts?
  • This is a serious epidemic that no one wants to discuss because it brings worries and doubt to regularly strong minded people . I thought about death every other minute for a time until I decided to live and be happy now if I die it's my time and I accept that.
  • @Inkdrip0
    I can't even fall asleep because I'm scared I'll die in my sleep, I'm so scared of not existing anymore and I just dont know why.
  • @sandjune2753
    I am glad I have seen this, I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me , it is a common thing
  • @cindyknows9220
    I know people die, but then I look at my parents and have the constant thought that I am going to be there when they die. Gives me so much anxiety when I'm inside my head. I guess watching these is giving me some strength
  • @andrewallan5442
    Death is the price you pay for life. I say this, trying to be all cool with it but I suffer with death anxiety.
  • @eminuhh
    This is me! But I get the anxiety out of a fear of losing my loved ones and not knowing how I'd cope with that when it happens.
  • @tulips91
    If there's one thing that I've learned from this video is that, it is normal to fear death. But you don't have to keep living in that fear. This thought just gave me instant relief right now, I hope it helps you too. We can get through this together. Inshallah
  • @buffybbyxx
    Literally currently crying atm. Found this video and i feel less alone
  • @MegaBlepper
    I have terrible death anxiety which makes me have second thoughts about going out at night because I feel like I will die.
  • I have feared death since I was a child and my mother asked an elderly woman how she was doing and she responded with “ya know, I’m just waiting for the lights to turn off” and ever since then, that’s how I imagine death and it’s terrifying. I feel it mostly at night because I feel like my day escaped me and I didn’t make it special enough. I have terrible anxiety and panic attacks and I hit myself in order to feel something. I worry that my constant spiral about it will turn my partner away from me and and I can’t turn it off even if I start therapy.