Quick Update

Publicado 2011-03-17
For Judy, just an update on what has been going on with my the last couple of months. Waiting on doctors appts etc.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MrMarkafisher
    Hi Andrea, good update, I hope you feel good soon. Great to get feedback, in the absence of support we are doing important things for CCSVI.
  • @damizia
    Thanks for the update Andrea. Been dealing with the Dr's myself, so much fun.....NOT. That cough sounds nasty, hope you feel better soon.
  • @MSVlogSupport
    @MrMarkafisher Thank you so much, I am not jumping to the conclusion that I have restenosed, since I have had so many other things going on. The fact that my speech and cognitive improvements are still there give me hope :-)
  • @BrendaRaven1
    good lord girl!!! that would knock the stuffing out of a really healthy person! good to see and hear you again xo
  • @MSVlogSupport
    @christinedavi I hope your doing OK Christine, miss you!!
  • @rickileeway
    Hi Andrea, your looking well despite your health probs. I just had 5 fillings yesterday & still have a few more to go. Dentist said the morphine I take causes dry mouth, & saliva has calcium & other minerals which help maintain enamel integrity. Glad you've had your dental problems sorted out. It's such a relief isn't it. Take care. :)
  • @donotconcede
    The kitten on a leash video is up!! Thanks for your video. I hope you kick this darn flu too. I posted more on FB but you have seen that . :) Thanks really for doing this video, i know its not so easy when not feeling well. hopefully the Mickey video will bring some good laughter. :) made it happen just for you. :)
  • @christinedavi
    Sorry Andrea I didn't know you were so sick. Glad you're feeling better. Just like you I'm doing doctor appointments. I'll do an update soon. Hope you feel better.
  • @MSVlogSupport
    @missalgernon Hi Amanda! No I am not on LDN or any other drugs except the baclofen and clonezpam and those I am weening down the dose. I don't really think that I have restenosed, since my speech and cognitive improvements are still there. I never had WOW improvements and I have also had so many other health things going on at the same time I have to weed things out. I need to get back to the wii so I can keep the weight off!!!
  • @MSVlogSupport
    @kezzcass Hey Kerri, I will take the weight loss anyway I can get it ;-) I am trying to weed things out since I have had so much happening at the same time. I really want to see the MRI's since I know that I did so much worse while on Avonex and had 3 new lesions on my brain in the 14 months I was on it. Curious to see what my spine looks like sine the relapses all presented with spinal cord damage. Thanks :-)
  • @omexmc80
    hello andrea, its great to see u :)
  • @JayneThomas
    You still look Mahvelous dahling...please take care of YOU!!! I'm being checked for hemochromotosis... How "ironic" huh? lol..oh well at least it answers why I'm weak around anything electrical... Love you bunches girl xo Jayne
  • @kezzcass
    The first thing I thought when I saw you was "she's lost weight." Then when you said it's because you've had the flu and dental stuff - not the greatest. It is hard work monitoring your MS/CCSVI isn't it? But so important. I am glad you are trying to get an MRI, we do need this kind of monitoring as it helps to see in pictures just what is happening. I know when I saw my last MRI was clear of active MS - was the best feeling. Get better quick x
  • @ThePennygirl
    Oh Andrea, I know that frustration with the doctors thang! But DANG you look great and the new month of choppers must give you some comfort. I have had the worst winter yet! The cold wet snow shit! you know what I mean. Happy to hear an update darling and am still getting us a spa treatment when the weather gets better. Am off to San Fran in Sat. helping my friend find her wedding dress. Maybe we can skype this week? xoxo be well susan
  • @missalgernon
    Thanks for the update Andrea. Despite all the dental dramas and flu you seem really happy. Is this LDN at work? Good luck with the appointments. Do you think your veins have renarrowed? Hope you can get back to the wiifit soon. Amanda
  • @MSVlogSupport
    @jayne4ccsvi Jayne what is hemochromotosis???? How do they check for it? Love ya toooooo!
  • @ThePennygirl
    Try asking for a total 7 test on Thyroid its a test 3 and 4