The Desert Takes the Weak... | Dune Spice Wars 16 Player Tournament

Published 2024-03-24

All Comments (21)
  • my my - with all this dune content you are spoiling us good sir! LOVE IT. respect for organizing tourneys to you and all the others that helped or took part.
  • @apoleonschneider
    You are becoming a menace with Vernius! We will watch your career with great interest!
  • @LadyMorrigan
    I actually found you through Daevokh haha, love the Spice Wars content!
  • That was awesome. At the end I was yelling at the screen! My wife even asked me wtf was going on. :)
  • @mikemac1298
    He didn't have to build that airfield at the bottom of his base. His Councilor covered that for him. I keep airfield icons on. I'm not good enough to turn them off.
  • @Adameshh
    Awesome. Frustrating to see the others not able to base dive with you but you did have a humming economy
  • @majormoolah5056
    Was a fun stream, fresh even on replay. Watching Turin play divide and conquer with two "allies" and one punching bag was very lore friendly :D I noticed the devs reworked the Landsraad offices. You can still use the support button even if another player has that office. If the support passes the 50 influence threshold and is the highest voted contender, the office will go to vote again. So you can jack people for their offices now :D
  • @Krantar12345
    Love the Dune content. It's such a fun game to watch and your casting makes it good too.
  • @IishPotato
    the fremen bullying to harkonnen did feel kinda bad, some mutually assured destruction that Hark didn't even want his part in
  • @kesharq5991
    Love these tourneys! Might get my boomer self and try get into one cause this game is fun. Not seen many Corrino player's in them(i mained them) but haven't played since a few weeks before the dlc. Just wondered what the changes were like for them. Keep up the good work!
  • @sebastiankus7173
    The moment your Ecaz assassination failed they accepted your peace offering. FFA is so fun!
  • @TheWisestofGuys
    You gotta start the assassination on the #2 threat while rallying the lobby against the #1 threat lol
  • @dccodyofficial
    You had 31 k gs when it was like 22k hedge if you woulda switched hard into choam maybe ya pull it out. Great final!
  • @MJ-gg1ef
    Love the content! But how the Fremen player did not switch earlier onto Turin is beyond me. He rather continued bullying Harkonnen than tryign to win the game until it was way too late. Fremen short-sigthedness kind of destroyed the whole lobby.
  • @Gwaeddwynn
    you really don't like completing the quests... :D and I can't take my eye away from that blinking icon that you even hover over with your mouse...^^
  • @thejoker1323
    At the very end, couldn't you just teleport out of the nuke's way with the mothership? And I was also wondering, couldn't you last-minute obfuscate something to tank the smug's heg?
  • @Carsten-yu6fe
    So you know how each house has their Frigate, which by the looks of it are just transports which excell in bombardment and minor ship to ship combat, anyway would it be viable if each house (that could cannonically build frigates in Dune lore) gets 1 or 2 in the game?