Madness Unliberated

Published 2023-02-27
   • Renard feat. Adraen - Deal or No Deal  
   • Canary  
   • Radiohunter - STREET  
   • Locknar - Firmware  
   • Scatterbrain  
   • Pulse Phase  
   • goreshit - mina  
Vlowoid - War Paint but weird (Unreleased as of now)


#madnesscombat #madcom #zapchon

0:00 - Disclaimer
0:17 - Intro
1:15 - Act 1: Invade
3:02 - Act 2: Escape
4:30 - Act 3: Survive
7:23 - Act 4: Discover
9:18 - Act 5: Epilogue
10:17 - Credits


This is gonna be a "mucho texto" moment but here goes nothing.

When I started this project it was late 2017 and I was first getting back into the Madness community after a few years of just lurking.
There's another five minute long version of Madness Liberation from back then that's never seen the light of day due to how... beginner-ish it is.
I'm talking "baby's first walking test" levels of animation but I'm getting sidetracked here.

The version you see in this video is the "remake" I started doing of it in mid 2018 until roughly late 2019. (Minus that one joke ending scene I made for this video last month)

As a result, I was working on this through what I consider to be some of my lowest points in my life mentally. This includes but isn't limited to: A breakup, mental conditions going crazy, living situations getting complicated and also countless amounts of petty drama between myself, friends and strangers.

Needless to say, myself and most other people I spoke to around this time were far too absorbed in all of this and I grew incredibly immature for a while as a result. But above all else I felt isolated and miserable. Existential crisis and severe anxiety disorder were devastating my day-to-day life. If you want a quick example of how bad it got: It took me over thirty minutes to go to bed every night due to compulsive checking of my house.

I say all of this because trying to work on this project now just makes me feel like I'm right back there again. Think of it like going back to an old house you used to stay in where the only memories of it are bad. You won't be like "OOO AAAAA SCARY HOUSE" but it'd be uncomfortable and mildly anxious the whole time.

Anyway, I know this must all sound pretty melodramatic for a madness fan project of all things but it's unfortunately the truth. I still struggle with some of the above mentioned issues to this day but to an undeniably much lesser extent. I've made good progress since then and I don't want to lose it.

Oh and the animation itself is pretty outdated to the point where it would be more beneficial to put the effort into a new project entirely.
That also contributes. lol

But that's pretty much the reason. If you are incapable of respecting my decision then sorry I guess.
Frankly I was close to never even uploading this video either since I knew it won't get a positive reception, but here it is anyway since I've not really been known for making rational choices.
Feel free to make fun of me for mentioning one of my vulnerabilities online like how this usually goes.

But to end this on a positive note: I want to seriously thank Swferino, RavenTheLemon, Gabriel Barsch, Krinkels and Shadz64 for helping me out A LOT when I was at some of the lowest points of all that. Even the small things helped immensely when they were offered at the right time.

All Comments (21)
  • @Xhawk777
    Damnnn Zach was a sleepwalker this whole time? That’s pretty cool. It was fun seeing this, having almost every faction be in one animation is something that isn’t done often. Also ZACH IN MANDATORY MADNESS YEAHHHHHHHHAHAH
  • @DyspoJenic
    I loved the part where Zapchon said "It's zapping time" and Zapped all over the place.
  • @Syranthiel
    I really like how every major faction was involved in either defending, or storming the facility. Good work.
  • @Synthc4t
    you have no fucking idea how happy i was to see n51 featured in an animation with their roles being properly displayed everything else is also really fucking cool, kinda sad that the project ended up cancelled, but it's completely understandable why i hope you're doing better now!
  • Enjoyed the Sleepwalker scenes and the battles between MERC, Nexus, and N51. Unfortunate that it was cancelled.
  • So the movie was about how several organizations fight among themselves (+ revealing the history of your OC) It's sad enough that it got canceled as there were a lot of interesting ideas and solutions that I haven't seen in other Madness Projects, but it's what it is (+ the ending with Mandatory Madness killed me XD, I hope it was more than just a joke lmao)
  • @Buranch
    this ending touched every string of my soul
  • @insert.7708
    As long as you are doing better now and moving forward im all for it. Hope your doing great and I still loved the vid :)
  • @neofulcrum5013
    This is truly incredible. Especially seeing n51 drop in. Not many fan animations dedicated to them.
  • Feels strange seeing this finally come out, I remember when I first saw the beginning. Funny how this was 2 years ago. But times change, and I'm a little surprised my work and name was in the credits. Though, if I knew i was gonna be credited, I would've made more art worthy than the old ones lol Congrats again Zipzaparoo. You did a fine job.
  • @mattj.7756
    I get it. Your analogy of an old house and bad memories, you’re either going to stand on the edge of the property and refuse to go in, or you’re gonna step inside, take a look around, take a deep breath in and out, and as you walk through each room, your brain’s gonna be saying, “It’s rewind time.”
  • @bebrk878
    i really like the solo hope one day you can make something like this again keep up the awesome work zap
  • In this scene 6:30 I really want to see the Nexus Core and The AAHW working together fighting there enemy. Except for the AAHW fighting the N51 I know there Allies but The N51 had to kill them and hide the evidence that they kill them in order to not break the Allience
  • @stickbro4118
    sad to see that this was a product of a really bad state of mind. still tho, if this comes from you at your lowest then im excited to see what comes up next! glad to hear youre doing better