What Happened to the Greek Settlers in Ancient India and Pakistan?

What happened to the Greek settlers in ancient India and Pakistan that have been around the area for at least 2,000 years? Today, we're going to look at the history of the former area of the Macedonian empire under Alexandros III of Macedon, better known to the rest of the world as Alexander the Great.

Sorry about the crappy echo that's especially apparent while wearing headphones. I just moved into my new apartment, and there is hardly anything in there to absorb sound, hence why it echoes.

Be sure to let me know your thoughts on Alexander the Great, the Macedonian empire, the Indo-Greeks and their descendants to this day. Thanks for watching!

コメント (21)
  • To everyone screaming about there not being an "India" before the British- that is a red herring discussion. Of course there wasn't, the nation state was a Western European innovation. There was no "Greece" either. But there was most definitely a "Hellenistic" culture that was recognized by all people who knew them, and there was most definitely a "Hindu", or Indus, culture that was equally recognizable. There was no "Mongolia" but no one doubted there were Mongols. People were referred to by their shared culture, not our modern concept of a nation state.
  • I have travelled the Hindu kush and Imagined Alexander walking across with his army, siege weapons, farm animals, families its mind blowing. You cannot imagine what the hymylayas are like until yours eyes have layed upon them photos do no justice
  • Greeks were there in Bactria even before Alexander. Persian Kings used to throw rebellious Greeks (from population within his kingdom) there. It was like am ancient Gulag.
  • I am from India, Punjab region from my paternal side (A bit of ancestors also from Pakistan before division) and my dad used to tell me about these tales of Indo-European settlers mixing within our ancient civilization. He used to tell me about these stories even before any such studies were widely popular or available to the masses. Today I remember it all, which makes me feel that we should respect our elders and cherish the things they have to say, there is a lot of truth in their stories, my dad mostly have heard it from his ancestors which kept on passing it as word to mouth through generations. I wouldn't say the features are prominent as due to dilution of genes but yes familial passing of traits such as green eyes and fair skin is quiet evident throughout. Fair skin which ideally isn't a favorable trait in a sun swept terrain could be a product of such ethnic mixing.
  • ancient Macedonia is not located in modern Macedonia . It is still a province in northern Greece
  • I am from Northwest Pakistan, Oldest man made structure in my town is Indo-Greek Architecture (Probably Bactrian Culture)
  • Aristotle was teacher of Alexander the great not Vladimir, there isn't a modern Macedonian state, there is only Greek Macedonia.
  • "Buddhism was spread from west to east, through the Bactrian kingdom, and then on to East and South East Asia, and not the other way around" ----I do find that hard to believe since Buddhism spread after Emperor Asoka sent missionaries to various places. Buddhism started in South Asia and from there spread to East Asia, South East Asia and Central Asia.
  • The error in this video is that the ancient Greek Kingdom of Macedonia is located exactly in northern Greece, in Greece's northern territory of Macedonia and NOT in the modern country called the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) which was named Macedonia in 1944 for political reasons. FYROM was in fact Ancient Paeonia but was never Macedonia. Although Paeonia was conquered by the northern Greek Macedonians under Philip, Paeonia became a dependency of Macedonia for a short time, (as was the area of Bulgaria (ancient Thrace)), but it was never Macedonia. Today FYROM is inhabited by a medieval Slavic people related to the Bulgarians.
  • The video has a mistake. Alexander the Great was born in ancient Greece on Pella, which is today, the modern northern Greek state of Macedonia.
  • I love it "What Happened to the Greek Settlers in Ancient India and Pakistan?" , Greeks are everywhere
  • Anicent Macedonia is not located modern day Makedonia or FYROM. Anicent Macedonia prior to Philip and his son Alexander the Great, 90% of Anicent Makedonia is located in Greek province Macedonia.
  • @cobone04
    You got your locations mixed up there Masaman.Ancient like modern day Macedonia still sits in modern day Northern Greece and its still called Macedonia.Pella was the capital of Macedonia and it still sits in Modern day Greece.FYROM is not Macedonia.They speak a Bulgarian dialect and are of Slavic descent.
  • @Masaman
    Alexander the Great started conquering the most powerful empire the world had ever seen at the time when he was only 20 years old. I turn 21 in a month. What am I doing with my life? Thanks for watching guys! Sorry about the crappy echo in the video, there's a bad echo in this new apartment, but I'll find a way to fix it next time!
  • Maurya emperor Chandragupta married a Greek governor daughter and had friendly relations with his neighbour Greek ruler after showing his strength that he is invincible to defeat. Many of his people married Greeks and lot of mixing in gene pool.
  • You're videos and information are so thorough and on point. I'm a life long student of history and anthropology and very much appreciate the information you are putting out ! Thank you!
  • The same applies (greek blood in their veins) to south France south Italy turkey Syria Egypt Crimea Lebanon Palestine and Persia
  • Slavs didn't exist in Alexander's years, they came in the Balkans 900 hears after him.. so how can Skopjans be Macedonians/Greek? It is ridiculous..
  • Ancient Greek city states were not backward they were astonishing advanced in their culture.
  • @tasos2794
    The ancient greek kingdom of Macedon was located entirely within modern day Greece. The modern country named Former Yugoslavic Republic of Macedonia falls on a territory which corresponds with the ancient region named Paeonia which was inhabited by a Hellenised people named Paeonians.