LIVE: Trump’s Closest Aide BREAKS DOWN in TEARS as She SINKS Trump | Lights On with Jessica Denson

Lights on! Devastating testimony for Trump brought former close aide Hope Hicks to tears on the witness stand, wrapping up another week of damning evidence and historic contempt findings against the criminal defendant former president. Joseph Slaughter, the First Amendment lawyer who brought down Trump NDAs in court, joins his client Jessica Denson LIVE to discuss the trial, Trump's fascist plans to dismantle democracy, Republican Free Speech hypocrisy on college campuses, police militarization, the Israel-Gaza war, and more.

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コメント (21)
  • My Dad and all my uncles fought against the likes of Trump and the Supreme Court in WWII.
  • I just cannot believe how many people support him. Somebody please tell me why. What is wrong with them????????
  • @nenaaa1444
    Thank you Jessica for taking on the tRump machine and not backing down. You are the definition of a brave woman.
  • @Peter_S_
    Person, indictment, trial, sentence, prison.
  • @shawnfahy2420
    The way it was presented elsewhere, Hope Hicks cried not because she came to terms with the reality of Trump, but because she realized she had just doomed him.
  • It is horrifying how complicit so many are who stood by 45 above all else for their own gain.
  • @dukewood1939
    AS IT HAS BEEN SAID BY THE SAGES OF PAST CENTURIES: trade freedom for security and soon you have neither.
  • @Holilo7
    Trump behaved the whole time like the frog in the pot of water on the hot stove who doesn't notice that it's getting warm...but I think he's starting to feel that it's getting hot.
  • Thank you, Jessica. I can hear the emotion in your voice. Thank you, Joe, for standing by Jessica. God bless both of you! ❤
  • @LeeH-qn2bs
    Thank you Joe for being there for Jessica! You are appreciated. 💙💙💙💙
  • It’s beautiful see the wheels of the Justice spinning. Jail time for the traitors to our Democracy
  • @ttcc5273
    The upcoming election will determine the direction our society takes. Will we see our flaws and attempt to fix them? Or will we succumb to fear and hatred and treat women and minorities like they are unworthy of full citizenship in their own country? 💙🇺🇸
  • @yuk747
    I can hear Trump behind closed doors saying Hope Hicks is too honest just like he told Mike Pence.
  • The Republican motto has always been less government smaller government how is giving police absolute immunity less government?
  • @stevewise1656
    We'll see. None of us know what the jury is thinking. Hopefully they're seeing and hearing what the rest of us are watching.
  • If you recall, Hillary Clinton after losing the election said “ He’s a dangerous man” and “ I feel sorry for his children”. The last showed her largess of real character — which was what Putin couldn’t stand.
  • A jury would be in complete dereliction of duty not to convict Trump after hearing those tapes.
  • Great quote. The system doesn’t move at the speed of the news cycle but that doesn’t mean it's not working.