The Truth Behind Intel Chips Dying

Published 2024-07-18

All Comments (21)
  • @techbuildspcs
    So, I have tested my own 13700k TONS & the RING and IMC is shot to GARBAGE. I've reached out to fellow enthusiasts and their 14900ks's and 14900k have degraded as soon as one week. My CPU under load used 1.25v most of the time looking at Vr out. Delided and cooled properly. You guys are RIGHT, its not a user error at all, As far as consumers. THERE ARE server motherboards pushing 250w on 125W cpus which means they are going OVER the limit. Which means that the people that had these servers cpus DID NOT in fact validate them as they SHOULD HAVE. Its an Intel spec issue (for consumers) node or bad batches (for the failing cpus like the 14900ks degrading on enthusiasts in a week with custom loops, delids and direct dies), or architecture issue if not all three or more factors. If you're having issues, the 12900ks (NOT NORMAL K but KS) is on sale for $230 on amazon. I'll be going back to one. I already had one before. Thanks for all the criticism. Have a great day guys!…? Edit: Formatting, spelling and removed the word nonsense. I also added the 12900ks link. Make sure to pick amazon from the seller list and add to cart. With prime they are $230! Edit: 7/20/4 2:30PM Server boards are going well over the limit. Level one techs tested this. Likely a board issue, fail of validation (for enterprise)
  • @camilowish
    Wroooong, server chips are also failing, so, according to your logic, datacenter techs don't know how to use intel chips either, right?
  • @planetwally
    even ran at conservative intel defaults these chips are failing, and not only i9s, the second largest population is i7s from both affected generations so there is something more to it than misuse of the cpu configs.
  • @micheal6898
    Substandard cooling is not causing the problems here and has nothing to do with the degradation problem as at high temperatures the CPU will downclock to protect itself anyway ? for CPUs to suddenly degrade at this rate from Standard operating Tempretures and Not being cooled well enough is Silly as intel would know this and lower the power target and Temp Ceiling. Neither is misuse of the Product as you cant blame consumers for not using a product right. In server applications These Cpus are being Used for Cloud gaming and are ridiculously well cooled and managed by industry experts and you claim there misusing the cpu (acutal clown to think this). the High Wattage and Voltage Draw on a package designed for a far lower Power target Is the Most likely Cause of this , It is most likley they pushed this Silicon to the Limit to Still Compete With AMD And Have such a Power dense Chip that Small Hotspots and Voltage Spikes Are slowly just eating these CPUs away. these Are Design Flaws , Not Misuse or Motherboard Manufactures this time as we would have seen intel Come out and Defend itself.
  • @ignskeletons
    As just a normie consumer, I'm scared of Intel chips now and they've done nothing to reassure customers or offer an extensive RMA program like when the Xbox 360 had RRoD. I'm just going to stick with AMD going forward for CPUs. Many of us don't know nor care about specifics, we just want something that works reliably, and Intel is fumbling the bag.
  • @Bojcha76
    Do you even know what "Degradation" word means? i will tell you, in short, When something degrade, there is NO FIX!
  • @jlmpc8733
    Ok, so Datacenters also have a 100% falure rate and neet to run the CPU at ~30% clock (or just run AMD lol) to not have the crashes under certain workloads. And you know better than them. lol
  • @kardeef33317
    If it's over voting and over clocking why are they failing in commercial servers at the same rate?
  • - CPU runs at 22mhz Idk about you guys but maybe 22mhz is windows 95 era bs
  • Totally agree. Companies and customers want free money for their mistakes.
  • @ZizzerLV
    Why run the argument "user error" on 100% fail rate? You can repeat specs and talk shop all day, but your logic is just baaaaaaad lol
  • @deeeezel
    ok but how do you explain those same server companies using 7950x in other server configs with zero issues
  • @cifers8928
    dude there is literally nothing you can say to justify a 15% failure rate lol
  • @Pateramalina
    "The Truth Behind.." Starting first sentence in video with; MY THEORY IS.. xD
  • People are going to dislike this because you're communicating the issue poorly. (1) You're aggressive toward people who's jobs is literally managing hundreds of thousands of dollars of these chips, not a personal single chip. (2) Servers aren't made to overvolt. They're made to run conservatively, and are dependent on multi-threaded application: multicore in this generation. (3) Therefore when you're arguing vs servers, you may have had a better argument in saying that these chips require more wattage to keep them stable. (4) The servers that Level1Techs investigated found it to be a statistical problem. If you can use the same process in 1000 chips and have problems with 100 of them, that means 900 of them work with the current setup and process meaning intel needs to admit fault. I think you're thinking serverboards run harder and faster than consumer hardware at this generation...
  • @Fenrirsleash
    Server companies using w680 chipset boards that are very conservative and still the i9 13 and 14 gen are failing. Voltage may contribute to certain situations. Some are running ddr5 at 3200 to try to help stability but they are still failing. One company stated they are seeing a 100% failure rate.
  • @noway8233
    Nope , how yuo explain all the failrue in Companies that have Servers , now they are shifting to AMD 😅😅😅