What Jews really believe about the Messiah

Published 2024-02-12
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Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern wit to captivate audiences around the world. For bookings, please call Zalman at 800-656-5669

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All Comments (21)
  • @aeaf25
    Moshiach to me is like awakening to realize our own inner temple that receives light from God. Then, with that light within, we are not afraid to invite others nor be accepted by others. I look at the 3 descending faiths from Abraham and they feel as though it is an identity and way of working to better receive God, but also receiving others... Those inner temples that comprise the aggregate... Things are still being constructed. But this of course is my very limited take. I am forever thankful and grateful that the Jewish people have allowed me in to see the beauty and resilience of them. When I needed it the most, I was taken in by a wonderful Jewish community that showed me love and vulnerability. Especially in the times being gone through now. Wish all the best. And of course, for Mashiach to be revealed more and more for all of us.
  • @marcosb5850
    Some early very good points, however: Will "force", NO!; rather "compel", by actions, example, and persuasion. "Whole-heartedly", does not mean 'exclusively', rather 'fully'. "With all your might", does not mean, 'you have no choice', rather, 'with your full EFFORT'. When the Redemption comes there WLL BE choice, but the preference eventually will be clear.
  • @mweinstein1542
    Excellent explanation! True clarity! Thank you, Rabbi Friedman!
  • @jimdeane3667
    Manis, your understanding of the Hebrew לכוף is what leads you to misunderstand what the Rebbe teaches from the Rambam you quote. It doesn’t mean to force, just like the blessing, וכוף את יצרנו להשתעבד לך doesn’t mean to force. It means “to bend”, like bending reeds in basket weaving. That by bending the reeds under pressure, against their nature, while weaving them together, the whole unit takes, keeps and maintains the form of the vessel, the finished basket. Without that bending under pressure, the reeds remain just a pile of sticks. גנוג
  • @akai.christo
    Thank you Rabbi Friedman!! ✡️🙏♥️🔥
  • @Y1836Y
    Thank you Rabbi Friedman for sharing this teaching with us.
  • @sitresjolie2343
    Thank you, Rabbi. Each teaching is such a blessing. ✡️❤️
  • @user-bm2fe2fy1g
    I am grateful that God has given you this purpose and you have accepted to carry out his will during this timeline of our history on Earth. I am Catholic. The Jewish people helped to save my family after WWII in America. Together they lived amongst each other as family in the Little Italy and diamond district of Manhattan inviting each other to celebrations as well as including family members in their wedding parties. I am grateful to God's chosen people because NO other humans on Earth were able to live and keep all of God's laws of the Old Testament. Love and peace on Earth, to mankind, and all of his creations.
  • Religion was the fruit we ate in the garden. The idea that we would use the discovery of good and evil to put food on our table. We were to know good and evil but we were not to monopolize it and use it as a sword to create servants unto ourselves.
  • @johnvanmanen3149
    He will understand how God's communication works within humans and explain that to the world. So that many children can be raised correctly and never stop listening to God Himself.. he will bring forth many children that way and turn them to leaders. So that the whole world will have leaders that will be able to make choices based on the knowledge of the future... the outcome of those choices will be the best options. They will stop hiding from God's communication of good and evil, which atm. is so overwhelming from all the injustice we observe that people see the communication as a problem. When something makes you feel bad it is because it is bad... but we do not have the time to process the bad feeling before the next bad feeling comes.. so we end up feeling bad all the time. Just look at what kind of people we let rule our world, it is the kind that reached the top that is best at eliminating the opposition, not the ones that makes the best choices..
  • @user-fb1yu1er3x
    Thus, is it possible that invocation of payers and songs of psalms to the celestial heavens directed to God's throne can provide Earth's godly beings God's reciprocity of Its heavenly harmonious concordance by manifesting Its Dive presence on Earth in the similar way certain voices of prayer and song psalms directed at the heavens call to God Himself by imploring resonance towards and directed to God's Throne? And if so is it possible that those certain voices of prayers and psalms can be conductors to humanities true direction in purpose similarly as a Nautical Compass Needle finds the Correct Indicated Place in an ever Vast Celestial Ocean of Space and Time. Therefore is God's entire creations of Its Divine Just Order of Earth's solar system, Earth itself and all its orderly functions and life on Earth itself a God Miracle or Miracles?
  • Such an irristable Wisdom on Moshiach from Rabbi Manis Friedman. How can one ignore, regardless of one's background. The best teaching on the topic! The WISDOM is inspiring even the lowest of the earth, to participate in elevating HaShem's World. 😊
  • @dougmurray3692
    Visualization does work. Don't look at it like Tony didn't win. Look at it like he placed higher than he would've. Experience is key, the more you understand abt your opponent, abt your skill, abt each aspect, then HOW you tie it together comes together better. Think of the process as a network that needs to be connected as an entity to become a real entity. That comes last but it becomes whole. This is what you are finally able to DO by actually becoming the result. The studies have been done. Your mind doesn't know the diff between what you "imagine" and treat as real, and the "real" thing done and repeated. It's a process. I've found the real key in evolving this process is that once you identify your negative habits, you can improve your visualization by not repeating the mistakes. When you practice in the physical world, you tend to repeat the negatives and GET BETTER AT THEM. Visualize what you want to do, fine tune what you don't want to do, put it together and the Magic starts. Cheers!
  • @carolgrant8756
    Thank you Rabbi. You teach with simplicity. Even children can learn. For many of us, we are like children hearing for the first time. God is such a loving creator his will be done on earth as is heaven. We will grow in knowledge toward our creator. We are here to serve him.