DMT: The Spirit Molecule - The DMT Experience

DMT: The Spirit Molecule
The DMT Experience

コメント (21)
  • "It was all very, very impersonal until I got to the space where I realised that I was in the area where souls await rebirth. And I was there. And I had been there. So many times before. I recognized it and this incredible transcendent peace came over me. I have never in my life, ever felt so much peace. Everything was stripped away, every hope, every fear, every attachment to the material world was completely stripped out of me. I was free to just be the essence of a soul."
  • 1000 years of experience in 15 minutes. Goosebumps every time I hear himself explaining that. The way he describes it is just unique. I'll have to try it, because all my life, I knew that I'm not like others, I know that there's more than there usually is. I never was satisfied with money and power, like most of the people do. I always knew that life is way much more. So, I feel great urge to revisit the place form where I came from. I've heard that DMT comes to you when you're ready. And I'll be waiting.
  • @makoosik
    even DMT couldn't convince him that the nose ring doesn't belong xD
  • As I exhaled, the room immediately began to transform into a colourful Legoland-like video game, my body went completely numb as i was catapulted through the void and into hyperspace. When I arrived into the realm i was met by an Almighty and majestic entity. There was no separateness, the entity, the dimension and I were all one, intertwined and existing harmoniously together..He was trying to show me something important but I was too astounded to comprehend it. I was witnessing a kind of divine intelligence. I had no control what so ever over what was happening and yet I was a part of it. I was in an intergalactic merry go round of infinite oneness. Surrounded by an overload of sacred geometrical patterns too intricate to conceive and too mystical to believe. It was like a beautiful dream where time was irrelevant and ego did not exist. This was something so magical and so mysterious that it could never be done even an ounce of justice by trying to explain it within the narrow confines of human language or perception. Just as i was starting to come to grips with where i was the loungeroom began to appear and before I knew it I was back in my body, back to this simplistic, plain , 3D world we call reality. And just like that the experience began to dwindle away like a slowly forgotten dream...
  • We humans have to do what ever it takes to help our awareness grow and evolve, and nature has always provided Human kind with the resources to do it. But the social structures, and the people in power have always done the impossible to keep everybody from awakening! But we have to prevail and evolve!
  • @tripls1x
    It's almost like our brains can be tweaked with chemicals that can unlock other dimensions and allow us to connect with other beings from other universes from a time that can't be imagined by our tiny minds.
  • @bpansky
    "This picture puzzle pattern door is YOU!"
  • 15 minutes!!?? Woah! I am so trying this one day..... But not any time soon. I'll stick with weed for now. :)
  • @tripls1x
    I did it with a buddy very early in the morning. 3am it peaked... We were both seeing the exact same things.. Looking out the window at 3am we were both seeing children in the front yard holding hands moving in a circle, there were people across the street that were ripping through the blinds every time we would look at the house and the whole night there was a man dressed in black wearing these strange glasses that was breathing down our necks. A neighbor had a cement duck statue that crawled underground and rose back up as a scarecrow and was using a strange creature as a kite. Strangest night of my life. It really creeps me out to this day.. not because of the visuals but because we saw the same things and same details.
  • @elokubano
    Anyone knows the ambient music they used? I'm pretty sure it's not Darude- Sandstorm.
  • DMT is released in deep mediation right? So this are the sensations that a master of meditative technique could experience isn't it? Thanks
  • God is the Universe is God, thou art God.......all that groks is God....
  • @Majik260
    Maybe plants live in there dreams and can control there dreams completely like we control our body's. Maybe they are able to think and maybe they communicate with each other via there roots underground in this dream like world they can be more advanced than us just unable to interact with the environment.
  • this is just like both after death experiences and the alien visitation phenomena
  • stage 2 and stage 3 sleep are the restorative stages of sleep stage 2 sleep is vital to memory consolidation stage 4 REM sleep is vital to creativity and sensory processing
  • It is recommended to watch this when high. I just did it yesterday night, and wow, just wow, so wow.
  • Wow a thousand years in 15 minutes, what if we are advanced brings from the dimension of the DMT relm and we have taken the counterpart of DMT to experience this reality and our whole life is just a trip that is taking place over a similar time frame and then return with just as profound an experience.
  • the different stages of sleep stage 1 you feel drowsy and thoughts drift stage 2 your heart rate breathing, and brain activity slow down stage 3 the deepest stage of sleep stage 4 REM sleep your body is paralyzed and dreaming is common