running away | dreamcore playlist •°


コメント (21)
  • Wanna leave and never come back go somewhere far away
  • @ZoeFriess
    this sounds like growing apart from your childhood bestfriend
  • To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.
  • I wish I was just gone. Didn’t leave, wasn’t taken or abducted or killed. Just gone, invisible. Never existed.
  • Лежу и под эту подборку вспоминаю лучшие дни, когда я веселился с друзьями, катался на велосипедах, лазил по заброшкам и рассказывали различные истории возле костра, а сейчас лежу с раком и пытаюсь найти силы и надежду на лучшие, спасибо за такую атмосферную подборку ❤
  • You know, life is just like a flower, it needs the sun to grow, but also heavy rainfall and storms. Just like we humans, we learn from bad situations so we can live life peacefully. As someone who went trough many problems, look im still alive and I promise u, the bad and sad days will be over. It takes time, but that's how it works, when u hurt yourself, u need to give yourself some time so the wound can heal. Be patient, trust yourself and wait. Everything will be fine❤️
  • @ii-ir2bm
    These playlists give me a feeling of deep melancholy and an immense desire to cry, I have cried. They give me the feeling that I am from another place or from another world, as if I am missing something that I don't even know.
  • @ryulki
    This playlist makes me feel so chill, like everything is okay and nothing couldn't happen
  • @Rowan.87
    This playlist hits so differently in the middle of the night, curled up with a book by candlelight oml
  • здесь так много разных наций, и все друг друга поддерживают, это так мило. автор спасибо за подборку песен<3
  • @jh1911
    To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏
  • Хочу сказать спасибо тому,кто составил этот плейлист
  • Makes me wanna run away with my best friends and live on the country side, running through the grass and feeding chickens.
  • 00:25 THAT moment... It just hits different with my story that i write... Ok hear me out. POV💫: You are a girl born with a special ability. You are an empath who can actually feel others' emotions by simply touching them and sense really strong splash of emotions of someone nearby. Your power starts showing when you are in pre-puberty, so you actually had a nice childhood untill that happend. Your gift slowly becomes *a curse*. As the time passed you learned how to controll it by making yorself feel numb anytime you had to contact someone physically. But those "splashes" of strong feelings whenever you are in crowded places make you feel misarable as it's you who have to cope with them. To prevent that from repeatedly happening you start distancing yourself even more. The only things that keep you sane are your complicated parents, music in your headphones and meditations. Sometimes, you stay up all night long cuz that's the only time you don't have to deal with all of it. Then one day, after the school year ends, your parents decide it's for the best for you to live with your distant relatives. They get you on your train and wave their goodbyes to you. *Little did they know that would be the last time they see the "old" you*. You get to know your aunties, uncles and lots of cousins. That is a place with many quiet villages with farms, immence steppe and the woods. Their life is built around farming and trading, using the nature as a guide and resourse. Slowly, adapting to harsh hot climate and villantic life, you finally feel peacefull. Now you don't need to have your headphones on non-stop. You play with local's kids and your cousins, you lear how to be a good farmer, how to do chores, feed the animals and tame and ride horses. One day you meet that one guy. He's not like other kids from the countyside. He is a suburban boy that moves around a lot with a quirky personality and strange choice of words whenever he talks one to one. You can't help but fell for his charm. He's got that sweet yet sassy tone and loves joking around. The adventurer, the "troublemaker", very intelligent AND charismatic person, that's who it is. Somehow he has that soft spot for you. However, you still have your guard up. You barely can deal with new unknown feelings you got since being sent here. The "splashes" don't hurt as much as they did, but you still make a lot of effort to be "normal". You start spending more time together, he sneaks out to see you past midnight. You both keep it platonic, untill one day he decides to make a move. He suggests you both go horseriding. So you dash in the steppes, laugh at each other and let out all the thoughts. The warm wind is tickling your face and makes your mood lightens up as you hold tight on your horse. You feel free. And you can't help but sense a small glimpce true of happiness warming inside yourself. Now you feel a little worried and try not to spoil that moment, so you slow down and your smile fades away. The guy notices it and stops his horse. He rides and comes right next to you. "It's bright here" he sighs and looks somewhere to the horizon. You don't really seem to understand what he means and squize your eyes a little bit. "Yeah, the sun here is kind of murderous" you sarcastically mutter. You can hear his genuine chuckle. "I meant this place. I've never been somewhere so cheery and serene. It is absolutelly special." You giggle. That boy is definitelly something else, his thougst are absolutelly unique. He jups off his saddle snd helps you get down. You both sit on the ground and meet another breathtaking sunset. Together. "I mean, look at us. A "don't- talk-to-me" lone city girl and "young-vercion-of-Phileas-Fogg" got together. Thats crazy". He casually moves over and you feel his palm on yours. Your stomach is filled with butterflies and you start feeling dizzy. And now you are getting attacked by your and his emotions both. The warm feeling inside start to burn and you jump of the groung and run up to your horse. You can't deal with it. You want to scream of frustration. The moment you think you will be fine and let yourself live a normal life, your curse get the worst of you. You get on your horse and go full gallope. Tears burst out of your eyes and you want to let it all out but you can't. You can't scream, you can't make any soung. You feel llike suffocating and you let go of braided mane of your horse. Just in seconds you fell onto the ground and hit your head badly. P.S. - Yall duys what do u think of it? Should i work on it an post it somewhere? Sorry, english is not my first language, but i try my best. 🥺❤
  • I just want to wake up somewhere else. Another city. A different life. Something simple and calm. Somewhere where its fall 🍁🍂 all the time.
