Trust These Three Translations!


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コメント (21)
  • @tmactable
    The best Bible is the one you’re reading and studying every day.
  • I found the KJV a bit hard to understand prior to being saved. Since then it is much easier to understand. I got saved in 1977 and started reading the Bible every day. I've read the Bible through every year for at least 30 years and it's very comfortable and understandable. I really believe the Holy Spirit gives understanding.
  • The NKJV is the only one that I've found that capitalizes He, Him, His, etc. which I find very respectful.
  • Thank you for this enlightening video. I have grown up reading mostly the NKJV, NIV, and NRSV, but have found the KJV and ESV later in life and enjoy them both for different reasons. I did what you said and just read Psalm 90 from the King James out loud, slowly, and meditatively. I am 11 days away from the one year anniversary of my mother's death at the age of 78 and the threescore and 10 and fourscore verse really teared me up. As someone who has struggled with the church for the past 5 years or so but still remaining faithful in private devotion, I really needed that reminder from our Lord in Psalm 90 about using my time here on Earth wisely. God's peace my brother in Christ.
  • For me as an 81 year old widow, I memorized so much as a child and adult from the KJV. I read from the others but I go back to the KJV so as not to mess up my memorization.!!!!!!
  • @lierox9
    CSB is legitimately great, we adopted it at our church plant in rough area. Makes great translation choices, and isn't afraid to drop well known phraseology to do good translation (see Psalm 23). Perfect for unchurched new Christians in my opinion.
  • @jimproud3116
    Thank you Matt for your comments on these translations. I became a believer in early 1958 and at that time everyone in my circle of friends used the KJV and looked askance at using the Revised Standard Version. The first Bible I bought for myself was KJV in the Scofield Study Edition. So I learned early to accept the dispensations! I was involved with the Navigators and learned to memorize many many verses. That has stood me in good stead all these years. I and my friends were eagerly awaiting the whole Bible in the NASB but it was different than all the verses I had memorized in the KJV and so some of my memorized verses began to slip away not getting reviewed as much. So I settled on the NKJV and have not regretted it. Also I use the Phillips New Testament when I want to get another view on some passages. I love it.
  • I got born again reading King James . Holy Spirit is our teacher and leads us into all truth .
  • Whats important is not just reading it, but living it....dare I say a harder but more rewarding task
  • I had hard time with KJV coming to christianity late in life. So I came across the NASB and truly like it. Since then the NKJV was released so I’ve been using it. These are my 3!
  • @redstamp4185
    In my early years I loved the Revised Standard Version. In my middle years I loved the New King James Version. Since I've retired I have come to really love the old King James Version. I've tried the Tree of Life and some modern english versions and the very Hebraic Cepher version, but never loved them like those first three I mentioned. Regardless of which version you pick, just be sure to read the Bible. We need a dose of it daily to keep out of the darkness, and to become salt and light, and be renewed in our mind. God Bless you.
  • @sk-un5jq
    Psalms and the Gospel of John are incredible in KJV. Nothing else comes close to the majesty, beauty, and power for those two books.
  • @Gospelmama1940
    I am not Reformed nor Presbyterian (Southern Baptist born and bred1) but I really enjoy your videos! I have so many different translations and a few paraphases but I didn't know there was anything other than KJV until probably 10 years after I was born again. And I find that I feel so "at home" with my KJV and the NKJ helps me with places that are not so easily processed these days. Thank you for being God's faithful servant!
  • I was raised in the church and my early years were KJV only. That was the version that I had memory verses of in sunday school and children's church. It is the version that the leaders of my church preached out of. KJV was the only version I knew until sometime in the 1990s. When my parents saw that I wanted to start reading the Bible, they got me a Living Bible translation. The Living Bible made everything easy to understand for me and made the Bible come alive in a way that it hadn't before. In the late 90s, after I had been reading the Living Bible for a few years, I got my first study Bible and it was NIV. I stayed almost exclusively with the NIV for the next 20 years. I now consult different versions when preparing lessons and sermons. I find that when you consult different versions you can get a better picture of the contents of the verse. Personally, I think my progression from the more reader friendly version of Living (New Living or Message might be good alternatives as well) to the NIV (an in-between translation in my opion as far as readablity) and now consulting a variety of versions and commentaries to deepen my knowlege made me fall in love and understand the Bible. The understanding that I had as a foundation was able to be built on with other verions that are more word-for-word.
  • Grew up with KJV. Using a NLT funny thing, during my study the other day got out my KJV to flip back and forth thru verses and remembered how much I loved reading the KJ translation!!
  • I grew up KJV and started memorizing with that translation as a child. Now, at 60+, my go to translations are NKJV & ESV. I tried to love the NASB but keep coming back to my tried and true. Every year I switch to a different version for my annual reading plan and this year is the NIVUK. It’s refreshing but I can’t wait to get back to my NKJV.
  • As a new convert I thank you for this tidbit of knowledge🙏🙏☦️☦️