Chris Heria tries climbing - Does pro calisthenics power transfer to climbing?

Published 2023-04-02

All Comments (21)
    One of the greatest feelings ever reaching the top! Tysm You’re the man Magnus! Can’t wait for the next one 💪🏽🖤
  • I was surprised how confident Chris is in himself. He had no problem in front of the camera to show that he's vulnerable when it comes to heights. That was cool I respect that
  • @ShadyRonin
    I respect Chris for being willing to be vulnerable like this. Actually respect Chris way more than ever now.
  • @daltonhays5156
    Its crazy to see Chris literally muscle his way through some of those routes. I cant imagine what is feels like to be that insanely strong and being able to manipulate your own body weight. To be on the cave part upside down and not need any technique to just casually complete the route is insane
  • @dinofrog926
    Chris Heria really grew in my eyes in this video. He always just seemed naturally good at everything he did, but seeing him struggle with his fear of heights and push to overcome it made him so much more human and inspirational! :)
  • @1Jetsurf
    I actually got emotional watching Chris conquer his fear of heights. This massive, insanely strong dude, risks his life constantly doing other crazy shit and yet he's still human, still someone who can have fears.
  • @coleminor2119
    This is probably the most wholesome fitness video I’ve ever seen, mad respect for both Chris and Magnus!
  • @richieewinns
    Chris always struck me as a genuine guy. You can tell he genuinely wants to learn and try out bouldering. He isn't just doing it for content and I applaud him for being vulnerable.
  • @markcrews11
    Chris has grown immensely himself through out the years. Hes inspired many in calisthenics, and now maybe he's inspiring others to confront their fears. Really nice of him to be open to show us this experience and side of him we often don't see.
  • @TordVH
    I could not stop smiling when he was climbing towards the top on the high wall. This was probably a crazy big step for Chris. This was a W collab and video
  • @lifematch
    seeing Chris's vulnerability is wat I really needed to see. I want to try callisthenic but I don't have the confidence to ever reach even remotely to Chris's level. I was never good with monkey bars and I am really out of shape. But the fact someone as strong and dedicated as Chris, still tried his best despite his fear of height, really gave me the encouragement I needed. Thanks Chris for your bravery.
  • @rudynotrudy
    You can really tell Magnus has been working on his coaching skills and you can see it's paying off here. Great work and keep it up, you're very inspiring!
  • This was so wholesome to watch, Magnus! You guys were awesome. Especially how much you respect each other, how grateful Chris was for your help and coaching, and how empathetic and encouraging you are as a coach. So interesting when you collab with extremely fit people who have never climbed before. :)
  • @stefandesu
    I have a ton of respect for people with fear of heights doing rock climbing. Seeing other people struggle with that makes me realize how much of an advantage I've had in climbing (because I didn't have any fear of heights even at the very beginning). Subscribed to Chris, great video!
  • @T1tanAtlas
    This was actually so cute, the bromance, it was awesome to see Chris conquer his fear and top the lead wall. Chris’s pure strength really allowed him to climb hard, but he’s right, with more coaching, with Magnus or whoever, he could be one of the top climbers in a lot of gyms
  • @neebze_
    Dude Chris was so stoked that entire time, you can tell he was really enjoying himself and proud of what he did there. That's awesome to see such big YouTubers still have goals they have and are still excited about. Great video, def fuels passions everywhere
  • @jakech12345
    Seeing how confident chris is in all his own videos, to seeing him vulnerable in this one was extremely humbling. Loved seeing this part of him. Wicked video
  • @pireus1290
    Chris has impressive strength, the way he completed some of the boulder problems was amazing. Wholesome moment when he overcame his fear to complete the long route !
  • @tpstrat14
    After watching like 10 Heria videos and seeing how confident he is in his world, it's helpful to see that he's also human. He is super afraid of heights!