(YTP) Michael Rosen poops himself (75th Birthday Collab Entry)

Warning: realistic vomit sound at 4:28.
I didn't have much expectations for how this one would turn out when I started working on it but I ended up liking this video as I kept working and adding more to it. Making it was quite stressful though.

コメント (21)
  • The idea of Vikings putting traps in public restrooms just to screw with people made me laugh really hard for some reason
  • "That includes you, Mervin, yes you, no need to turn around. There's no other flat earthers here, are there?" 💀💀💀
  • @xewii
    6:05 the fact that it could have been anything preventing them from using the toilets but it just so happened to be the Vikings putting bear traps on in there of all things
  • DAMN is this a good poop. Spectacular sentence mixing, great story.
  • @verchewah
    This was an absolutely phenomenal entry! I can’t imagine how stressful this must have been to script and sentence-mix in time for the collab, but it’s safe to say all that work was more than worth it. Subscribing effective immediately.
  • It was fun to visualize the story's action in my head. Great storytelling and sentence mixing, my guy!
  • you can't tell me this is edited. this is too real
  • Great YTP! I like this portrayal of Michael where he’s just a normal person and not some weirdo or maniac, I was half expecting him to randomly go kill people out of nowhere. it’s a nice change of pace where most YTPs have him be messed up for laughs, you should try making more YTPs consistently if possible, there’s not enough poopers who make YTPs like this.
  • this is incredible! it's the perfect combination of humor and great sentence mixing. Well done!
  • He used everything from rosen's videos to make this and my favourite line was "I was on the roof of a moving FuCk InG train"
  • “My granddad died” “WAKE UP HARRYBO THIS IS JUST A DREAM YOUR GRANDDAD IS ALIVE!” “…Really?” “ N o “
  • ofc you came through such with a fantastic story. i wish you'd make more videos like this more often xP
  • The rollercoaster of emotions that ensued when Michael's Dad killed his son's goldfish right out the gate. I'm going to fish hell for laughing
  • @bhunt799
    Quite possibly my favorite Michael Rosen YouTube poop
  • @cogtroper
    Maybe the poop in Michael’s pants was the friends he made along the way (to the toilet)