Gardening In Containers: Beginning With Cleaning/Sanitizing

Using HOT water add 2-3 Tbs Dawn ORIGINAL (BLUE) dish soap OR 1-2 tspns original UNSCENTED Castile soap. Swirling water until all soap is dissolved, add 2 CUPS 3percent hydrogen peroxide OR 2 Tbs MEDICAL grade hydrogen peroxide. Swirl water until all soap is fully dissolved.

Add ALL planting and garden tools. Allow to sit for 10 minutes MINIMUM. I'd larger items are not completely submerged turn them and allow to sit submerged for MINIMUM of 10 minutes for each side until item has been completely soaked. Rinse with warm/ hot clean running water ensuring and and all large particles and any stains are removed and container is free of all bubbles and any soap slipperiness. Allow to dry upside down for full air drying affect or dry with clean towel COMPLETELY. Use as needed.