Published 2023-07-21

All Comments (21)
  • @lightshwr
    as a junior, my biggest advice is to get involved as much as u can! go to dances and dont worry abt what others think abt u!(especially upper classmen) have great relationships with your teachers as well so they will take it easy on you, but also that means not interrupting when talking, giving them attitude (unless they deserve it lmao) . finals arent that big of a deal for freshman year tbh so dont stress yourself, but also try your best. i hope this year is fun for you!! gl!!
  • @cryystall
    im a rising senior and honestly for school, just have fun! but STAY ORGANIZED!! biggest advice tip. it's so important to mark important dates and remember when this big project is due or when theres a test so you can be prepared. freshmen year is all about getting comfortable and getting to know yourself. also should stay on top of your grades even if it's your first year.
  • @rileyys0
    i’m gonna be a sophmore this year, and i promise freshman year is super easy, just stay on top of all your work, study, and stay out of drama! don’t be afraid to make new friends or branch out :) have a good year!
  • Girl i am loving your back to school vlog!!! You are so pretty and i hope you have the best freshman year ever!!!
  • @ariannamendoza8021
    also advice from someone who already graduated: enjoy freshman year a lot bc it’s one of the best years but also try rlly hard in school, especially for colleges ppl tend to slack off freshman year and then it’s hard to catch up and fix ur gpa after that especially bc senior yr gpa doesn’t count so all of it is based on ur first three yrs. it’s super important like i’m begging pls keep up with ur homework and try rlly rlly hard so that you can have the best options once ur a senior and have to figure out what to do after. with that being said, even with the easy classes don’t slack off bc they are easy and work for getting that A or A+ bc thay will save you when it comes to a class that is super super hard and you get like a C or D in. it balances ur gpa more than if you got a B in an easy class. also if you are a college obsessed person and are opposite of what i just described, give urself a break and don’t overwork yourself with the mentally of going to the best college in the world bc i personally had rlly good grades and did so much extra stuff but didn’t get into a UC, and currently go to a cal state but it’s honestly the best thing ever. if you don’t care about school tho don’t let what i just said allow you to slack off, PLEASE TRY IN SCHOOL or else you won’t even get the option to go to a cal state. also yes get involved and form positive relationships with teachers bc that makes it fun. (honestly clubs don’t matter unless u are one of the leaders of the club, in terms of college, but join them to get involved and make friends), go to the dances and dance with ppl who like to dance or else they are always miserable bc tbh unless ur dancing dances aren’t visually what you think they’ll be. take any opportunities you can to meet ppl and make new friends in classes even if you already have a set of friends always make more. ur friends will change so keep good relations with everyone you meet but also don’t be shy with changing friends and friend groups. do whats best for you and don’t let anyones opinions of you affect you bc they are not real. personal preference but find one or two rlly rlly good friends that have no drama and stick close to them, that’s how me and my friends are and we are still rlly close in college. don’t be shy to talk stuff out respectfully of course, also stay out of internet drama and saying shady things behind ppls back. it’s not worth it, it doesn’t make you look cute or cool and honestly being a positive kind person gives you access to the most and best friendships and reputation. date if you want and for fun but please don’t make it your priority or excuse over school. please take school seriously bc idk how many times i’ve seen ppl set themselves up and regret it after they get to senior and junior year bc they didn’t care or try the first years. stay out of drama and fights and classic “bad high school stuff” bc it doesn’t matter, stay out of drugs. that was a lot but pls pls read it and take the advice, it will rlly save you.
  • @jesterv.2
    omg ur vibe is literally so sweet like wow!!! i start school in like two weeks and im so excited but nervous LOL. hoping you have a good year btw!! <3
  • @RxinClxuds_
    I start achool on August 9th! Im nervous but im ready to see my friends 🥳
  • @lizzy8331
    Hi!! I'm going into my senior year... I wish I did took more photos and made unforgettable memories. So my advice to you it to create as many memories as you can! Take photos, be involved, work hard, and live in the moment too! High school goes by way too fast, enjoy it!
  • @yoo_jocelyn
    literally love this vlog! cant wait to see more school vlogs :)! school starts aug 10 for me but we don’t get schedules till the day b4 😭! keep up the awesome job 😊
  • @maylin3-fd5tx
    nothing could've prepared me for ur dog, its the cutest thing ever!
  • @mcidies5210
    I watch your other vids and I just started my first day of a 7th grader in ncm and I love it I hope you have a great highschool year!!
  • @carleelockhart
    I’m going to be a junior this year even though I’m homeschooled now, Freshman year was by far my favorite!! Just make sure to stay on top of your work and it will fly by❤️
  • Cherish every moment of high school cause it’s going to go by quick and also take pictures/film more school content so it can be stuff to look back on🥰
  • @BR3.ANNA_
    enjoyed watching this and your so pretty 😋🤍 -also I wish you could post more longer vids 😔
  • @itsmejada
    I enjoyed watching this!! I like watching these types of videos.
  • @he.fwsav0
    I got the same straightner it’s so good