Ubuntu Touch is a nice OS for your Linux Phone

Published 2024-07-07
Today I go into Ubuntu Touch, walking though the general interface and all of the apps on my Pinephone Pro. For supported devices it should be flawless. For the Pinephone Pro, it has many bugs mostly caused by the half-baked drivers.

The Ubuntu spin is very interesting. Where you would swipe up on other OSes to switch apps, you swipe left and right. To create new items in most apps, you swipe up. It's refreshing seeing a different approach to touchscreen design.

This would be a good daily driver for many people. I will be demoing the install of waydroid on this device in my next video which should remove most barriers for those gotta have apps that would keep a person on Android or iPhone


00:00 Teaser
00:15 Intro
00:34 Open
01:09 Lock Screen and Notifications
01:43 Japanese Keyboard
02:39 Morph Browser
03:26 Gallary App
03:38 Camera App
03:49 App Store
04:02 Contacts App
04:44 Phone App
04:56 Messenging App
05:08 App Switching
05:27 Barcode Reader
05:54 Clock App
06:43 File Manager App
06:58 Media Player App
07:15 Music App
07:57 Notes App
08:24 Terminal App
08:45 Weather App
09:34 System Settings App
11:35 Conclusion
13:09 Installing An App with the App Store
16:18 Next Time
16:56 Outro

#pinephone #linux #phone #ubuntu #ubuntutouch

All Comments (12)
  • @dantonsmaxim
    I tried Ubuntu Touch on a Pinephone. Very impressive: Ubuntu Touch that is. The PinePhone is a piece of crap, it sort of worked for 3 month, the length of the warranty then refused to charge. I hope the Ubuntu Touch community ports it to something reliable like a Fairphone or a ShiftPhone.
  • @bjburb8334
    So from my perspective, the UT pinephone went the same way as the original UT phones ever since it came out. The community just did not show up to help or care. UBports did a bit for awhile with one guy, but the community voted with their feet for having UT work today under the android hardware layer, even though the goal was to have a pure linux phone. Moot point now as the pinephone is now getting old and never was meant to be anything except a dev platform. Still would be nice to see a real linux phone some day. We need that.
  • @cabonamigo
    Now you can also run it on qemu, as now you don’t need a passtrough to get opengl and other niceties to get ubuntu touch running.
  • @z3ffmusic
    Since it's gon run on a mobile chip the lack of software kills me
  • @laberbla6466
    I did put alot of hopes in linux phones... but all I see is still just a complicated nokia phone, but slow and buggy. Most promising was SailfishOS - but even they seem to have given up, as russia is now using it for their Aurora OS. I dont want to troll... I'm sad myself about it.
  • @StephenFasciani
    "those little dots next to running applications reminds me a little bit of MacOS X" yeah and it should remind of you something else.... hmm... has the same name... goes on the desktop...
  • @x-plane1188
    It is so "nice" that it is not even installed from the official installer on the Linux smartphone PP.........................................
  • The sad thing is, Android IS Linux, so in theory, app support shouldn't be an issue. The problem is that open source is far more susceptible to viruses than a walled garden like iOS (As a lifelong Android owner, I can attest to that). They probably just aren't marketing it properly, marketing goes a long way to being successful.