Why Jews don't believe in Christianity

Published 2023-06-01
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The difference between Judaism and other religions.

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Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern wit to captivate audiences around the world. For bookings, please call Zalman at 800-656-5669

Produced by It's Good To Know

All Comments (21)
  • @ewaevans3022
    I listened to the first 4 minutes of this hoping for an intelligent response from Rabbi Manis Friedman, all that became clear is that neither he nor his "christian" friend understand Christianity all all.
  • Men have trouble accepting that God does not have the same needs or emotional design as human beings. He needs nothing, because he lacks nothing. We NEED him because we lack alot.
  • It's a special kind of narcissism to project one's humanity on to God, and then to proclaim that he needs you.
  • @Laskarshow
    God doesn't need us, we need him❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • " The stone the builders rejected has become the corner stone....." 😇
  • @BadDaddyVegan
    I've been reading the book of Kings and Chronicles and what is evident is that Israel didn't want the one God but kept on going back to the pagan idols of other nations.
  • @davidmciver9483
    My reaction was exactly the same as the comment below. The God we believe in grieves when we reject Him but is not ‘vulnerable’ as a human is vulnerable.
  • @Bean-qt4dy
    This man acts like a modern day Pharisee
  • @Lachezariii
    “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”
  • @nccognito2324
    “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! See! Your house is left to you desolate; for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ” Matthew 23
  • @tripstar3563
    @ 3 mins in, he's already confused. God respects your free will. He will not force you to be with him. He made the offer, you not him rejected it. He's not going to force you to be with him in eternity when you don't even want to be with him now. It's a simple concept to understand. If a person has someone they love and that person rejects them, is it proper for that person to come groveling knowing that they'll do it in vain? Thats not love. Respecting that other person's decision is love. Love cannot be forced nor coerced. Let that person go and move on. That is exactly what God does to those who reject him. He respects their free will and lets them be. The door is open if that person decides to come to him, but he will not force it.
  • @TitanXx621
    Judaism : God needs us. Christianity : we need God. 😊
  • @shawnglass108
    I knew when he said “practicing Christianity” that this probably wasn’t about true Christianity. “God needed us!” Wow!
    Vulnerability defined: For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Thank you Rabbi.
  • Bardzo ciekawy wykład. I widzę w nim odpowiedź na pytanie tytułowe. Otóż. Bóg nie dlatego posłał na ziemię Jezusa Chrystusa że nie mógłby czegoś wykonać sam ale dlatego, że samemu będąc przepełniony miłością, stworzył nas ludzi i pragnął się z nami tą nieskończoną miłością podzielić. Dlatego dla nas stworzył TEN wszechświat i wszystkie PRZYSZŁE światy. Jezus przyszedł na ziemię po to, aby nam to oznajmić. Dlatego KAŻDY kto wierzy w Jezusa Chrystusa, otrzyma ten najwspanialszy dar miłości od samego Boga i dlatego mamy prawo nazywać się jego dziećmi amen. A jeżeli rabbi nie może tego zrozumieć to dlatego, że nie wierzy w miłość Boga do ludzi amen.
  • I am looking at the comments from both Jews and Christians. Some of them are uplifting, but some are not and it makes me sad. I do not agree with every little thing Rabbi Friedman says, but I have got so much from his videos I cannot express how helpful they have been. I am Christian and can only speak from that point-of-view, but to me G-d would not want us to be rude to each other. In the New Text, it says to respect the Jewish people because they are the roots and Christians are the branches. And, that the branches cannot survive without the roots. The Jewish nation was anointed to bring the knowledge of G-d into this world and everyone should respect them for that. David said that anyone G-d anoints, no man has the right to judge, 1 Samuel 26:9
  • I'm not sure I heard you right but if I heard you say that God needs US 🤯 No He DOES NOT but WE NEED HIM 🙌🏼
  • @karenm2043
    God does not need us, we need Him. He can do all things without us, but we can't do anything without Him.
  • @alexzicker
    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16