Diane Abbott Labour Party defends Socialist Venezuela

Diane abbott labour party hypocite and self proclaimed socialist tries to
defend the failed marxist regime in Venezuela.As ever with Diane abbott labour party failure she brings up her usual obsession with race and skin colour to make the case for the Marxist Hugo Chavez.
Just like all failed marxist regimes such as Zimbabwe, Cuba, North Korea, Soviet Socialist
Russia they rely on the policy
of Nationalisation ,otherwise known as confiscation of
private owned business.The USSR tried it in 1932 confiscating All private
owned farms in Ukraine.Turning an otherwise rich fertile land into a death camp with the
deaths of over one million people in Ukraine.
Robert Mugabe tried it in Marxist Zimbabwe confiscating white owned farms and
murdering them .Something diane abbott of the labour party would no doubt approve of.
This the same women who defended the murderous marxist socialist
regime of Mao Tse Tung in Socialist China that murdered over 2 million of their citizens with
the nationalisation programme of the 1960s.
She speaks of standing up to the united states.
One thing is for sure if this maniac marxist Diane abbott labour party psycho ever
gets into government she will be certain to
push her hate filled politics of envy upon the British people.

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