  • 1)JE TE LAISSERAI DES MOTS - PATRICK WATSON(00:00) Je te laisserai des mots En d'ssous de ta porte En d'ssous de les murs qui chantent Tout près de la place où tes pieds passent Cachés dans les trous de ton divan Et quand tu es seule pendant un instant Ramasse-moi Quand tu voudras Ramasse-moi Quand tu voudras Ramasse-moi Quand tu voudras 2)WHERE IS MY LOVE - SYML (2:38) Cold bones, yeah that’s my love She hides away, like a ghost Does she know that we bleed the same? Don’t wanna cry but I break that way Cold sheets, oh where’s my love? I am searching high, I’m searching low in the night Does she know that we bleed the same? Don’t wanna cry but I break that way Did she run away? Did she run away? I don’t know If she ran away If she ran away, come back home Just come home I got a fear, oh in my blood She was carried up into the clouds, high above If you bled, I bleed the same If you’re scared, I’m on my way Did you run away? Did you run away? I don’t need to know If you ran away If you ran away, come back home Just come home 3)TO BUILD A HOME - THE CINEMATIC ORCHESTRA(6:43) There is a house built out of stone Wooden floors, walls, and window sills Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust This is a place where I don't feel alone This is a place where I feel at home And I built a home For you, for me Until it disappeared From me, from you And now, it's time to leave And turn to dust Out in the garden where we planted the seeds There is a tree as old as me Branches were sewn by the color of green Ground had arose and passed its knees By the cracks of his skin I climbed to the top I climbed the tree to see the world When the gusts came around to blow me down Held on as tightly as you held onto me Held on as tightly as you held onto me And I built a home For you, for me Until it disappeared From me, from you And now, it's time to leave And time to die 4) -- 5)FOURTH OF JULY- SUFJAN STEVENS(16:02) The evil, it spread like a fever ahead It was night when you died, my firefly What could I have said to raise you from the dead? Oh, could I be the sky on the Fourth of July? "Well, you do enough talk My little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me, what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We're all gonna die" Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head Was it all a disguise, like junior high? Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction Now, where am I? My fading supply "Did you get enough love, my little dove? Why do you cry? And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best Though it never felt right My little Versailles" The hospital asked, "Should the body be cast?" Before I say goodbye, my star in the sky Such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth Do you find it all right, my dragonfly? "Shall we look at the moon, my little loon? Why do you cry? Make the most of your life, while it is rife While it is light Well, you do enough talk My little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me, what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We're all gonna die" We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die
  • Me encanta esta playlist,la uso siempre cuando quiero estar en paz y para dormir (o sea todoss los dias)💞
  • Simplemente no se q decir, cuando escucho música, me hace sentir como si escapara de la realidad misma y pudiera estar en un lugar tranquilo yo sola y disfrutar de las lindas vistas del paisaje, mientras cierro mis ojos y me quedo profundamente dormida, me hace sentir feliz y cada vez q estoy mal, es mi refugio para poder ser feliz, la música me abraza con sus melodías cálidas y delicadas, no me siento sola por q se q la música está ahí para mi cada vez q lo pida y sabe como curar ese dolor dentro de mi, no sé si te has sentido alguna ves así con la música, pero déjame decirte q es algo hermoso <3💗
  • Pov You finally did it. You finally left everything behind and started a new life. You left everything that made you feel like you were carrying a burden behind. You left behind all the reasons you would cry. Now there was nothing to cry about or worry. You could just lay on the grass as it softly tickled your skin.with the warm breeze just staring up into the beautiful sky without having your mind overthink about anything. You could finally feel free from everything. You felt like you could finally breath again. Cause you finally did it you left everything behind so you could finally be feels great doesn't it.