Where To Start With DC Comics (2024!)

Published 2023-02-16
Foolproof plans for starting with DC Comics, particularly for new readers starting this year!

DC Comics has been publishing Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman comics starting all the way back in the late 1930s. As a result, DC Comics has a heckuva long publication history that can be a challenge for new readers to navigate. Try out Comic Book Herald's reading orders and guides, and my 3 paths in to DC comics in order to get started!

Dawn of DCU: www.comicbookherald.com/reading-dc-comics/dawn-of-…

New 52 reading order: www.comicbookherald.com/question-of-the-week-is-it…

DC Rebirth reading order: www.comicbookherald.com/reading-dc-comics/dc-rebir…

CBH's Best Comics of All Time: www.comicbookherald.com/the-best-comics-of-all-tim…

Modern Fast Track: www.comicbookherald.com/the-modern-dc-universe-in-…

The Best 100 DC Comics since Crisis on Infinite Earths: www.comicbookherald.com/the-best-100-dc-comics-sin…


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About Comic Book Herald:
My name's Dave, and Comic Book Herald is a labor of love designed to help new, lapsed, and curious comic book readers explore and enjoy the wonderful world of comics. I've been developing reading orders, chronology guides, and detailed comics recommendations since late 2011. Comics can be confusing and intimidating; I try to help.

All Comments (21)
  • @deltagodangel
    When I was into reading new comics, Rebirth was a great place to start.
  • @inova6165
    As someone who prefers chronological order so I can get introduced to characters and stories before they show up casually comics is going to be tough to get into
  • @ftheman1108
    I think, for brand new readers, the New 52 is a great starting point along with knowing a brief history of some of the major events like COIE. After reading some new 52 titles then you can either continue into Rebirth or jump right to current runs of series! Love your videos, always so informative and well done.
  • @pattongilbert
    My advice for jumping into the modern DC Universe: A good place to start would be with the recent Superman 1. A really great jumping-on point for new and old readers alike. There are also new runs of Doom Patrol, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Green Arrow, Shazam!, Superboy, Superman (Jonathan Kent), Titans, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Powergirl, Cyborg, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, The Flash, and Batman and Robin- as well as new series like Steelworks and The Penguin. Other good recent beginnings would be with Action Comics 1051 and ESPECIALLY with Dan Mora and Mark Waid’s “Batman/Superman: World’s Finest.” That run will be a classic in a very short amount of time, if it’s not already. Now, most of these series haven’t started yet or JUST started and are only 6-12 issues, making it an easier investment to make. I suggest starting with Superman or Batman/Superman and then picking a character or two you love and go from there. Then, check out books from your local library to fill gaps in knowledge and experience those great, classic stories. That’s how I did it, and it’s been blast so far.😊
  • Starting with Dawn of the DCU isn't a bad place to start for sure! Pro: So far it's been a pretty accessible debut with Action Comics #1051 being a pretty easy starting point and Lazarus Planet primarily being an accuse to introduce new characters and tease new launching pads. Con: A little too early. With only 11 issues to read, you will read "everything" very quickly, but the first arcs of storylines aren't out yet, and there's still a ton of questions about what is and isn't continuing from Infinite Frontier to Dawn of the DCU (like the Batman Family) If you want to do a little more to read without immediately catching up, Infinite Frontier is another great starting point. Pro: There's a ton of new characters and many Dawn of the DCU storylines foundations are in Infinite Frontier (Robin and Nezha, War World Saga, Nightwing's return to the DCU, and the elevation of characters like Jonathan Kent to new roles). Con: Like Dave said the big "storylines" of the universe: Dark Crisis, War for Earth-3, Fear State, Trial of the Amazons, and Shadow War all really struggled to deliver on the promises of the great stories that built up to them. It's also about transitioning to a new generation rather than continuing with the generation of the movies. If you want stories with heroes that are in the movies, you'll be disappointed by Jonathan Kent being the Superman of Earth, Hal Jordan basically being MIA for the entire 2 years, Aquaman being Jackson Hyde, etc. The stories with the younger heroes are some of the best of Infinite Frontier, but they aren't the DCEU versions. That being said, if you want stories that feel like their isn't a ton of history, then new heroes being the lead characters might work out well for you. Rebirth was where I personally started. It's the most "OG" version of the DCU you will get. Pros: Most of the core movie characters are in roles similar to the DCEU versions. Superman is the primary superman, there is only 1 batman, Aquaman is Arthur Curry, etc. But whatever you do, DON'T read Justice League (2016). Their hasn't been a beloved and impactful Justice League story since New52. Also the new two big characters they added Jonathan Kent and Jessica Cruz have become staples of DC Comics. With both having Animated Movies already telling their stories (Battle of the Supersons and Justice League and the Fatal Five) Con: It started 7 years ago and falls apart after Dark Nights Metal. That being said the first 2 years of Rebirth are some of the most consistent storylines DC ever release. New 52: The last official hard reboot of DC. Everything before New52 "didn't happen" even though most of it was implied to have happened. Pros: The main storylines of Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman have some of the most revered runs of the last 15 years. Cons: There are a lot of rough stories in New52, and a lot of bloat. If you start here, look at CBH's fast track guide to know what to actually read vs. skip. If I were to get into comics today, I would personally start with Infinite Frontier, but there's no 1 incredible answer. 1 Possibility is to transition from Dave's recommendation to read the greatest hits of each hero before diving into modern and/or post-modern comics.
  • @demonjoe
    As someone that's been getting into comics recently this video is truly amazing, I appreciate the guide!
  • I know not everyone can start at the beginning; but during Covid I started with Fun Comics#1, 1934.
  • @veedubrep
    Thanks for making this! It’s been decades since I read a comic but I’m looking to get back into it. I was a Marvel guy but I’m hearing DC has better writers these days.
  • @_BlackWolf177
    For me, New Teen Titans Rebirth run is the best (the one where Damian is the robin). It gives me nostalgia of Teen Titans cartoon.
  • @fivefigure5
    I had a weird start. I started with Watchmen, then new 52 (Darkseid War, Final Days of Superman), road to rebirth, and Rebirth! Though crisis on infinite earth interest me I should probably read it
  • A video on the best of DC would be an interesting window into their reputation for having "perpetual sellers" like Dark Knight Rises in a way that Marvel has never quite replicated
  • @Hectrrod
    I started my reading journey with Dark Nights Metal event. Then went back at the New 52 JL tittles from Geoff Johns since the Snyder films take a lot of inspiration from those comics. Then I went to the gold and silver age most important stories as some elseworlds like Batman Earth One, The Long Halloween etc.
  • @Lxx00Jxx00
    you said it all DC Rebirth is definetely the follow up to new 52 i think it is bizarre that it was so many years ago lol new 52 was awesome in some areas
  • @YTLawnGnome
    I actually started with Crisis on Infinite Earths. It was a great place because I was able to tackle some of the best stories.