TNO Fan Made State: Stratocratic Republic Of Greater Mindanao

Publicado 2021-04-02
Based and redpilled amirite?
The whole lore of the nation in one synopsis is that the Philippines collapses during the Edsa revolution (somehow). The people seeing the pro-Marcos military has caused a massive dislike due to the fact that the military supports Marcos, following the “Constitutional Authoritarianism” ideology.

Thus numerous states spring up around the archipelago. Smaller warlord states are more prevalent in central Luzon. Whilst the Greater Mindanao state manages to seize a large portion of Mindanao. Setting up a far-right, yet secular state, that believes militarism is the only way to liberate the motherland from the barbarians up north. Greater Mindanao is an Authoritarian Democracy.

Stay Stealthy.

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