My Story Part 2.wmv

More questions and thoughts. I really want your input on these!

コメント (21)
  • @MSVlogSupport Yea, most of my lesions are spinal too. I can move my left foot and toes for the 1st time in years and have renewed sense of warmth in feet, legs and hands.Have stronger hands and possibly improved heat tolerance but will know for sure in summer. The back injury complicates things and makes it difficult to see improvements at times. Still can't post anything on my channel since I was going to go into more detail. All the best with your procedure Andrea. Rick
  • Great vid Andrea! Again if I only had my mind back! the one that lets me talk and think like and adult I would not have too lean so much on you and others, OH and more vision wouldn't hurt. Am so happy to hear the your news! and can not wait to hear more :) and looks like I will have the referral sooner then I thought :) PS Grand baby girl Molly will be here in the morning by C section all is well. BIG FAT HUGS and sloppy cart wheels in your fantastic news. susan
  • @gavooon
    Exciting times Andrea!! Wishing you all the very best and hope you get the relief you’re looking for. Gav xx
  • Andrea I'm so happy for you. I've been unable to post my results on my channel for some reason but will as soon as I'm able. I'm happy with results so far. No stenosis found in my JVs. All in my azygous which was a shock but made sense in the end. Dopplers are notoriously inaccurate according to Prof KT. I would love to try LDN too but don't know if it's poss. since I'd have to stop taking my pain med. and not sure whether it's available in Oz anyway. Wishing you the very best. Rick
  • Andrea, it's not that you should keep your expectations low at all, faith and determination play a huge role. Just don't be worried if you have ups and downs and just remember things are just beginning knowledge wise, and just rest and let your body heel... it all takes time :)
  • @CTYankeeMS That is one thing I am well aware of, since I had ran out of it a while ago and it took forever to get it refilled. had severe withdrawls, so I will be staying on it and will talk to the doctor of the best way to wean off of it. I just meant that I wanted the least amount of drugs in me. But thank you for caring and the advice for those who may not know!!
  • Hi Andrea, well stress and anxiety, yup, pre angio jitters. been there done that, it's normal... have to have something normal right? LOL best of luck, just make sure you rest after, not joking about that. I went into the procedure pragmatically as well, but no matter how it turns out, remember, even if this dr. doesn't find something, it doesn't mean it's not there. The learning curve has been steep, and continues. I'm also hading for LDN, went off Rebif 14 years ago, betaseron a year ago,
  • @kezzcass
    Hey just on the medication thing... I haven't said much (it tends to be the topic I get heckled about most!) I stayed on Keppra, Amitriptyline and Baclofen until after my angioplasty. I slowly went off one at a time to see if the symptoms returned (none of my symptoms where totally managed by these drugs before incidentally). Happy to say I am not on any of these now. Just the Tysabri which is an achingly difficult decision to make. Hope that helps, Kerri (thanks for the shout out)
  • @BrendaRaven1 Thank you Brenda, I am trying to keep my expectaions low. It is hard! We will have to compare notes on the LDN!
  • @kezzcass I totally understand Kerri, I everyone has their opinions. I want people to share their thoughts either way, just with RESPECT to others decisions! I want to get off the klonopin, but that will take time, since I found out how bad withdrawls can be. I don't think I will have any problems going off the baclofen. Do what you feel is right for you!
  • @omexmc80 Thank Omario!! One thing I found out that is a showing of some type of veinous problem is swelling of the eyes and worse when you first wake up. I have been complaining about my eyes for years! I am so sick of people telling me how tired I look, because my eyes lids are so heavy and hooded! That would show my pretty blues much better :-)
  • I'm very happy for you Andrea and I hope the LDN and the (potential) angioplasty make a difference for you. Hugs are generally really nice, I'm sorry you have such a nasty one. Thank you for cementing this lovely little community together too!
  • @angelusa73
    Dear Andrea, my biggest dream is to stop taking Tysabri and be drug free. I have explained that it was hard for me to take drugs so one of my biggest dreams is to stop taking this at the 2 year mark (or close to it) As you know, we will never know what's going to happen to us so I can't promise that I will be able to do what I want to do but I will try and hope for the best! Great video, Andrea! Good luck with everything! We all wish you the very best and I hope that your symptoms will improve
  • @angelusa73 I really want you to be able to have this done Angela!!! I know you are going on another trip back to the home land. Enjoy!
  • @ThePennygirl Congrats, Grandma!!!! We will chat soon!
  • @9gabbycats
    As you know, I couldn't take the DMM, they all made me so sick! Since my procedure I have stopped taking the symptom management drugs. ie. Provigil, hydro-codone, baclofen, meclezine, lyrica, valium. I'm only taking the coumadin now for about 2 more months and that's due to the stents. The other meds I take are nexium and crestor and I'm finding that I only need the nexium once or twice a week now and not daily.
  • @sandyCanada56 That is why I am asking the questions. I want input on how others are dealing with the idea of not being on some kind of med. Thanks!
  • @omexmc80
    I think Dr Z didnt look himself, when he said to carry on with your drugs.. I have to admit i do sometimes take amitriptyline, not for pain but just to help me fall asleep (not a bad thing, its just that i am not used to having so much energy) I want to say thank you to you and the MS family on youtube where it all started for me.. I am so happy for you, i cant wait to see ur eye' shine so bright after liberation.