What If We Want A Child So Bad But We Can't?

Published 2024-02-20
This episode we have Raihan who has generously offered to share his story about his and wife’s struggles to conceive. And the emotional turmoil he experienced when he found out about his fertility issues.

We personally have been through a rough journey as well. We haven’t openly talk about this topic since last year because of how much it has affected us emotionally. But we thank Raihan so much for coming forth and sharing his story and assuring us that we are not alone 🩷🩵

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All Comments (21)
  • @Abdecfgh
    my friend.. dia x pernah period langsung and hormone dia x balance. dia dah kawin for almost 5 years and dia nak sangat sangat ada anak sampai dia ada makan ubat hormone and dia ada buat juga ivf tapi most doctors said “ you memang x boleh pregnant. impossible.” and guess what… she proves the doctor wrong! Dia baru je melahirkan and sekarang tengah berpantang! so pls, do not give up. Rezeki ni semua datang dari Allah. Nothing is impossible 💕
  • @miquela
    Masyallah… resonate sangat2 with todays topic. We have been TTC for 11years now. Agree sgt2 we TTC couple is truly happy for those who is given the rezeki but at the same time, the turmoil in us is also something truly difficult for us to go through! more of this should be shared and spoken out about. TTC is a topic that is rarely talked about in our community. May Allah swt give both you couples and all other couples who are TTC kekuatan to go through the challenges ahead.
  • @fatinaqilah5737
    I've only been married for 1 year plus (this year will be my second year). At first, we wanted to hold first on the child as we want to have our own honeymoon phase, and I was not thinking of having a child so soon too. But then, at the end of last year which was on November. I wanted a child soooo bad. So, me and my husband has been trying to conceive ever since and I was quite surprise that... getting pregnant is actually not easy 😟 I started to feel so down. Felt so bad abt myself, and the topic about having kids is a very sensitive topic to me. I'm glad i listened to this podcast, thank you so much for sharing. I know Allah is still testing us, and because of that i know Allah really do care for us. In sha Allah one day, Allah will give me that rezeki. I start to put this sentence "selalu bersangka baik dengan Allah" as my everyday note and believe. Thank you again for the sharing and inspiring me to keep moving and trust the journey. Love from Malaysia 🥰
  • Ive met a mom that had tried and waited for 11 years for her first. I also have a cousin that tried for 9 years to finally have their first. They told me that they just had to keep trying, keep having faith in Allah and redha. May Allah ease your affairs and may you be blessed with many2 children insyaAllah.
  • @Arif-zv3gu
    My wife and I are currently in our six years in marriage, still waiting for our first. What a journey we had, been filled with happiness and emotional turmoil. Draining our savings and even sell the house just to afford treatment and unfortunately went through depression. Despite it all, alhamdulillah for this journey. Thank you so much for your podcasts, I’ve been following your podcasts for quite some time. I find them inspiring and uplifting, keeping me moving forward. Thank you and thank you so much. Love from Malaysia ❤
  • @AinaJasmine
    Ya Allah. This podcast really meant something and really did change my perspective in seeing things. Just so you know that i've been listening to your podcast about marriage before i got married. You two even noticed me in TikTok live & comments and even wished me tahniah & goodluck for my wedding haritu. My husband & I got married young, i recently lost my job just right after i got married because of the airline that i worked with suddenly shut down. But Alhamdulillah, my husband still has a stable job. We don't even have our own house yet, currently living at my mom's house. And we've always talked about how we want to wait until we're financially stable enough to start planning for a baby. I am now married for 3 months already, lepas kahwin, i terus pergi buat lesen kereta because i still don't have one yet & i still don't know how to drive, so that i am able to find a job and is able to drive myself to work once i dah ada lesen kereta. But then, baru je lepas lulus ujian computer lesen memandu, i found out i was pregnant, of course we're both happy but deep inside i am scared and a little part of me says that i am actually not ready for this, i had plans but i have to pause every plan that i've had in my mind. I am two months into my pregnancy, of course hari2 i bersyukur & berdoa supaya baby ni