How Many Times Should You Perform the "Gufoni Maneuver"? (for Horizontal Canal BPPV)

If you're attempting to treat your horizontal canal vertigo (BPPV) with the Gufoni Maneuver, you might be wondering how many times you should perform the maneuver before you can/should stop.

In this video, I'll explain the process for testing (Supine Roll Test), treating (Gufoni Maneuver), resting and then retesting and treating again as needed.

This will include details regarding how many times you can perform the Gufoni Maneuver in one day, as well as how many days you should continue to repeat the treatments (if needed).

Diagnosing and treating horizontal canal BPPV can be very challenging at times, so I hope this video helps!

Please leave a comment before you go, especially if you've had success getting rid of your vertigo and want to share your story to help someone else!

- Luke Gordon, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy/Owner of Gordon Physical Therapy…

コメント (4)
  • Having vertigo is a terrifying experience I'd just like to thank you for your support!
  • @beifong12343
    I had a sudden onset of vertigo last July, couldn't walk straight for 3 days and stayed in bed, couldn't see my doctor for 3 weeks, so waited it out. It took about 2 months to subside without having done the epley or anything, got back up to about 65% better, then once again had a vertigo attack waking up one morning. Know being prepared i performed the Epley right away and had crazy nystagmus and felt instant relief after. Did the maneuver another time later that day and it felt back up to 65%-80% better. The effects linger for weeks afterwards everytime I have an episode. The issue is they keep reccuring. Been for 3 MRIs (brain, cervical spine and lower spine), saw 2 different neurologists, checked up on my heart health with a ultrasound and wore a monitor for a few days, and have seen 5 different ENTs and 2 different VRTs for physio and nothing has helped. Ill go weeks without an episode, bend over to pick up something or exert force while leaning forward and trigger another episode. Happened 2 weeks ago but this time it wasn't really vertigo as I had 0 nystagmus, but more like lightheaded/dizziness. The dizziness has lingered since that day, and I'm having blurred vision. When im up and moving im totally fine, maybe like 95% ok, but if im sitting at my computer or even on the toilet, or laying in bed on my back, the blurred vision comes and I get these rushes of a dull feeling in thr back of my head that i can feel in through my sinus. I also have a rumbling in my right ear that i occasionally hear when in bed trying to sleep. Its not constant, it seems position dependent. Im also unable to sleep in the dark as when my eyes are unable to see where i am, it triggers the dizziness, and i get really crazy flashing lights/glowy orbs in my vision. Extremely weird I know, but if you have any insight I would love for any suggestions!
  • Hi Luke, I've had several episodes of horizontal canal BPPV since June (in fact, they're almost monthly—June 2, July 5, August 5, and this morning). After the first one, your videos helped me tremendously to figure out both the affected canal and affected side. My nystagmus has always been lateral, geotropic, and noticeably worse on the right side. The Gufoni maneuver for right HC-BPPV has cleared the nystagmus and spinning every time. However, I've continued to have dizziness (swaying, sliding, or an off-balance feeling) in the time between the monthly episodes. It's not constant, and is better on some days than others. I actually feel more sensitive to it when sitting in place rather than when moving around. I can do most of my usual activities, but my head hasn't felt completely clear since June. I saw an ENT last week before this latest episode, but because neither Dix-Hallpike nor supine roll test brought on any symptoms, he couldn't speak much to the continued dizziness except to suggest that I might have a canalith lodged in the canal, or that I should try the Epley, which has never worked. He was surprised by how knowledgable I was of the condition (thanks to your videos). I gathered that he hadn't encountered a case of horizontal canal BPPV because he thought they were only 2% of cases. Incidentally, he hadn't heard of the Gufoni maneuver. Anyway, I was wondering if you've treated anyone who then continued to have dizziness but without vertigo or nystagmus. Thanks for your clear and informative videos!