PhillyD Wants People Without Jobs to Stop Whining!

Philip Defranco, internet icon thinks your joblessness is amusing, and that bankers and politicians had little if anything to do with that! YAY!

Seriously, when did this guy become Glenn Beck?

This was thrown together really quick, I was sort of pissed off. I haven't decided to unsubscribe to his channel yet, I'm thinking about it.

コメント (5)
  • @kerupowe
    You should post this as a video response. DeFranco's pretty open to criticism. As a matter of fact, he welcomes it. So you should def tell him when he tells the news incorrectly.
  • @Flabburger I think it is if he accepts media misinformation as gospel. Not to mention the fact that he flat out says right in the video that they don't know what their protest is about. So your opinion is not based on anything he's actually said in the past. But it's offensive to think movements are only relevant if they have a leader anyway.
  • @kerupowe That's just a little bit of an odd thing to say. It was a response. You're welcome to send it to him yourself if you like. I doubt he'll respond to it though, honestly I'm not sure why more people weren't upset by it. I don't believe he's being responsible when he gives uninformed political decisions and just reiterates what the news says. I know that's technically his thing, but I'm beginning to see how that's a problem.