sihat, and i know i will love this baby so much but there are times where i think about how much my life would change after having a child and how much responsibilities there are, and i fear that i might not be ready. After listening to your podcast, All of you ajar i untuk lebih LEBIH lagi bersyukur, sebab betul lah rezeki datang dalm banyak bentuk, some dah ada rumah sendiri, ada stable jobs, dah kaya, etc. And for me, even when i tak dapat lagi rezeki yang i plan in my mind, Allah masih limpahkan rezeki dalam bentuk2 lain, syukur Alhamdulillah. Thank you guys, semoga korang sentiasa tergolong dalam orang2 yang beriman, dipermudahkan urusan & dimurahkan rezeki. Podcast macam ni lah yang netizen kat Malaysia perlukan, beneficial for everyone.
  • Ada satu cerita from my circle of friends. Anak 4orang. Alhamdulillah smua kerja bagus dn sudh berkahwin. Takdir Allah SWT. Suami mninggal.. dan si ibu jatuh sakit selepas beberapa tahun kemudian. Harta bnyak. Tapi.. beliau trpaksa tnggal di rumah orang tua sbb anak2 sibuk kerja tak ada siapa jaga. Takdir Allah SWT jugak..si ibu mninggal di rumah orang tua trsebut baru beberapa bulan lepas. … Moral of the story: I always said to sape2 yg blom allah kurniakn rezeki zuriat kturunn… Sntiasa sebut “Alhamdulillah” sbb kamu tak ada dosa dgn anak2. Meanwhile, kami yg ada anak2 kami bnyk dosa dgn mereka dan mereka juga berbuat dosa dgn kami. Semua terletak pada ujian yg allah berikan. … Kepada yg sudah jadi ibubapa..Alhamdulillah Tahniah..didiklah anak2 dgn ilmu agama, adab & akhlak. .. Kepada yg blum dikurniakan rezeki ada anak. Saya doakan kalian akan diberi rezeki zuriat keturunan soleh&solehah pada masa yg tepat seperti janji Allah. Allahumma Aminn.
  • I'm not even married but your story make me sobbing bad, my dooa the best for you, INSHALLAH ❤
  • I have been married for almost 4 years. for us both of us have a problem.. we are both the youngest in the family & rapat sangat dengan anak2 buah, anak anak buah even called us mama & papa T__T we have been go to a few doctors & many told that the only solution is ivf, but we are not ready to going through it emotionally & physically. but deep inside we believe that our baby is still in heaven & waiting to go into our life T_T Saya nak minta tolong doakan saya dan suami agar kami juga dikurniakan rezeki zuriat
  • @user-rx1ml3xt3g
    We're in the same shoes n im crying so much. This is not an easy journey but i believe Allah Maha Baik. One fine day. After we go thru frustration of unsuccessful ivf, we took a rest. What im trying to do now is to live my life to the fullest and i want to prepare myself to be ready. "Barulah Allah yakin nk bg kita tanggung jawab"(I don't know if it is good or not to say this) but this is what im telling myself. I need to be a good version of me by not focusing on zuriat only but my connection with Allah, manusia, sedekah n with other form of nikmat yg Dia bg. We need to change our point of view of this test n we will see the beauty of it. insyaAllah ❤
  • @anishtazrimi
    We’ll get our angel this year. Keep believing ❤️🌸
  • @cruwlsik
    Saw someone repost this podcast on twitter and it really touched my heart❤
  • Terbaik…good sharing..just yakin dengan rezeki Allah SWT.. The day will come.. just dont stop usaha doa dan tawakal…ive been through this situation for the past 5 years with my wife..and finally this year my daughter was born… rezeki Allah tu akan tiba x lambat, x cepat tapi tepat pada masanya…Semoga dipermudahkan urusan dan dimurahkan rezeki utk menimang cahaya mata..aminnn
  • @widawida363
    Thank you for sharing this tender moment with us. May Allah ease your journey and give you hikmah n barakah in everything you go through.
  • @najihahnur5185
    The bestttt episode so far . Selalunya , kita x nampak perspective of man . What they are truly feel when they are broke inside . Btw, pleaseee provide a tissue kt atas mejaaa tuuu haahaahah i mcm nk bgi je tissue tu dekat guest !! 😂
  • @mlrhmzh
    i’m not even married or ttc but this podcast made me cry. semoga Allah SWT permudahkan urusan for you guys.
  • @fiyaboo
    I love the amount of vulnerability is shown in this video. I cried through this podcast all the way. I can't imagine how tough this must be for you guys. May Allah grant you all ease and happiness in building a good family one day. Ameen ❤️ Bless you❤️
  • @mamifah
    InsyaAllah one day u guys will have it. I myself, face it as im having problem with menses just come once yearly or never come at all but after 5 yrs waiting, Alhamdullillah i was given not 1 but 3(1-2 yrs apart) even without menses. Even dr says tht i cant have but dengan kuasa Allah, Alhamdullillah. Saya doakan u all out there who go thru this akan dikurniakan jua suatu hari nnti.