March held over USC canceling valedictorian's speech

Hundreds of students and faculty marched through USC's campus in protest of the school's decision to not let Asna Tabassum give her valedictorian speech. Christian Cazares reports for the NBC4 News on April 18, 2024.

コメント (21)
  • @amritrao882
    USC taught Tabassum what genocide was and is giving her a degree in bio engineering and genocide studies, yet she’s punished for speaking out against Israel committing a genocide of Palestinians
  • @irieify9334
    Her speech did no contain anti-s language- she hadn't even written it yet.
  • Asna Tobassum is USCs 2024 valedictorian, and she deserves to speak! What USC has done now is increased the risk of protests during graduation. All of what USC says was to prevent. But what they should have done and still can do, is to let her speak. She is valedictorian and has been chosen to speak and she deserves this. What the USC President Folt could have done when opening up and welcoming graduates is to have a welcome speech that includes, for example: "for everyone today to remember that graduation is to recognize our graduates, the speakers today, we are honored to have because of their academic achievements. We must all give them the respect in their beliefs and opinions to empower their graduation peers and to ensure hope in their future. This is why we are all here today, to honor them, so please keep this in mind and I welcome you all, and to our graduates."
  • @kwf484
    Commencement speeches are boring and I wouldn't miss whatever she would've spoke about
  • When someone's speech effect the life of Jewish students it should be censored let me see if she would say anything against black/ muslim people would anyone march for her ...the hypocrisy of this young generation...
  • @danielkim7841
    If you look at what Aaron, one of the Asna supporters in the interview in this video, he says he is willing to disrupt the commencement ceremony for the purpose of protesting. That is just so wrong and inconsiderate of the people in the commencement ceremony. It should be a time of joy and celebration for the students and their loved ones. Some people probably flew thousands of miles to see their relative graduate. I really think those who support Asna really need to think about how inappropriate their thinking is, they talk about peace and inclusion, yet they are making it hostile and non peaceful at an event that so many students worked so hard for, to receive their diploma with dignity and pride. Asna doesn't seem to see the harm of her endorsement of anti-Israel policies to the mental health and wellness of Jewish students who feel attacked, for their very own religion and homeland and identity is being attacked when you attack Israel, nor does she see the harm of death threats being called to Jewish students by Asna's supporters. Asna claims to speak for all people, not just Muslims, but she fails to consider the feelings of Jewish students. I really hope USC takes a really hard look next year at their selection process and try to see if there is a way to filter out people for their extremist beliefs that do not represent the totality of the USC community. From my understanding, they had to choose one person out of a 100 plus candidates with similarly high GPAs (and even then there are thousands of very bright students at USC so just to choose a 100 is suspect), and I wonder if someone less polarizing could have been chosen as the valedictorian.
  • @JamenLS
    Free speech doesn't mean free from consequences
  • @rt-a2005
    My grandfather fought for Germany in WW2, he would be so proud of USC! Thank you USC stopping this girl!
  • Finally, yhe school chancellor dud a smart move, with ALL these chaos/ protesters occupying school property, it is RIGHT that they will not let the valedictorian to speak at the graduation event!