From Atheist to Christian

Published 2013-11-10
Jaime shares what it's like on both sides of the Atheist/Christian divide

All Comments (21)
  • @jennrallee1557
    God bless you! I love listening to former atheists testimonies, and this one was probably my favourite so far. So well put and lovely. I'd love to hear more from you!! Blessings and health be yours !
  • @GroudFrank
    This is very pragmatic and articulate. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm not an atheist. I've never been one either but I always draw inspiration from videos like these. Very powerful story. God bless you.
  • @JoshuaHults
    Awesome testimony I was taken out of agnosticism when i was 24 by a miracle. Yeshua is the light of the world !  Yeshua = Jesus in Hebrew. 
  • @tomceman4451
    What is the gospel? If you hear this story for the first time, it will sound weird. In the beginning, there was a holy, just, and loving God. He created Adam and Eve. He said to Adam and Eve, “Do not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” “If you eat it, you will die.” Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they ate the fruit. They started the dying process. Problem: How can God reconcile Himself with Adam and Eve? How can a holy God reconcile with an unholy sinner? He had to send His son to die on the cross for the unholy sinners. (The Muslims cannot grasp this concept.) The cross shows that God is holy, just, and loving. Jesus is holy. Jesus’ death on the cross shows God’s justice and love. While we were yet sinners, Christ died on the cross for our sins. While we were His enemies, Jesus died on the cross to show His love. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead proved that He is God.
  • @kaylynn4750
    I'm eight and a half minutes in. . . I just want to say that the same thing happened to me. I was to the point where I felt that life had no meaning and nothing really mattered. I too fell into the same burden and thought patterns. I didn't know to cry out to God either. But I started thinking about my family being so miserable if I'd gone. They would have been so lost, because I had never really told them about what I was going through either. Thank you for sharing this! <3 God bless! Edit: This entire video really hits me. Everything you've said about the walk with God and going through the processes of faith and learning. . .I relate to it all. I'm very glad to not be alone in my experience. I had several instances where I was nearly in shock of the reality of God. You mentioned something about looking up to the sky. That one really touched me because I can remember something similar from back in my darkness. It was a snowy day and I was just outside enjoying the view (I quite like snow in particular). I was messed up in the head for sure at this point, and I felt this sense of darkness looming over me, seemingly all the time. I can remember this moment of clarity I had as I looked out into the pure white world and thought What am I missing? I felt so empty. I knew that there was something beyond this physical realm I was in and I could "see" it for the first time. I could hardly grasp it, and it was crazy to me. It was such a different view of life that I hadn't understood until I. . ."saw" it. And now, I'll have those moments where I step outside, and something about the world around me. . .something about the trees and the clouds in the sky and the vastness of the universe captivates me, and brings me to a place where I see past the here and now, and into something even more beautiful than life itself. I don't know whether you read comments, but I thought I'd share since I'm really touched by everything you've said. Again, thank you for sharing this testimony!
  • @ghansford2066
    Thanks Jaime for your story. It's very inspirational. As a Christian I believe that science and God are not at odds with each other, as Stephen Hawking would have you believe. They are different ways of explaining things. It took a lot of guts to talk about suicide and how God intervened in your life. In the western world it is easy for us to take life and out freedoms for granted, e.g. "We have everything we want, we don't need God." It is often not till we experience a crisis in our life that we realise where Science can't help, God can. Peace and love
  • @davido2730
    Thank you for your testimony. It sounds like you've received the Holy Spirit. Keep in mind that God and science can be reconciled. After all, God is the ultimate scientist!
  • @tofu_golem
    Claiming to be a former atheist does not make your arguments more credible. Can you guess what would make your arguments more credible?
  • @kjawb
    Yes! Science is science, but science doesn't just happen. Who created science? I think you're awesome
  • @neilenglish7433
    What a wonderful testimony. You're right; being a Christian is the most intellectually fulfilling world view a human being can ever embrace. God bless you Jaime!
  • If some god were trying to break through to us, then why is he is so misunderstood that there are 4000 religions in the world today? In fact, the 11 minutes of transcendence is something that any believer in any religion can duplicate for themselves – the phenomenon is entirely generated by our own minds.
  • @benhull4309
    Could you possibly tell me what denomination you are?
  • @stevos999
    My first reaction is that I don't think one needs to be 100 percent certain that something is true in order to believe it. There is very little that we can claim absolute knowledge about. There is no rule that beliefs can never change, given more compelling evidence or reasons to alter one's model of reality. My second thought is how sad it must be to consider that the only way to have value or purpose in life is to believe that there is a supernatural being in charge of every aspect of you. Why would you need that extra thing in order to see value in nature and that which you can observe in reality? Wouldn't believing that this is the one chance you get at life a motivation to make the most out of it rather than ending it? I'd think that life is more precious. As far as putting odds on the chance of God or any deity existing as being convincing enough to take on the belief, I find that lacking. Justifying beliefs with deriving conclusions on the question of deities because it fulfills a need to have answers regardless of the truth of them seems to be a faulty method to make such decisions. Faith is worthless. The revelation you talk about is so not convincing to me. The experiences you had can be easily explained as delusions, but I won't go so far as to claim I know. All I would say is that I don't assert that God or any deity don't exist but rather I take the default position of being skeptical. It's good to question any claim. I think that the goal should not be trying to prove what you want to believe but rather to carefully examine the evidence and seek the truth whether we like it or not. Anyway, I respectfully submit my thoughts here and am not being contentious. If you would like to discuss this, I am open to sincere and respectful talk. It's the best way to learn. So, take care and take care of that cough. :-)
  • @titsarmageddon
    6:56 So this woman was depressed and found that (even though there is a shit ton of evidence against the bible and religious ideology and a shit ton of evidence in favor of evolution and all other sciences) meditation/prayer made her a happier person. Fine I'll believe that, I went through similar bouts of depression myself and found that prayer did temporarily alleviate me of pessimistic thoughts. In the end though I found antidepressants worked just as well and there were no religious strings attached.